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单词 Rome
1. Rome was not built in a (or one) day. 
2. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 
3. Rome wasn't built in a day. 
4. All roads lead to Rome.
5. When you are at Rome, do as Rome does. 
6. Do in Rome as the Romans do. 
7. When you go to Rome, do as Rome does. 
8. Do in Rome as Rome does. 
9. Rome was not built in a day. 
10. It is hard to sit in Rome and strive against the Pope. 
11. It is ill sitting at Rome and striving with the Pope. 
12. Do as Romans do in Rome.
13. The London-Addis flight goes via Rome.
14. I'm leaving for Rome at once.
15. It's about 70-no, I'm wrong-80 kilometres from Rome.
16. Rome annexed the Nabatean kingdom in 106 AD.
17. And now, over to our Rome correspondent ...
18. We're going to Rome later in the year.
19. The championships are to be held in Rome.
20. The plane flew from Paris to Rome.
21. When in Rome(http:///rome.html), do as Roman do.
22. Rome has been called the Eternal City.
23. I have to go to Rome on business.
24. Rome Columns outlast the civilization that built them.
25. I love Rome, especially in the spring.
26. At that time,Rome subjected all Italy to her rule.
27. We finally arrived in Rome.
28. The town lies halfway between Rome and Florence.
29. The statue was brought to Rome in antiquity .
30. Do as the Romans do(or Do as they do at Rome). 
1. The London-Addis flight goes via Rome.
2. I'm leaving for Rome at once.
3. It's about 70-no, I'm wrong-80 kilometres from Rome.
4. Rome annexed the Nabatean kingdom in 106 AD.
5. And now, over to our Rome correspondent ...
6. We're going to Rome later in the year.
7. The championships are to be held in Rome.
8. The plane flew from Paris to Rome.
9. Rome has been called the Eternal City.
10. I have to go to Rome on business.
11. Rome Columns outlast the civilization that built them.
12. I love Rome, especially in the spring.
13. At that time,Rome subjected all Italy to her rule.
14. We finally arrived in Rome.
15. The town lies halfway between Rome and Florence.
16. The statue was brought to Rome in antiquity .
17. The train goes from Paris to Rome.
18. 'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.'
19. Rome is one of the great cities of the world.
20. The book has a picture of Rome on the front.
21. We went to Rome.
22. We spent a week tramping the streets of Rome, looking for movie locations.
23. They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.
24. We broke our journey to Rome at Venice.
25. Rome borrowed many ideas from Greece.
26. The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
27. We must ask someone to carry a dispatch from Rome to London.
28. That must be the oval unroofed amphitheater in Rome. It was basically a stadium with comprehensive functions.
31. Rome wasn't built in one day.
32. The train goes from Paris to Rome.
33. 'Have you ever been to Rome?' 'Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.'
34. Rome is one of the great cities of the world.
35. The book has a picture of Rome on the front.
36. The fountains of Rome are famed for their architectural beauty.
37. We went to Rome.
38. We spent a week tramping the streets of Rome, looking for movie locations.
39. We stopped at Paris en route from Rome to London.
40. When the days become old photo when the old photos become memories, we became back to back the pedestrians, along different directions, the stubborn one step away from Athens, no, no Rome, no way back.
41. They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.
42. The reports from Rome disagree with those from Milan.
43. The European championships are being held in Rome.
44. I've visited Rome many a time.
45. Is the trip to Rome business or pleasure?
46. Rome fell to the Vandals in 455 AD.
47. The company head office is sited in Rome.
48. London, Paris and Rome are capital cities.
49. There was no time to go sightseeing in Rome.
50. He studied classical architecture and design in Rome.
51. Meeting you here in Rome is a remarkable coincidence.
52. Rome was the matrix of Western civilization.
53. Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe .
54. They had extensive dealings with officials in Rome.
55. The message was dispatched from Rome to London.
56. Did the trip to Rome ever come off?
57. He had been sent to Rome by his employer.
58. Rome was his main place of residence .
59. I know Paris better than Rome.
60. He's gone on an exchange to Rome.
61. They passed through Paris en route for Rome.
62. Environmentalists claimed governments were fiddling while Rome burned.
63. Have you ever been to Rome?
64. The invading army marched on Rome.
65. I'm leaving for Rome almost at once.
66. Rome is every bit as beautiful as Paris.
67. The road ends at Rome.
68. We broke our journey to Rome at Venice.
69. Historians record how Rome fell.
70. A weekend in Rome? Mm, sounds tempting!
71. Rome is about equidistant from Cairo and Oslo.
72. They travelled posthaste to Rome to collect the award.
73. Rome is the perfect setting for romance.
74. He sways the whole Rome.
75. Were you in Rome long?
76. He's gone swanning off to Rome for the weekend!
77. London was more to his liking than Rome.
78. Millions of tourists visit Rome every year.
79. The company's national headquarters is in Rome.
80. We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily.
81. We travelled to Rome by Milan and Florence.
81. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
82. We're leaving for Rome next week.
83. Win a weekend in Rome, courtesy of Fiat.
84. I have not been to either Paris or Rome.
85. Rome borrowed many ideas from Greece.
86. Rome was sacked by the Goths in 410.
87. Did your proposed trip to Rome ever come off?
88. Rome welcomes millions of visitors each year.
89. Rome is farther from London than Paris is.
90. 'You will like Rome,' he said, with absolute certitude.
91. She's from the provinces and not familiar with Rome.
92. Many's the time I've visited Rome.
93. Talks were scheduled for Rome the following month.
94. He has written a fully comprehensive guide to Rome.
95. He won a weekend for two in Rome.
96. He passed one night in Rome.
97. There I was, stranded in Rome with no money.
98. She was in Paris last week and in Rome the week before.
99. She asked me why the film wasn't finished yet so I reminded her that Rome wasn't built in a day.
100. He was briefly arrested in Rome after a contretemps with Italian police.
101. The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient Rome.
102. No sooner had he arrived in Rome than he was kidnapped.
103. While on holiday in Italy, the prime minister paid a courtesy visit to his opposite number in Rome.
104. The book provides a wealth of detail on daily life in Ancient Rome.
105. The new law may be in breach of the Treaty of Rome.
106. We are due to arrive in Rome at ten o'clock.
107. When he at last arrived in Rome he felt he had reached his goal.
108. Passengers for Rome should proceed to Gate 32 for boarding.
109. Michelangelo's famous frescoes are in the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
110. The legacy of Ancient Rome represented the overwhelming influence on Romanesque architecture.
111. The signing of the Treaty of Rome was the greatest event in the annals of European integration./rome.html
112. When costs soared, the studio took fright and recalled the company from Rome.
113. The oft-quoted example of Nero playing the violin as Rome burned shows the Emperor's detachment from reality.
114. If you're staying in Rome, Ostia is well worth a visit.
115. How does the idea of a trip to Rome grab you?
116. In ancient Rome, captured generals were paraded through the streets in chairs.
117. I only saw her once during my stay in Rome.
118. He dialled the operator and put in a call for Rome.
119. I took a long holiday in Italy and finished up in Rome.
120. Visitors to Rome marvel over the beauty of the city.
121. They plan to meet again in Rome very soon to begin substantive negotiations.
122. I spent a month in Rome to improve my Italian.
123. She speaks very good Italian. But then she did live in Rome for a year .
124. First prize is a fortnight in Barbados and second prize is a weekend in Rome.
125. This is the last call for passengers travelling on flight BA 199 to Rome.
126. And then, a few years after leaving college, he somehow fetched up in Rome.
127. We must order our affairs better before we leave for Rome.
128. The ancient Rome battlefield was a scene of great carnage.
129. We must ask someone to carry a dispatch from Rome to London.
130. A visit to Rome must be included in the itinerary.
131. She has just been telling us about her trip to Rome.
132. She mentioned in passing that you had just been to Rome.
133. Alaric the Goth advanced toward Rome(), which he sacked in AD 410.
134. 'I've just got back from a trip to Rome.' 'So, how was it?'
135. We had a week in Rome and then went to Vienna.
136. German and Italian courses are held in Munich and Rome respectively.
137. The Celtic Church maintained the Greek calendar over against that of Rome.
138. The ancient city of Rome fell under the iron hooves of the barbarians.
139. At that time, all serious artists aspired to go to Rome.
140. A police motorcycle chased his car twelve miles, and cornered him near Rome.
141. When we toured Italy we spent most time in Rome.Sentencedict
142. In 1973, when he lived in Rome, his sixteen-year-old son was kidnapped.
143. This is the last call for passengers travelling on British Airways flight 199 to Rome.
144. The minister left the Church of England and went across to Rome.
145. Owing to circumstances beyond our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled.
146. Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome.
147. There is a lack of trust towards the central government in Rome.
148. He spends his time flitting between Florence, Rome and Bologna.
149. We spent a fortnight in Rome looking at all the sights.
150. She lived in Rome for a couple of years, where she taught English.
151. Rome, Carthage and Athens were some of the great city-states of the ancient world.
152. She seems to be romantically entangled with some artist in Rome.
153. Tom's already gone out to Rome and his wife and children will follow shortly.
154. That must be the oval unroofed amphitheater in Rome. It was basically a stadium with comprehensive functions.
155. Parallel experiments are being conducted in Rome, Paris and London.
156. Caesar marched into Rome with an army at his back.
157. No tour of Rome is complete without a visit to the Vatican/the Vatican city.
158. He steeped himself in the literature of ancient Greece and Rome.
159. Marge would very likely come up to Rome.
160. Clement founded seventy-five churches in his absence from Rome.
161. It also requires amendment to the Treaty of Rome.
162. Rome is one of the world's most beautiful capitals.
163. In 962, Otto became emperor of Rome.
164. Rome is famous for its ancient monuments.
165. Massalia claimed alliance with Rome from the origins.
166. Of necessity, this entailed an accommodation with Rome.
167. But few take it to such extremes as Rome.
168. In Imperial Rome alone, there are estimated to have been over 800 thermae of different sizes and accommodation.
169. A tribunal was decided on in Rome and Philip sent ambassadors to plead his case.
170. These obstacles were not finally overcome until May 1944; in June the Allies liberated Rome.
171. Rome steadily rejected any compromise upon all three and continued to do so into the twentieth century.
171. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
172. And the struggles and factions in Rome were reflected in Latium where the Roman families also held land.
173. These two famous examples in Rome illustrate the general layout of the extensive type of baths.
174. These letter flattered Brutus and begged him to do something about Rome.
175. Further talks took place in Rome on Dec. 20 under the auspices of the verification commission.
176. The result was a modification of the Rome Treaty which acknowledges the need to achieve social and economic cohesion.
177. The whole of Rome seems to have been built, painted, and decorated by one man; that was Michelangelo.
178. If Marge did come up to Rome suddenly, Tom had a lot of his own clothing hanging ready in the closet.
179. Both were ambassadors to Rome for their own cities - that is, they were very acceptable to the governing class of Rome.
180. It had magnificent vaults based on the conceptions of Imperial Rome and was one of the great abbeys of its age.
181. The most striking feature about the Treaty of Rome, however, was the speed with which it had been reached.
182. The abbeys and bishoprics established there by distant Rome laid sturdy foundations.
183. The army sent to meet this threat was decimated at Adrianople: the road to Rome now lay open to the barbarians.
184. He agreed to go to Rome himself to try to obtain an acceptable solution.
185. The reality was the allegiance to Rome of the local aristocracies which in turn conditioned the behaviour of their clients and followers.
186. Fifteen metres below the surface of a man-made lake, the unknown treasures of ancient Rome will be abandoned for ever.
187. It would not do to deify a rebel against Rome.
188. The Western church could forget the tensions that had enriched her life while Rome was one among several great sees.
189. But it would have been useless to produce the documents in Rome, for they contained no decisive evidence in favour of the primacy.
190. After an extended period of neglect the decorative arts in Rome are about to have new homes.
191. The Treaty of Rome meanwhile guarantees free circulation of goods.
192. The Government abstained on a different aspect relating to the treaty of Rome basis.
193. The controversy was so deep that an appeal was made to Rome by the combatants.
194. Apparently there was talk of a party from the parish going to Rome after Easter.
195. Equally, market dominance is not in itself unlawful under Article 86 of the Treaty of Rome.
196. This was the most direct route from Rome to Byzantium.
197. The episode illustrates beyond doubt that the majority voting rules of the Treaty of Rome have teeth.
198. Morricone long ago made the decision that he would remain rooted in Rome, where he was born in 1928.
199. He obviously had a detailed account of the origins of Rome.
200. This was very unfortunate for the Trinovantes, the oldest allies of Rome in Britain.
201. Television commentary for a military parade in Rome last month hummed the glory and sacrifice of the armed forces.
202. In many towns - including, supremely(http:///rome.html), Rome itself - municipal authority drained towards the bishop.
203. He could sec her troubled eyebrows, her tousled hair as she sat brooding about what might be happening in Rome.
204. Ask a Calabrian and he will place Rome far into the industrial north, where automata follow edicts from the state.
205. At first the momentous events unfolding in Rome seemed barely relevant.
206. In any case all Euro-roads still lead to Rome, though they now take a detour through Mosae Trajectum.
207. Further south the Romanesque architecture is traditional but strongly tinged with classical forms from Rome.
208. It existed in Rome even before the end of the monarchy.
209. The Celtic Church apparently deemed one immersion sufficient, while Rome demanded three.
210. You only have to visit some of the churches in Rome where his altarpieces hang to see what his naturalist art did.
211. Having given away all her money in Rome, she begged her food, or existed on charitable donations.
212. What a way to spend one's first evening in Rome.
213. Castrati made themselves eunuchs both for art's sake and for jobs in baroque Rome.
214. Josaphat has the distinction of being the first Eastern saint to be canonized in Rome,() in 1876.
215. Cardinal Barnabo of Propaganda had said as much to Corrigan that final day in Rome.
216. Antony has turned the tables completely and has now completely destroyed all hopes of the conspirators ever establishing themselves in Rome.
217. Almost a thousand buildings are represented, mainly from the city of Rome and from eastern provinces of the Roman empire.
218. From ancient Rome to the Weimar Republic to the Carter presidency, regimes have been rotted by the monetary cancer called inflation.
219. The anti-Roman faction in the royal household seized power and totally upset the careful arrangements made and fostered by Rome.
220. In the bus going to the airport she looked around her to see what sort of people went to Rome in April.
221. He had a horrible premonition that she was coming up to Rome.
222. Galileo was humiliated in Rome in a manner that has no exact parallel in Protestant countries.
223. A closer examination of the Celtic Church reveals a much greater deviation from Rome than is generally acknowledged or even known.
224. The doors, which are the finest ancient examples in Rome(), were originally gold plated.
225. It is said that Scheiner, on hearing this in a Rome bookshop, turned purple and shook violently.
226. It was originally inspired by Old S. Peter's in Rome and is a cruciform church with double aisles and seven apses.
227. Rome, in short, lived on its past simply by being a capital city.
228. After two thousand years, the problem is more acute now than it was in the time of Rome.
229. Municipal elections in Rome Elections took place on Oct. 29-30, 1989, for the 80-seat city council of Rome.
230. Our 12-day tour, Rome to Sicily, cost us each about $ 1, 500, all told.
231. Venetians feel more affinity with inhabitants of Vienna than with those of Rome.
232. Rome had probably more than the average number of beggars.
233. Aksum had outlasted Jerusalem and Rome, going down in ruin only eighty years before the Norman conquest of Britain.
234. A first step toward secularization was the separation from the Church of Rome and the beginnings of toleration of religious diversity.
235. The Treaty of Rome states that men and women shall receive equal pay for equal work.
236. Like the decline of Rome, collapse takes place when there is softness and corruption within the structure of the family.
237. He soon drifted away from his hometown to Rome, where he made an abortive attempt to complete law school.
238. This led from Rome to the ferry port of Egnatia, between Bari and Brindisi.




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