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单词 mushy
释义  mush·y /ˈmʌʃi/ adjective  1  soft, wet, and unpleasant 软而稠的,糊状的 Cook for two minutes until soft but not mushy. 煮两分钟,煮软但不要煮烂。► see thesaurus at soft2  expressing or describing love in a silly way 多愁善感的,过于伤感多情的 mushy romance novels 过于伤感的爱情小说Examples from the Corpusmushy• Cook for 2 mins until fruit is soft but not mushy.• Her neck was soft, mushy.• Add coconut milk and plantains and cook until fruit is tender, not mushy, about 10 minutes.• Stir in tomato puree and fresh tomatoes and cook for a further 5 minutes, or until sauce is mushy and thickened.• a mushy banana• Naked now, and he felt the mushy bottom between his toes.• Standing tiptoe on the mushy lawn, he tapped on the windows and tried to peek in.• Dave gets all mushy when he's around Gina.mush·y adjectiveChineseSyllable  unpleasant and soft, Corpus wet,




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