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单词 clapper
释义  Related topics: Musicclap·per /ˈklæpə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. APMthe metal part inside a bell that hits it to make it ring 钟锤;铃锤2. run/go/drive etc like the clappers FAST/QUICK British English informal to run, drive etc very fast 飞快地奔跑/行走/开车等Examples from the Corpusclapper• It was a perfect Great Hall of the People crowd: prominent, well behaved; all clappers, no complainers.• He was carrying his hand bell by its clapper, and he shifted his grip to the handle and began clanging.• Little legs going like the clappers.• But apparently these fish do have one redeeming feature - they grow like the clappers.• All their backs were coming up like the clappers.• Sir David is, rather gallantly, hanging on the clapper.clap·per nounChineseSyllable   Corpus inside that part bell a to metal hits it the




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