1) Indeed, the need to maintain the facade of politesse is often paramount.
2) Politesse costs nothing and gains everything.
3) With the politesse of a Medici, the mayor paused and listened, then promised to further this artistic endeavor once he had dealt with his first batch of election pledges.
4) Little of the political politesse that's common in other countries after the death of a leader was evident in South Korea this weekend.
5) Only by dressing awkward on one occasion, and embarrassedly pointed out by someone, can you feel sorry for your poor politesse , and dress smart-casual next time.
6) Chapter 3: This chapter explains the cause that the indirect speech act brings up, politesse is the principal reason.
7) Among other tokens of its friendship, Beijing has stoutly and steadfastly resisted India's inclusion in the same Security Council which Nehru's 'pehle aap' politesse ushered China into.
8) Fortunately for the tourists, almost everyone on the island speaks English. Maltese take pride in their politesse and will often ask if you think they're nice.