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单词 Research
1. She does research into how children acquire language.
2. The research project was only a partial success.
3. I will earmark this money for your research.
4. I'm still doing research for my thesis.
5. She sent us her review of the research.
6. The department provides a congenial atmosphere for research.
7. They'd got a special grant to encourage research.
8. She's doing some research on AIDS.
9. Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.
10. He is doing research on radiant intensity.
11. Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art.
12. The rocket was launched from a space research base.
13. Dr Win was a major contributor to the research.
14. Too much emphasis is placed on research.
15. The benefits from pure research are often indirect.
16. Despite the difficulties he threw himself into the research.
17. The report provides a framework for further research.
18. He lost interest in much of his research.
19. The company should divert more resources into research.
20. The committee will report on its research next month.
21. The equation is simple: research breeds new products.
22. All our profits are re-invested in research and development.
23. They want backing for more research.
24. This theme is central to our research.
25. Recent research seems to corroborate his theory.
26. The research has opened up new realms for investigation.
27. He did research on group dynamics and leadership styles.
28. Research forms the predominant part of my job.
29. We believe in investing in scientific research.
30. The research involves collecting data from two random samples.
1. The department provides a congenial atmosphere for research.
2. She's doing some research on AIDS.
3. Research associations are often linked to a particular industry.
4. He is doing research on radiant intensity.
5. Dr Win was a major contributor to the research.
6. The benefits from pure research are often indirect.
7. The report provides a framework for further research.
8. The committee will report on its research next month.
9. They want backing for more research.
10. This theme is central to our research.
11. Recent research seems to corroborate his theory.
12. The research has opened up new realms for investigation.
13. He did research on group dynamics and leadership styles.
14. Research forms the predominant part of my job.
15. Research has so far proved inconclusive.
16. The research was carried out on a modest scale.
17. His research will document how the debt crisis occurred.
18. The research has yielded useful information.
19. There are some obvious practical applications of the research.
20. Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.
21. Their research has pushed forward the frontiers of knowledge.
22. The purpose of the research is to try and and find out more about the causes of the disease.
23. Substantive research on the subject needs to be carried out.
24. The research shows that pre-school children are capable of thinking in abstract terms.
25. You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.
26. It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research methods employed.
27. Sales of the drug have been stopped, pending further research.
28. Research on animals has led to some important medical advances.
29. She believes the research understates the amount of discrimination women suffer.
30. Market research has shown us that people want quality, not just low prices.
31. Half the university research posts depend on outside funding.
32. Research has so far proved inconclusive.
33. The research group is ready to start its work.
34. The research was carried out on a modest scale.
35. His research will document how the debt crisis occurred.
36. The research has yielded useful information.
37. There are some obvious practical applications of the research.
38. New research is taking a different tack.
39. He has dedicated his life to scientific research.
40. Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast.
41. Lecturers engage in teaching and research.
42. There are very few openings in scientific research.
43. Research has shown that women live longer than men.
44. Their research has pushed forward the frontiers of knowledge.
45. His whole life is dedicated to scientific research.
46. The research will provide direct insight into molecular mechanisms.
47. Its research budget exceeds $700 million a year.
48. This paper provides a framework for future research.
49. The purpose of the research is to try and and find out more about the causes of the disease.
50. Substantive research on the subject needs to be carried out.
51. The research shows that pre-school children are capable of thinking in abstract terms.
52. It's important to winnow truth from falsehood in scientific research.
53. You need a lot of self-discipline when you're doing research work on your own.
54. It's impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research methods employed.
55. The aim of the research is to find new food sources.
56. Sales of the drug have been stopped, pending further research.
57. Their research shows that the average individual watches around three and a half hours of television per day.
58. It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future.
59. This view is contrary to the aims of critical social research for a number of reasons.
60. The centre will act as a clearing house for research projects for former nuclear scientists.
31. Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school.
32. Da Vinci was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories.
33. Our research has only recently begun to yield important results .
34. The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.
35. Their research aims to shed light on the workings of the human mind.
36. Research is also advanced by frequent conference to exchange experience.
37. Dr Nussbaum is director of the Civil Liberties Research Unit at King's College, London.
38. I've done some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there.
39. A new all-woman market research company has been set up to find out what women think about major news and issues.
40. This book is the result of 25 years of research.
41. After extensive research, Albert Hoffman first succeeded in synthesizing the acid in 1938.
42. He used his research as a pretext for travelling to Hungary.
43. It's important to apply research in a practical way and not leave it on the shelf.
44. He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.
45. Research on athletes and ordinary human subjects has yielded a mixed bag of results.
46. The objective of the research is to gain a better insight into labour market processes.
47. Gill decided to stay on at university to do further research.
48. It's very short-sighted of the government not to invest in technological research.
49. The state of Michigan has endowed three institutes to do research for industry.
50. His research has contributed enormously to our understanding of this disease.
51. The government has broadly endorsed a research paper proposing new educational targets for 14 - year - olds .
52. The book describes in outline the main findings of the research.
53. Recent research on deaf children has produced some interesting findings about their speech.
54. Operational Research is a newly emerging subject.
55. She's a research biologist for a pharmaceutical company.
56. She oversees both the research and the manufacturing departments.
57. Their research is only in its infancy.
58. They are engaging in an embryo research.
59. His team are at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.
60. The Ford Foundation allocated millions of dollars for cancer research.
61. Research on animals has led to some important medical advances.
62. She believes the research understates the amount of discrimination women suffer.
63. Market research has shown us that people want quality, not just low prices.
64. Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school.
65. Da Vinci was methodical in his research, carefully recording his observations and theories.
66. Our research has only recently begun to yield important results .
67. The research initiative is being undertaken by a group of environmentalists.
68. Their research aims to shed light on the workings of the human mind.
69. Research is also advanced by frequent conference to exchange experience.
70. Dr Nussbaum is director of the Civil Liberties Research Unit at King's College, London.
71. The results of the research should be used for the common good rather than for individual profit.
72. We have finally finished the research work.Now we must write it all up.
73. The government put the skids under the plan by stopping their research grant.
74. Scientific research is widely claimed to be the source of the high standard of living in the US.
75. The research project is based on the premise stated earlier.
76. They spend a fair slice of the budget on research and development.
77. I've done some research to find out the cheapest way of travelling there.
78. A new all-woman market research company has been set up to find out what women think about major news and issues.
79. This book is the result of 25 years of research.
80. After extensive research, Albert Hoffman first succeeded in synthesizing the acid in 1938.
81. He used his research as a pretext for travelling to Hungary.
82. The head of the research section was a formidable old professor.
83. The space program is the evolution of years of research.
84. Because of the sea and beautiful, life because of setbacks and perfect. Learning for research and development. Work for innovation and brilliant.
85. I hope the results of my research will enlighten my colleagues.
86. Many research projects were defunded by the recent government cutbacks.
87. Recent research has cast new light on the causes of the disease.
88. It's important to apply research in a practical way and not leave it on the shelf.
89. The two universities have teamed up for a research project.
90. He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.
61. We should accelerate our research in atomic power generation and speed up the building of atomic power plants.
62. The companies are pouring trillions of yen into biotechnology research, especially for pharmaceuticals and new seeds.
63. His research could be seen as a natural continuation of the work done by Professor Lang.
64. He thought of trying for a position in a research institute.
65. Hall skilfully weaves the historical research into a gripping narrative.
66. Research has revealed that he is a monster of iniquity.
91. Research on athletes and ordinary human subjects has yielded a mixed bag of results.
92. He happened upon the perfect solution to the problem just as he was about to give up his research.
93. The objective of the research is to gain a better insight into labour market processes.
94. Gill decided to stay on at university to do further research.
95. It's very short-sighted of the government not to invest in technological research.
96. They are carrying out/conducting/doing some fascinating research into/on the language of dolphins.
97. It took months of painstaking research to write the book.
98. The state of Michigan has endowed three institutes to do research for industry.
99. His research has contributed enormously to our understanding of this disease.
100. He has received many honours for his research into cancer.
101. The government has broadly endorsed a research paper proposing new educational targets for 14 - year - olds .
102. The book describes in outline the main findings of the research.
103. Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.
104. The funding was withdrawn after they botched up the first stage of the research.
105. She used only strictly contemporary documents to research the book.
106. Recent research on deaf children has produced some interesting findings about their speech.
107. The discovery was incidental to their main research.
108. Matthew's out quite a lot doing his research.
109. He has accepted a research professorship at Cambridge University.
110. These results represent a major breakthrough in Aids research.
111. Research on the matter is far from conclusive.
112. The research shows that computer games may cause aggression.
113. Research has focused on improving the car's aerodynamics.
114. Tutors have a contractual obligation to research and publish.
115. The report is underpinned by extensive research.
116. Later in the year,(http:///research.html) she'll assign them research papers.
117. Embryo research is an emotive issue.
118. He was offered a research fellowship at Clare College.
119. Research is the cornerstone of the profession.
120. She's now running a small government research establishment.
121. She worked as a research chemist.
122. Her contribution to the research went largely unacknowledged.
123. British industry suffers through insufficient investment in research.
124. Her research has thrown up some interesting facts.
125. Years of research work have failed to produce a cure for the disease.
126. They raffled a bottle of whisky to raise money for cancer research.
127. An additional grant has enabled the team to push forward with research plans.
128. Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
129. It is the end product of exhaustive research and development.
130. He can find no trace of a rule requiring research to be vetted before publication.
131. For the faculty, there exists the triad of responsibilities: teaching, research, and service.
132. Military and nuclear research have received the lion's share of public funding.
133. There have been large cuts in government funding for scientific research.
134. There are two main structuralist techniques incorporated into critical social research.
135. We need to bring research techniques within the compass of normal teaching.
135. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
136. They had to conduct market research, then advertise the product.
137. The company put out a report on commercial spin-offs from its research.
138. Following a day of medical research, the conference focused on educational practices.
139. Use your deadlines to establish the timeline for your research plan.
140. The specific software is also usable in other areas of research.
141. I have a meeting with my supervisor about my research topic.
142. Her research is centred on the social effects of unemployment.
143. The main thrust of the research will be the study of the early Universe and galaxy formation.
144. Biomedical research will enable many individuals infected with HIV to live longer, more comfortable lives.
145. For a year I dated a woman who was a research assistant.
146. A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College.
147. Research suggests that babies learn to see by distinguishing between areas of light and dark.
148. A research fellowship came up at Girton and I applied for it and got it.
149. Much more research is being done, which is a move in the right direction .
150. Hall skilfully weaves the historical research into a gripping narrative.
151. He decided to follow up on his initial research and write a book.
152. Research shows that a high-fibre diet may protect you from bowel cancer.
153. His support was one of the nicest fringe benefits of pursuing this research.




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