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单词 State of affairs
1. This lamentable state of affairs lasted until 1947.
2. This is a disgraceful state of affairs and cries out for a thorough investigation.
3. This state of affairs can no longer be ignored.
4. What has led to this unhappy state of affairs?
5. What a shocking state of affairs!
6. How did this dangerous state of affairs come about?
7. She misinformed me of the real state of affairs.
8. This a pretty state of affairs!
9. How did this state of affairs come about?
10. The present state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on.
11. Several circumstances concurred to bring about the present state of affairs.
12. It's a sorry state of affairs when an old lady has to wait 12 hours to see a doctor.
13. It's a sorry state of affairs when there isn't any food in the house.
14. This state of affairs cannot continue for too long, if parliament is to recover.
15. I must say this is a very unsatisfactory state of affairs.
16. It was a sad state of affairs when children aren't taught to read properly.
17. There aren't enough teachers,(http://) which is a sad state of affairs .
18. He gave an impartial view of the state of affairs in Ireland.
19. This state of affairs lasted without intermission for a hundred years.
20. It's a sorry state of affairs when you have to wait an hour to be served.
21. This is a highly unsatisfactory state of affairs.
22. It's a sad state of affairs.
23. A sad state of affairs, but it is so.
24. Is not that a disgraceful state of affairs?
25. True, and that's an unfortunate state of affairs.
26. It is a lamentable state of affairs.
27. Our results should be a good approximation to the true state of affairs.
28. His talk appears to meander but by the end focuses attention on the true state of affairs.
29. The brothers' refusal to work together had brought about this sad state of affairs.
30. This account is only a pale reflection of the true state of affairs.
1. This lamentable state of affairs lasted until 1947.
2. This is a disgraceful state of affairs and cries out for a thorough investigation.
3. He gave an impartial view of the state of affairs in Ireland.
31. This state of affairs is not, I think, an aberration, but is inevitable in the structures of higher education.
32. This state of affairs, he said, jeopardized perestroika, unnerved the population, and threatened to make the country ungovernable.
33. Crisis has always been the normal state of affairs in our country's politics.
34. We are invited to consider whether it is a real state of affairs.
35. Such a state of affairs provides the seller with a unique opportunity to exploit the relatively weak bargaining position of the investor.
36. But he joins others in considering that this happier state of affairs deteriorated well before the end of the century.
37. This sad state of affairs does not have to continue.
38. We will find here, in the case of surrealism, a not dissimilar state of affairs.
39. The random production might be regarded as the normal state of affairs, periodic production occurring through a rather special mechanism.
40. It would be useless to lay down in advance what they are, since they vary with each particular state of affairs.
41. It has been Labour's good fortune to inherit this benign state of affairs.
42. More testimony on the state of affairs described by Conner comes from company commander Henry Bergson.
43. This was an extraordinary state of affairs but one which enabled Rodrigo del Bivar to serve so many masters without apparent conflict.
44. The correct state of affairs is understood by reading the warranty together with the disclosures in the disclosure letter.
45. Does the state of affairs include the existence of the tutor's big toe or not?
46. We can legitimately ask, however: What is wrong with this state of affairs?
47. It is a shocking state of affairs(/state of affairs.html), and the Secretary of State should be ashamed of himself.
48. The Warranties generally require confirmation that a state of affairs exist at a certain date, eg Completion.
49. When the state of affairs improved, Mark was promoted, but Colin was not ready.
50. Is there not one prominent rugby union footballer or journalist who is compelled to criticize this scandalous and absurd state of affairs?
51. Some clearly do so already; hence the present state of affairs.
52. If we are to move beyond this state of affairs, the cultural task for disabled artists and culture workers is threefold.
53. And we all focus our attention on the potential scandal completely ignoring a far more suggestive state of affairs.
54. The project aims to examine the implications of this state of affairs for macroeconomic activity.
55. All three countries represent a state of affairs that defies predominant theories in comparative politics.
56. How did they allow this sorry state of affairs to come about?
57. What might the repercussions be of this unprecedented state of affairs?
58. This state of affairs follows the collapse of Mountain with a large level of debt an the receiver snapping at the door.
59. Leith afterwards supposed she should have realised that that state of affairs could not go on indefinitely without some one getting hurt.
60. This state of affairs is increasingly being called into question.
61. To say that I was surprised by this state of affairs would be an understatement.
62. Should we accept the inevitability and permanence of this state of affairs?
63. This state of affairs has aggravated the already serious problem of doubt among Christians.
64. It is nearing bankruptcy and has had to make 720 employees redundant, which is a sorry state of affairs.
65. The true state of affairs is unlikely to be clear until more and better quality deep seismic data become available.
66. I called on Labour Councillors: they agreed that the state of affairs on the site was shocking.
67. This state of affairs is, if not unique, certainly unusual among disciplines.
68. The Dubroca incident added insult to an already severely injured state of affairs.
69. The merchants and seamen called for a committee to consider the current state of affairs.
70. We have Sigmund Freud to thank for a rather curious state of affairs.
71. The Spartans were anxious about the state of affairs within the Peloponnese, and not without reason.
72. This is the state of affairs in Washington, particularly after the failure of budget talks yesterday.
73. Since the ability to draw is not seen as particularly important, this state of affairs has not come to the fore.
74. Such a state of affairs can not be ignored, as it tends to be in selective and much functional assessment.
75. None the less, an inquiry by Youth Allyah in the autumn of 1940 revealed a persistently unsatisfactory state of affairs.
76. It's a sad state of affairs when a leader can't take the time to address the true problems facing his country.
77. If the state of affairs in Bosnia reflects the nature of a multi-cultural society,(Sentence dictionary) this policy is open to question.
78. The record defeat on the summer tour to New Zealand showed the true dismal state of affairs.
79. The period saw in most Western countries a series of intermittent and disjointed efforts to remedy this state of affairs.
80. But car journeys are a natural state of affairs: the country is huge; it demands motion from its restless citizens.
81. Such a state of affairs is entirely impermissible.
82. "It's not an agreeable state of affairs," concurs Heitham.
83. Beneficially, the ownership constraint clarifies the state of affairs.
84. The Protestant Reformation, and especially the rising energies of Puritanism in the early seventeenth century, are beginning to do a lot to change this state of affairs.
85. This pleasant state of affairs had continued peacefully and uninterruptedly for many years.
86. They decided to take stock of the present state of affairs.
87. The emergency administration behavior judicial review intensity is to dash forward sending out the important component and necessary guarantee that administration rules by law under state of affairs.
88. Britain, until recently, has escaped the worst of these anti-intellectual excesses.There are signs that this state of affairs may not last, however.
89. Dynamic verbs are verbs that refer to actions. Stative verbs are verbs that refer to states, ie to a relatively stable state of affairs.
90. This state of affairs has many of the attributes of a no-win situation.
91. This means that, yes, she can't be Trig's real mother, but this will hardly be a preferable state of affairs to rightwing Republican voters.
92. Soddy would not have been surprised at our current state of affairs.
93. She stared thoughtfully into the distance, deliberating the state of affairs.
94. If you set a lofty target, you'll never be satisfied with the existing state of affairs, and you will work and fight all your life (make strenuous efforts in spite of difficulties)to seek your target.
95. Our black people have often been treated as second-class citizens; this is a state of affairs that must be clearly set to rights.
96. The world view is rendered emotionally convincing by being presented as an image of an actual state of affairs peculiarly well-arranged to accommodate such a way of life.
97. This particular half - sine pulse is only a very approximate model for the actual state of affairs.
98. Declarative a speech act which changes the state of affairs in the world.
99. There is no excuse for this chaotic state of affairs.
99. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
100. How did this dangerous state of affairs in Europe come about?
101. It was this state of affairs that led Lawrence Phillips to find a replacement for the Soundex algorithm, called the Metaphone.
102. The analysts, Ajay Kapur, Niall Macleod, and Narendra Singh, had coined a term for this state of affairs: plutonomy.
103. This unfortunate state of affairs will give two of Dr Buhl’s colleagues, Stephen Simpson and Gregory Sword, plenty of opportunity to observe the behaviour of the locusts.
104. I request to be informed of the current state of affairs.
105. This state of affairs was not to last long "for Jung has a proud stomach" and he parted company with Freud, to become, like his master, a luminary of the psychoanalytical world.
106. As long as this pathological state of affairs persists, questions of global growth and social welfare will continue to depend on Wall Street and the enduring fallacies of free-market finance.
107. Rash advance and conservatism both disregard the actual state of affairs, both are subjectivist.
108. This is an exaggerated expression of a true enough state of affairs: Johannes Brahms, as pianist, began with chamber music and remained devoted to the genre all through his life.




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