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单词 vegetarian
释义  Related topics: Foodveg·e·tar·i·an /ˌvedʒəˈteəriən◂ $ -ˈter-/ ●●○ noun [countable]  DFRPsomeone who does not eat meat or fish 素食主义者 → vegan Our youngest daughter is a vegetarian. 我们的小女儿是个素食主义者。 dishes suitable for vegetarians 适合素食者的菜肴 I’m thinking about becoming a vegetarian. 我在考虑戒除荤食。 —vegetarian adjective a vegetarian restaurant 素食餐馆Examples from the Corpusvegetarian• Bangers and mash is said to be the thing many newly converted vegetarians miss, but now they need pine no longer.• Other vegetarians are carving out new traditions by turning to turkey substitutes.• Furtive puff A model of good health at 35, the former Kathryn Dawn Lang is an outspoken vegetarian of long standing.• But the manufacturers of meat substitutes say vegetarians are a small niche in their target market.• Meanwhile the argument between the vegetarians and the farmers over who'd chickened out of the original challenge goes on.• They were vegetarians or, to be more accurate, herbivores.becoming ... vegetarian• More and more teenagers are becoming vegetarian for those reasons.• One thing that worries parents about their children becoming vegetarian is that they might lack protein.• I had even toyed with the idea of becoming a vegetarian.Origin vegetarian (1800-1900) vegetable + -arianveg·e·tar·i·an nounChineseSyllable  eat or Corpus does not meat who someone




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