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单词 cachet
释义  cach·et /ˈkæʃeɪ $ kæˈʃeɪ/ noun [singular, uncountable]  formalREPUTATION if something has cachet, people think it is very good or special 声望,威信,威望 SYN kudos It’s a good college, but lacks the cachet of Harvard. 这是一所很好的大学,但缺乏哈佛那样的声望。Examples from the Corpuscachet• They were invited as VIPs, to decorate the crowd, to bring added cachet to a Lasers game.• Warner Bros. had also chosen to promote the concerts with top rock promoter Ron Delsner to lend the show added cachet.• Controller of Nuclear Power has a certain cachet.• The fact that Aharon had just returned from the Soviet Union gave him a certain cachet among the leftists.• By the early 1960s, as a consequence, anticommunism had lost its cachet.• This being so, civilization in the singular has lost some of its cachet.• It had not the cachet of Oxford, but its teachings were sound.Origin cachet (1600-1700) French “official mark pressed on to a document”, from cacher; → CACHE1cach·et nounChineseSyllable   Corpus think people good cachet, is it if has something very




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