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单词 Haste
1 Marry in haste, and repent at leisure. 
2 The more haste, she less speed. 
3 Marry in haste, repent at leisure. 
4 Fool’s haste is no speed. 
5 Anger and haste hinder good counsel. 
6 More haste, less speed.
7 Haste love, soon cold.
8 Haste makes waste.
9 Make haste slowly.
10 Who has no haste in his business mountains to him seem valleys. 
11 Haste trips over its own heels.
12 They worked with frantic haste.
13 She worked with frantic haste.
14 He worked with feverish haste.
15 I soon regretted my haste.
16 Accuracy is not always compatible with haste.
17 In my haste I forgot my coat.
18 Unfortunately the report was prepared in haste and contained several inaccuracies.
19 In his blind haste he almost ran into the river.
20 Go placidly, amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
21 In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.
22 Make haste in doing good, restrain your mind from evil. Whosoever is slow in doing well, his mind delights in evil?
23 In his haste,he clashed the cup against the corner of the table.
24 In his haste to leave, he forgot his briefcase.
25 'More haste, less speed,' as the saying goes.
26 The letter had clearly been written in haste.
27 They left in haste, without even saying goodbye.
28 They left the funeral with almost indecent haste .
29 She hailed a taxi and left in great haste.
30 The contract says the work must be completed with all possible haste.
1 They worked with frantic haste.
2 She worked with frantic haste.
3 He worked with feverish haste.
4 I soon regretted my haste.
5 In my haste I forgot my coat.
6 Unfortunately the report was prepared in haste and contained several inaccuracies.
7 In their haste to escape the rising water, they dropped some expensive equipment.
8 He married again with almost indecent haste.
9 She started a new relationship with almost indecent haste.
31 Spelling mistakes are often just the result of haste.
32 They obviously left in great haste.
33 He married again with almost indecent haste.
34 The ships were ordered to sea with all haste.
35 'More haste, less speed' is a well-known paradox.
36 Don't act in haste or be hot-headed.
37 She made haste to open the door.
38 Make haste, or we shall miss the train.
39 Her mother advised her against marrying in haste.
40 She started a new relationship with almost indecent haste.
41 After his first wife died, he married again with almost indecent haste.
42 The funeral formalities were performed with almost indecent haste .
43 The pilot wisely decided to return to Farnborough post haste.
44 Why all the haste?
45 Make haste to come.
46 His father had just died and he didn't want to marry with indecent haste.
47 He accused the government of undue haste in bringing in the new law.
48 He was bundled out of the room with unceremonious haste.
49 She went post - haste to the bank and cashed the cheque.
50 Why all this haste?
51 The opposition says the legislation was drafted with indecent haste.
52 The premier left his residence with almost indecent haste following his resignation.
53 I had to make haste if I wasn't to be late.
54 In his haste to get home, he forgot to go to the library.
55 She was rum-maging through the letters, scattering them about the table in her heedless haste.
56 This matter asks haste.
57 In her haste to complete the work on time,(http:///haste.html) she made a number of mistakes.
58 They approached without haste.
59 We made haste inside, horse, carriage, and all.
60 In haste to get the mail.
61 What have we come for, in haste?
62 Here haste not only wastes, it kills.
63 Men love in haste, but they detest at leisure. Lord Byron 
64 Athens was evacuated, not without haste and panic.
65 Haste is a poor counselor. Alexandre Dumas 
66 But who comes in such haste in riding-robes?
67 Mr Sampson - Appreciate your haste and will get things moving as quickly as I can for you.
68 When he saw Edwin Chase striding up towards them he made haste to make known one to the other.
69 Then she rushed back towards the stairs, almost falling in her haste to get back to the ground floor.
70 The boundaries make sense, but there is an air of indecent haste about the timetables.
71 He slowed his pace to observe where Jerome went, and followed him without haste into the cloister.
72 Even in his haste he noted subtle distinctions of taste between cerebellum and cortex, between frontal lobes and limbic system.
73 Then the three made all haste and boarded the ship and the crew pushed it off.
74 Complex negotiations followed, in an atmosphere of haste, as Reagan would take office on January 20.
75 Such was the haste to build that the lower ranks of the Party were often not provided for properly.
76 They did as he said, cutting the cables, making breathless haste, all as silently as possible.
77 It made me want to run out and play the first two albums post haste, which is no bad thing.
78 He shrugged out of his jacket and her hands went to his cotton shirt, fumbling in their haste to undo the buttons.
79 Though he knew that they still had a good twenty minutes, Floyd got up with haste.
80 The Committee's recommendations on prostitution were acted upon with far more haste than those concerning homosexual conduct.
81 Lott said the issue will be fully explored in hearings, but he cautioned against haste.
82 Rushing towards the glass doors, she fumbled with frantic haste at the catch.
83 There was a trickle of traffic, now, and she overtook the sleepy drivers with an almost reckless haste.
84 In our haste to condemn cynicism we must take care not to stifle skepticism.
85 In their haste to win a race for patents, mistakes have been made.
86 Despite the lavish production, it shows all the signs of being assembled in great haste.
87 But the real penitence is due from those senators who confirmed in haste, leaving us to repent in leisure.
88 And now the archers were shooting at will, selecting their targets where they best offered, without haste and without respite.
89 All is done in not much over an hour; and yet there is no sense of haste or excessive compression.
90 Two of the volumes were completely empty, their photographs removed in haste, mounts and torn corners clustered in the bindings.
91 In their haste the two friends got separated and Euryalus took the wrong path.
92 In his haste to leap out of the way Vincent dropped and broke his paintbox.
93 They were on the run, and in haste, or we should all be dead men.
94 The connection with Fleming's Level should be made with all haste.
95 Maybe I was blotting out my past, as provincials do, in my haste to get to where the action was.
96 He moved easily, without haste and showed less caution than they in crossing the field.
97 The flight commander, without having the chance to say one word, retreated in haste.
98 She had taken only a couple of steps when in her haste she missed her footing.
99 Outside, Oliver pushed her with angry haste to the next corner.
100 Don't just hurry, don't just haste. Don't just worry, don't just waste. Life is a treasure, enjoy the pleasure. RVM 
101 In her haste to answer it, my wife didn't fasten the gate at the top of the stairs properly.
102 They are making no haste, and suffering no losses that matter.
103 The isolation seemed complete, in the haste he had forgotten his companion and in recompense he called out his name.
104 He hurried across the crowded street level with such haste and obvious alarm that shoppers turned to look after him.
105 Suddenly, it dredges up ghosts weighted down and buried in haste after a fierce battle.
106 The steps approached without haste the bottom of the staircase, and began to climb.
107 Inhabitants of the worst-hit tower blocks fled with such haste that their washing is still hanging out.
108 The vultures eat greedily, fighting over scraps, slipping off the rock in their haste to consume.
109 Roosevelt towards the end of his life seemed content to make haste slowly.
110 And gradually the truth becomes clear. In their haste to win a race for patents, mistakes have been made.
111 It turned out he was being comforted by a new woman and, with unseemly haste, was soon dating again.
112 In his haste the intruder had pulled out drawers and dumped their contents on the floor.
113 Done this in awful haste - forgive if egg-sucking but just first speedy thoughts to turn round a.s.a.p.
114 While Hitler slept, Goebbels and Bormann made haste.
115 She finished the meal with unceremonious haste.
116 Make haste, or you will be too late.
117 Marry married in haste and repented at leisure.
117 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
118 The translations bear the signs of inaccuracy and haste.
119 Bringing in uttermost haste a message of urgent importance.
120 We advised him against acting in haste.
121 We should never execute tactical measures with undue haste.
122 Make haste, or you'll miss the first train.
123 You must make haste with your work.
124 I am afraid you'll have to make haste.
125 Her father advised her against marrying in haste.
126 I must make haste with my task.
127 Make haste, or ( else ) you'll be late.
128 Don't treat the matter with undue haste.
129 He left the party with indecent haste.
130 The boy stepped into puddles with heedless haste.
131 His prose style is of a badness that cannot be completely explained by haste.
132 Watch out for decisions made in haste, especially when it comes to unsolicited offers.
133 "You have chosen to act at the instance and behest of (activist) Ms Medha Patkar and others in haste and in a high-handed arbitrary manner, " the statement said.
134 Enslave Demon: The tooltip has been changed to 40 % due to the haste effect change.
135 The so - called multi - nail a coffin in a simple truth that people act with undue haste.
136 Left-winger Tosic, 21, is already aiming high and hoping to force his way into regular first team action post - haste.
137 If you compose ane-mail in haste, especially if your hastiness is prompted by anger, you may quickly regret the moment you hit the "Send" button.
138 To accept battle in haste is to fight without being sure of victory.
139 We must not act in haste, or do anything unbeseeming my name.
140 Launch me your boat , I prithee; we are sore in haste.
141 And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist.
142 You do not benefit if you do your homework in haste.
143 Some scholars thought in our country still under the imperfect market economy system, should not act with undue haste to one-man company's de jure recognition.
144 He dropped his paddle into the water, as if in consideration of a lover's haste.
145 He entered with a tolerably dignified step , and some little haste.
146 He betrayed neither haste nor agitation; and while he was wrapping up the Bishop's candlesticks, he nibbled at a piece of black bread.
147 Most anarchist assassinations were bungled because of haste or spontaneity(Sentencedict), in his view.
148 For their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.
149 But keep the illusion awhile ; do not send it away with ungentle haste.
150 But such word, it seems that unapt haste makes stop ability is.
151 In haste, they mustered their forces, drew them away from the building.
152 Just make haste slowly. Don't change up too much or let yourself get a bad price.
153 Don't act in haste because someone is giving you an ultimatum.
154 In the midst of all these convulsions of the bell mingled with the revolt, the clock of Saint-Paul struck eleven, gravely and without haste; for the tocsin is man; the hour is God.
155 She taught him parameter of judging the grammar accuracy and the reason that "fool's haste is no speed" is seemingly right but actually wrong.
156 In our haste to democratize -- and also as a condition for Western aid -- we copied and adopted the Western form of democracy and neglected to build upon our own democratic tradition.
157 The bill was put through in the House with bland haste.
158 The ogre tripped on the doorstep in his haste to get out of the house.




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