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单词 chuck
释义  chuck1 /tʃʌk/ verb [transitive] especially British English informal  1  THROWto throw something in a careless or relaxed way 〔胡乱或随便地〕扔,抛chuck something on/out of/into etc something Tania chucked her bag down on the sofa. 塔妮娅把包随手扔在沙发上。 I chucked a few things into a suitcase and left. 我往手提箱里塞了点东西就走了。chuck somebody something Chuck me that pen, would you? 你把那支钢笔扔给我好吗?2  to throw something away because you do not want it anymore 扔掉,丢弃 I think I might have chucked it by mistake. 我想可能是我无意中把它扔掉了。3  (also chuck something ↔ in) to leave your job 辞掉,放弃〔工作〕 You haven’t chucked your job, have you? 你还没有辞职吧,是不是?4  British EnglishRELATIONSHIP to end a romantic relationship with someone 终止〔恋爱关系〕,甩掉〔某人〕 Why did Judy chuck him? 为什么朱迪会甩了他呢?5  chuck it down informal to rain very heavily 下倾盆大雨 It chucked it down all afternoon. 一下午都在下大雨。6. chuck somebody under the chin informal TOUCHto gently touch someone under their chin in a friendly way 〔友善地〕轻抚某人的下巴 PHRASAL VERBS7 chuck something ↔ away phrasal verb informal GET RID OFto throw something away because you do not want it anymore 把…扔掉 I chucked all my old clothes away when we moved house. 我们搬家时,我把旧衣服全都扔掉了。8 chuck something ↔ in phrasal verb informal STOP DOING somethingto leave your job 辞去〔工作〕 He had a job but he chucked it in. 他有过一份工作,但他辞掉了。 I decided to chuck it all in and go to Australia. 我决定放弃工作,到澳大利亚去。9 chuck somebody off something phrasal verb informal a) to make someone leave a place or stop using something 赶走,撵走;停用 He’ll chuck you off his land if he finds you. 如果他发现你,就会把你赶走。b) chuck yourself off something to jump from somewhere that is very high 从高处跳下 She tried to chuck herself off the bridge twice last week. 上周她两次试图从桥上跳下去。10 chuck somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb informal a) to throw something away because you do not want it anymore 把…扔掉,将…丢弃 It was broken so I chucked it out. 它已经坏了,所以我就把它扔掉了。b) LEAVE A PLACEto make someone leave a place or a job 把…赶走;解雇 Their landlord chucked them out when they couldn’t pay the rent. 因为他们付不出房租,房东就把他们撵出去了。 of They got chucked out of the pub for fighting. 他们因为斗殴被赶出了酒吧。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuschuck• Somebody in the crowd chucked a bottle onto the field.• Wolfgang Petersen's movie chucks all these non-narrative elements overboard.• But I never got the grant, and I chucked Cassatt and Morisot.• I picked it up and chucked it back.• He chucks it into the sea.• Chuck me those cigarettes, would you?• As much as I hate it, I'm not willing to chuck my job.• By this time they had been chucked out of the garden of course.• Just go ahead and chuck out the batteries.• Outside, Ben was barking for Marie to go and chuck sticks fur him.• And chuck that bulk-paid glossy stuff in the trash before you put the key in the door.• She took off her shoes and chucked them on the floor.• One blonde-haired little girl was chucked under the chin; she winced.chuck something on/out of/into etc something• He chucked Cristalena right out of his mind after that as not being worth the risk.Related topics: Engineeringchuck2 noun  1. [countable]TE part of a machine that holds something firmly so that it does not move 〔机器的〕卡盘,夹盘2. [singular] spokenTALK TO somebody a friendly word used to address someone in some parts of northern England 宝贝儿〔对某人友好的称呼,英格兰北部一些地区使用〕Examples from the Corpuschuck• Meat cuts used include pork shoulders; beef chuck, brisket, and flank; and trimmings of all kinds.• It is important not to use conventional chucks for hammer drilling.• a drill chuck• ground chuck• The banding clamps and three-jaw chuck I have, are home made.• Boning and muscle-boning of the chuck produce roasts and steaks bearing such names as petite steak and flatiron roast.Origin chuck1 (1500-1600) Perhaps from Old French chuquer “to knock” chuck2 (1700-1800) chuck “large awkward-shaped piece” ((17-19 centuries)), probably from chockchuck1 verb →PHRASAL VERBS1chuck2 nounChinese  something way to a careless throw or relaxed Corpus in




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