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单词 chapped
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitychapped /tʃæpt/ adjective  MIchapped lips or hands are sore, dry, and cracked, especially as a result of cold weather or wind 〔尤指因寒冷或风导致唇、手〕干裂的,皲裂的 —chap verb [transitive]Examples from the Corpuschapped• Winter winds wipe away the natural oils of the exposed skin, to leave a red, raw and chapped appearance.• Sister Joan, she's got chapped hands and a streaming cold, but she's very kind.• She noticed Sarah's chapped lips.• The chapped skin began to burn.Origin chapped (1400-1500) chap “to chop, crack open” ((14-21 centuries))chapped adjectiveChinese  chapped and lips sore, hands are dry, or Corpus




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