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单词 card
释义  Related topics: Daily life, Banking, Leisure, Business basics, Computers, Horses, Material & textiles, Cards, Toolscard1 /kɑːd $ kɑːrd/ ●●● S1 W2 noun  1  information 信息D [countable] a small piece of plastic or paper containing information about a person or showing, for example, that they belong to a particular organization, club etc 〔显示个人信息的〕卡片 Employees must show their identity cards at the gate. 雇员在大门口必须出示自己的身份卡。 I haven’t got my membership card yet. 我还没拿到会员卡。2  BANKmoney 钱BFB [countable] a small piece of plastic, especially one that you get from a bank or shop, which you use to pay for goods or to get money 信用卡;借记卡 Lost or stolen cards must be reported immediately. 信用卡遗失或被盗必须马上挂失。 a £10 phone card 10英镑的电话卡 Every time you use your store card, you get air miles. 每次使用赊账卡都可以累积航空里程。 → charge card, cheque card, credit card, debit card3  BIRTHDAY/CHRISTMAS ETCgreetings 问候D [countable]CELEBRATE a piece of folded thick stiff paper with a picture on the front, that you send to people on special occasions 贺卡birthday/Christmas/greetings etc card a Mother’s Day card 母亲节贺卡4  HOLIDAYholiday 假期DL [countable] a card with a photograph or picture on one side, that you send to someone when you are on holiday 明信片 SYN postcard I sent you a card from Madrid. 我从马德里给你寄了张明信片。5  STIFF PAPERstiff paper 卡片纸 [uncountable] British EnglishD thick stiff paper (硬)卡纸,厚纸片 → cardboard Cut a piece of white card 12 × 10 cm. 剪一张12×10厘米的白卡纸。6  for writing information 用于书写信息 [countable] a small piece of thick stiff paper that information can be written or printed on 卡片,硬纸片 a set of recipe cards 一套食谱卡 a score card 记分卡7  games 游戏 [countable] a) a small piece of thick stiff paper with numbers and signs or pictures on one side. There are 52 cards in a set. 纸牌,扑克牌 SYN playing cardpack/deck of cards (=a complete set of cards) 一副扑克牌 b) a game in which these cards are used 扑克牌游戏 I’m no good at cards. 我一点也不会打牌。 We were having a game of cards. 我们正在玩纸牌游戏。 Let’s play cards. 我们来打牌吧。 a book of card games 一本讲扑克牌玩法的书 c) a small piece of thick stiff paper with numbers or pictures on them, used to play a particular game 〔一种上面印有数字或画片的〕纸牌 a set of cards for playing Snap 一套玩“对儿”游戏的纸牌8. football/baseball etc card DLHa small piece of thick stiff paper with a picture on one side, that is part of a set which people collect 足球卡/棒球卡等〔可收集成套〕9  BUSINESSbusiness 商务 [countable]BBD a small piece of thick stiff paper that shows your name, job, and the company you work for 名片 SYN business card, → visiting card My name’s Adam Carver. Here’s my card. 我叫亚当•卡弗,这是我的名片。10  computer 计算机 [countable]TD a piece of equipment inside a computer that the chips are attached to, that allows the computer to do specific things 〔计算机的〕卡,插件 a graphics card 显(示)卡11  be on the cards British English, be in the cards American EnglishPROBABLY to seem likely to happen 很可能发生 At 3–1 down, another defeat seemed to be on the cards. 已经是1-3落后了,看来又要输了。12  play your cards right SUCCEED IN DOING somethingto deal with a situation in the right way, so that you are successful in getting what you want 处理得当,做事精明 If he plays his cards right, Tony might get a promotion. 如果托尼把握好机会,他可能会升职。13  put/lay your cards on the table HONESTINTENDto tell people what your plans and intentions are in a clear honest way 〔把自己的计划和打算〕和盘托出,摊牌 What I’d like us to do is put our cards on the table and discuss the situation in a rational manner. 我希望我们能够开诚布公,理智地讨论现在这个情况。14. play/keep your cards close to your chest SECRETto keep your plans, thoughts, or feelings secret 〔对自己的计划、想法、感觉〕秘而不宣,守口如瓶15. get/be given your cards LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATION British English informal to have your job taken away from you 被解雇,遭免职,失业16. have another card up your sleeve ADVANTAGEto have another advantage that you can use to be successful in a particular situation 另有一张王牌,另有制胜法宝17  trump/best/strongest card ADVANTAGEsomething that gives you a big advantage in a particular situation 王牌,撒手锏 The promise of tax cuts proved, as always, to be the Republican Party’s trump card. 一如既往,承诺减税是共和党的王牌。18. somebody’s card is marked British EnglishAPPROVE if someone’s card is marked, they have done something that makes people in authority disapprove of them 某人留下了污点,某人上了黑名单19  AMUSING/UNUSUAL PERSONLIKE somebody OR somethingperson 人 [countable] old-fashioned informal an amusing or unusual person 逗趣的人,活宝 Fred’s a real card, isn’t he! 弗雷德真是个活宝!20. FOOTBALLsport 体育运动 [countable]DSH a small piece of stiff red or yellow paper, shown to a player who has done something wrong in a game such as football 〔体育比赛中裁判对犯规队员出示的〕红牌,黄牌21  list at sports event 体育赛事一览表 [countable] a list of races or matches at a sports event, especially a horse race 〔体育赛事,尤指赛马的〕赛事一览表 a full card of 120 riders for the Veterans race 一张满满的赛马日程表,有120名骑师参加这次资深骑师比赛22. tarot 塔罗纸牌 [countable] a small piece of thick stiff paper with a special picture on one side, that is put down in a pattern in order to tell someone what will happen in their future 〔用来占卜的〕塔罗纸牌23. TOOLtool 工具 [countable]TIM technical a tool that is similar to a comb and is used for combing, cleaning, and preparing wool or cotton for spinning (spin) 〔梳理送纺前的羊毛或棉花的〕梳毛机[刷],梳理机[刷] → hold all the cards at hold1(30), → play the race/nationalist/environmentalist etc card at play1(14), → stack the cards at stack2(4)n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 1: a small piece of plastic or paper containing information about a person or showing, for example, that they belong to a particular organization, club etctypes of card an identity/ID card (=one that proves who you are)All US citizens must carry an identity card.a membership cardDo you have a library membership card?a student cardEntrance is free if you have a student card.a medical card (=one that proves who you are when you change doctors)You will need to bring your medical appointment card (=one with your appointments on)The dentist gave me a new appointment card.a swipe card (=one that you slide through a machine in order to open a door)Swipe cards are used to enhance security.a smart card (=one with an electronic part that records information)Keeping medical records on small plastic smart cards seems to be a success.a sim card (=one in a mobile phone that allows you to use a network)You may need a new sim card when you travel abroad.a donor card (=one that shows you want your organs to be given to someone when you die)We want to encourage more people to carry a donor card.verbscarry a card (=have one with you)Motorists could soon be forced to carry an ID card.flash a card (=show one very quickly)He flashed his ID card at the guard and walked straight in.n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: a small piece of plastic, especially one that you get from a bank or shop, which you use to pay for goods or to get moneytypes of carda credit card (=one you use to buy things and pay later)He had paid by credit card.a debit card (also check card American English) (=one you use to pay for things directly from your account)The store only accepts debit cards.a cash card (also an ATM card especially American English) (=one you use to get cash from a machine)You should report stolen cash cards immediately.a bank/cheque card British English (=one that you must show when you write a cheque)Always keep your cheque book and cheque card separately.a charge/store card (=one that allows you to buy things from a particular shop and pay for them later)Store cards often have high rates of interest.a phone card (=one that you can use in some public telephones)You can use this phone card in several countries.card + NOUNa card numberWhat's your card number?the card holder (=the person that a card belongs to)1 in 10 store card holders owes more than £500.card fraud (=the illegal use of other people’s cards)Many consumers are afraid of credit card fraud.card details (=the information that is on a card)Hackers stole hundreds of people's card details.verbspay by cardIs it all right if I pay by card?put something on your card (=pay by credit card)I’ll put the restaurant bill on my card.use your cardI don’t use a card if I can pay by cash.accept/take a card (=allow you to pay by card)Big hotels will accept most cards.Examples from the Corpuscard• I got a card from Henry; he's in Colorado.• I need to send a card to Mom for Mother's Day.• Harold was always such a card!• a card file• a birthday card• With its vast red ribbon and handmade card, it had transformed the garage into something quite magical.• Mr. Kim gave me his card and told me to call him.• a recipe card• I don't like if I can't see what's on the cards.• Notify the bank that you are canceling their card.• These cards are used rather like credit cards.• Just for the sake of clarity, perhaps we should call employees who do more than punch their time card intrapreneurs.• I enclose samples of the last two cards we have produced.membership card• It contained a registration card for the Republican party and a membership card to the National Rifle Association.• Smarter people were using auto club or age-group membership cards to get their rooms at discount rates.• And there was the mystifying membership card for the Caravan Club of Great Britain.• Apart from the obvious benefits of being a Harlow Sportcentre member - an attractive personalised membership card being just one.• Club 2000 features an Access Control System which enables members to book and use facilities with a single magnetic strip membership card.• Susskind Eikhl had said that he could get me a temporary membership card in the Writers' Club.• Man at Savoy That's a Blockbuster video membership card, sir.• Present your membership card at the door.• Once there, just show your membership card and take a locker.birthday/Christmas/greetings etc card• Just then the postman called with more packets and greetings cards, amongst which was also a letter.• I doubt that she and Hillary exchanged Christmas cards.• The cost of Christmas cards, free parcels and telegrams is costing the taxpayer millions of pounds, it was claimed yesterday.• In addition to the parcels were seven birthday cards.• Small greetings cards are available at the Information Desk for this purpose.• I liked thinking about him and his two daughters, about the birthday cards and telephone calls.• She emptied the dustpan and searched for something else to do, straightening the Christmas cards on the mantelpiece as she passed.card games• Many also knew card games like monte, poker, and seven-up.• Use the rules of well known card games such as happy families, snap or pairs.• There were, as Yves had predicted so confidently, no card games in the boathouse.• There were no card games, no sound of music, nor food served.• Consider the card games, whist and bridge.• Well worth adding to your card games disks.Related topics: Material & textilescard2 verb [transitive]  1. especially American EnglishLET/ALLOW to ask someone to show a card proving that they are old enough to do something, especially to buy alcohol 〔尤在购买酒类时〕要求…出示证件2. to show a red or yellow card to someone playing a sport such as football, to show that they have done something wrong 对〔体育比赛中犯规的运动员〕亮牌,向…出示红[黄]牌3. TIMto comb, clean, and prepare wool or cotton, before making cloth 〔织布前〕梳理〔羊毛或棉花〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuscard• Stewart Cink also carded a 64.• Clerks are supposed to card everyone buying alcohol who looks under 30.From Longman Business Dictionarycardcard /kɑːdkɑːrd/ noun [countable]1a small piece of plastic or paper that shows that someone belongs to an organization, club etcEmployees must show their ID cards at the gate.All members are issued with a membership card. → green card → loyalty card2a small piece of stiff paper or plastic that stores information about someone or somethingA helpful device is to print your presentation ideas on separate index cards. → SD card → SIM card → smart card → swipe card → time card → top-up card3BANKINGa small piece of plastic that you use to pay for goods or to get money from a machine at a bankLost or stolen cards must be reported immediately. → affinity card → bank card → cash card → charge card → cheque (guarantee) card → credit card → debit card → gold card → plastic card → store card4 (also business card) a small piece of thick stiff paper that shows your name, job, and the company you work forI’ll leave my card and you can contact me when it suits you.5COMPUTING a part inside a computer to which chips are fixed, that allows the computer to do specific thingsa sound card → chip card → expansion card → graphics cardOrigin card1 (1400-1500) French carte, from Old Italian carta “sheet of paper”, from Latin charta; → CHART1 card2 1. (1900-2000) → CARD12. (1300-1400) French carder, from Late Latin cardus “thistle”; because thistles were used for carding woolcard1 noun →10-23 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →n COLLOCATIONS2card2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  information plastic or paper a containing piece Business Corpus of small




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