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单词 authentic
释义  au·then·tic /ɔːˈθentɪk $ ɒː-/ ●●○ adjective  1  REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIALdone or made in the traditional or original way 正宗的,原汁原味的 SYN genuine authentic French food 正宗的法国食品► see thesaurus at genuine2  REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIALa painting, document, book etc that is authentic has been proved to be by a particular person 原作的,真迹的,原创的 SYN genuine an authentic work by Picasso 毕加索的真迹 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say that something is real or the real thing rather than authentic: 在日常英语中,人们一般说real 或 the real thing,而不说authenticThis is real Indian cooking. 这是地道的印度菜。How do you know if the picture is the real thing? 你怎么知道这幅画是不是真品?3  REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIALbased on facts 可靠的,真实的 an authentic account 真实可信的说法4  used to describe a copy that is the same as, or as good as, the original 逼真的 Actors dressed in authentic costumes re-enact the battle. 演员们穿着仿真的戏装重现了那次战役。 —authentically /-kli/ adverbExamples from the Corpusauthentic• an authentic account of the incident• What surprised and perplexed me was how authentic, and therefore how riveting, it turned out to be.• None of the New College group are chain-smoking or drinking coffee, but there is still an authentic atmosphere.• It's a combination of authentic Cantonese tastes and textures.• The builders are not using any nails in the construction, in an effort to build an authentic cultural centre.• DiMaggio was an authentic folk hero.• a friendly restaurant offering authentic Greek food• Korg seem to have done the impossible and produced a totally digital processor with some absolutely authentic guitar sounds.• an authentic Italian recipe for cannelloni• They play music on authentic medieval instruments.• That collection by itself was more important than all the authentic Modigliani drawings published during my father's life-time.• The dancers wore authentic Native American designs.• Like the ring of the bell there is an authentic note which differentiates these sentiments from emotionalism or sentimentality.• Today, children can give their own authentic period tea parties, too.• an authentic plaster statue by Michelangelo• an authentic Texas Rangers uniformOrigin authentic (1300-1400) Old French autentique, from Late Latin, from Greek authentikos, from authentes “person who did a particular thing”au·then·tic adjective →REGISTER1ChineseSyllable  or or made traditional done Corpus in the way original




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