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单词 chunk
释义  chunk /tʃʌŋk/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1  PIECEa large thick piece of something that does not have an even shape 厚块,大块 ice chunks 大冰块chunk of a chunk of bread 一大块面包► see thesaurus at piece →5 see picture at 见图 piece12  PARTa large part or amount of something 大量;大部分 The rent takes a large chunk out of my monthly salary. 房租占去我月薪的一大部分。chunk of A huge chunk of the audience got up and left before the end of the show. 演出还没结束,一大批观众就起身离场了。3  a chunk of change American English informal a large amount of money 一大笔钱 Lurie risked a pretty big chunk of change on the race. 卢里在这次赛马上冒险押了一大笔注。Examples from the Corpuschunk• For dessert, cover lime sherbet with a blanket of chocolate chips or chocolate sandwich cookie chunks.• He has chunks of metal in one hip and both ankles, and he conceded to them for years.• Her normally lucid style had slipped and she had forgotten huge chunks of the recent past.• It's all cut in chunks.• Cut the potatoes into chunks and boil them for 15 minutes.• A large chunk of plaster had fallen from the ceiling.• You can move chunks of text directly from one document to another.• Peanut butter is best spread on chunks of crusty bread.• a can of pineapple chunks• pineapple chunks• A sizeable chunk of the costs gone straight away.• By contrast, total quality and continuous improvement concern themselves with improving performance in smaller chunks.chunk of• a 40 million-year-old chunk of amberOrigin chunk (1600-1700) → CHUCK2chunk nounChinese  thick of piece large Corpus that a something




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