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单词 watching brief
释义  ˈwatching ˌbrief noun [countable] British English  SCLinstructions to someone to watch a situation carefully but not to become involved in it 监视,监督〔对某一情况进行监视,但自己并不介入〕 One of his responsibilities is to keep a watching brief on foreign broadcasts. 他的职责之一是监督外国广播节目。Examples from the Corpuswatching brief• The Economics and Industry Group has a watching brief on the state of the brewing industry.From Longman Business Dictionarywatching briefˈwatching brief when someone is given the job of watching the progress of part of a business, a series of events, or a court case for someone elseHe has been hired to keep a watching brief on the company’s road transport operation. → briefˈwatching ˌbrief nounChineseSyllable  instructions to someone Corpus not a Business but to watch to situation carefully




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