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单词 ceilidh
释义  Related topics: Leisurecei·lidh /ˈkeɪli/ noun [countable]  DLan evening entertainment with Scottish or Irish singing and dancing 同乐会〔有苏格兰或爱尔兰歌舞的晚间娱乐活动〕Examples from the Corpusceilidh• Individual concerts and ceilidhs can be booked in advance.• There have been ceilidhs, concerts, choral group plays - the list is long!• After the wedding a large reception and evening ceilidh was held at the Glynhill Hotel.• Years ago they used to have ceilidhs in Village school, and lots of things, but no longer.• Plans are afoot for an informal dance or ceilidh.• There were ceilidhs round the peat fires and on the fine days we explored the moors and sea cliffs.cei·lidh nounChineseSyllable  singing evening Corpus and Irish Scottish with or entertainment an




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