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单词 aberrant
释义  a·ber·rant /ˈæbərənt, əˈberənt/ adjective formal  NORMALnot usual or normal 异常的,反常的;脱离常规的 SYN abnormal aberrant behaviour 异常行为Examples from the Corpusaberrant• So-called aberrant behavior, in particular lesbian and homosexual behavior, was shown to have a natural precedent and a genetic basis.• aberrant behavior• You figure you've got a handle on all but the most aberrant human behaviour.• Now, this tree is aberrant in that it has two trunks.• The younger the age-group among the children found attractive, the more aberrant the impulse must be regarded.Origin aberrant (1500-1600) Latin present participle of aberrare, from ab- “away” + errare “to wander”a·ber·rant adjectiveChineseSyllable  usual not Corpus or normal




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