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单词 butcher
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Foodbutch·er1 /ˈbʊtʃə $ -ər/ ●●○ S3 noun  1. BODF[countable] someone who owns or works in a shop that sells meat 肉铺老板;肉贩2. the butcher’s SHOP/STOREa shop where you can buy meat 肉店,肉铺3. KILL[countable] someone who has killed someone else cruelly and unnecessarily, especially someone who has killed a lot of people 刽子手4. have/take a butcher’s LOOK AT British English spoken informal to have a look at something 看一眼Examples from the Corpusbutcher• He had been hired by a butcher in the Shambles.• Also patron of artists, butchers, glassworkers, notaries, painters, and surgeons.• And in Butcher Row there were 29 butchers, including a Master Butcher who features in the books.• He had a couple of hundred dollars on top of the dashboard, folded in butcher wrap stained with lamb-chop blood.• Many small independent butchers are closing down.• Therefore, we recommend having the butcher debone them whenever possible.• The butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker.Related topics: Food, Agriculturebutcher2 verb [transitive]  1. DFTAto kill animals and prepare them to be used as meat 屠宰〔牲口〕2. KILLto kill someone cruelly or unnecessarily, especially to kill a lot of people 血腥屠杀3  informalSPOIL to spoil something by working carelessly 弄坏,搞糟 That hairdresser really butchered my hair! 那名理发师把我的头发弄得一塌糊涂!→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbutcher• Catholics, he preached, trained blind and furious zealots to butcher and scalp Protestants.• They decided Mr Newall was butchered downstairs and his wife in her bedroom.• The scent of dense green growth, irrigation mist, massive trees not butchered for their fodder, fattened, passive cattle.• Memories of the 1983 riots, when thousands of Tamils were butchered in Colombo, are lively.• Loi butchered it eagerly, first cutting off inch-thick steaks which we fried in soy sauce and oil and were delicious.• Each of his predecessors has been assassinated / butchered / knifed by one or more among those gathered in front of him.• And who did butcher those women?Origin butcher1 (1200-1300) Old French bouchier, from bouc “male goat”butch·er1 nounbutcher2 verbChineseSyllable  owns works or in a Corpus someone who




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