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单词 utterance
释义  ut·ter·ance /ˈʌtərəns/ noun formal  1  [countable]SAY something you say 言论,言辞 Politicians are judged by their public utterances. 人们根据政治家公开的言论来评判他们。2. [uncountable]SAY the action of saying something 发声;说话Examples from the Corpusutterance• An ejaculation is an utterance thrown out suddenly and is very short: Help!• An utterance is said to have illocutionary force and perlocutionary force.• Dozens of reporters are always nearby to record his every step and utterance.• Many of his utterances were, however, sermon commonplaces, to which parallels can be found in other contemporary preaching.• Such utterances, especially from a supposedly left-wing government, are revolutionary.• However, the utterance only succeeds in having this function if certain external conditions are fulfilled.ut·ter·ance nounChineseSyllable  something Corpus you say




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