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单词 C
释义  Related topics: Letters & punctuation, Music, MathsC1, c /siː/ noun (plural C’s, c’s) [countable, uncountable]  1. SLAthe third letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第三个字母2. APMthe first note in the musical scale of C major, or the musical key based on this note C音〔C大调音阶的第一音〕;C 调3. RESULT/GRADEa mark given to a student’s work to show that it is of average quality C级,丙级,丙等〔表示学业成绩中等〕4. HMthe number 100 in the system of roman numerals 〔罗马数字〕100Examples from the CorpusC• Terry got a C in algebra.C2  1  the written abbreviation of Celsius or Centigrade / Centigrade 或 Celsius 的书面缩写 ,摄氏温度 Water boils at 100°C. 水在100摄氏度沸腾。2  written informal a way of writing ‘see’, used especially in emails and text messages see的一种写法〔尤用于电子邮件和短信〕 CU (=see you) in class! 上课见!c (also c.) 1  (also C) the written abbreviation of century / century 的书面缩写,世纪 the economic changes of the C20th 20世纪的经济变化2  APPROXIMATELYa written abbreviation of circa (=about), used especially before dates / circa 的书面缩写,大约,左右〔尤用于日期前〕 c. 1830 约1830年3. © the written abbreviation of copyright / copyright 的书面缩写,版权4. American English the written abbreviation of cup, used in cooking / cup 的书面缩写,杯〔用于烹调计量〕n©the written abbreviation of copyright / copyright 的书面缩写,版权 → cFrom Longman Business Dictionarycc written abbreviation for CENTIMEC1 nounC2c©Chinese   Corpus the alphabet the Business English third letter of




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