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单词 bus
释义  Related topics: Motor vehicles, Computersbus1 /bʌs/ ●●● S1 W2 noun (plural buses or busses especially American English) [countable]  1  TTCa large vehicle that people pay to travel on 公共汽车,巴士,大客车on a bus There were a lot of people on the bus. 公共汽车上有许多人。by bus The best way to get there is by bus. 去那里最好的方式是乘公共汽车。 I took a bus to San Francisco. 我乘公共汽车去旧金山。 Buses run at 15 and 30 minutes past the hour. 公共汽车在每小时的15分和30分时发车。2. a circuit that connects the main parts of a computer so that signals can be sent from one part of the computer to another 〔计算机的〕总线,母线,汇流排n GRAMMAR: Patterns with bus• You usually say get on a bus: I got on the bus at the station. ‘Get in’ is much less common. • You usually say get off a bus: She got off the bus at her usual stop. 她在下一个公共汽车站下了车。 ‘Get out of’ is much less common. • You usually say that someone is on a bus: All the people on the bus stared at me. ‘In a bus’ is much less common.• You go somewhere by bus: The children travel to school by bus. • You often talk about the bus: It’s quicker if you take the bus.I was waiting for the bus for the airport.  COLLOCATIONSverbsgo/travel by bus 乘公共汽车出行I usually go to work by bus. 我通常乘公共汽车上班。go on the bus/use the bus (=travel by bus) 乘公共汽车出行It’s easier to go on the bus than to drive. 出行乘坐公共汽车比自己开车方便。get/take/catch a bus 乘公共汽车Can we get a bus from here to Reading? 我们能从这里乘公共汽车到雷丁吗?ride a bus American English 【美】乘公共汽车It was the first time Craig had ridden a bus downtown by himself. 这是克雷格第一次独自乘公共汽车去市中心。get on/off a bus 上/下公共汽车Several more passengers got on the bus. 又有几名乘客上了公共汽车。wait for a bus 等公共汽车nWe were waiting for the bus for half an hour.miss the bus (=be too late to get on a bus) 未赶上公共汽车nHe woke up late and missed the bus goes/leavesThe last bus went ten minutes bus comes/arrivesI waited and waited but the bus didn’t come.buses run (=go at regular times) 公共汽车定时发车nThe buses run less frequently on a Sunday.bus + NOUNa bus ride/journey/trip 乘公共汽车的旅程It’s a 20-minute bus ride into town. 乘公共汽车进城要20分钟。a bus stop (=a place where a bus stops for passengers) 公共汽车站She got off at the next bus stop. 她在下一个公共汽车站下了车。a bus shelter (=a small covered area where you wait for a bus) 公共汽车候车亭nSome kids had vandalized the bus shelter.a bus service (=a service that provides regular buses) 公共汽车服务nIt’s a small village but there is a good bus service.a bus route 公共汽车路线nWe live very near a main bus route.a bus fare (=the money you pay for a bus journey) 公共汽车费nCan you lend me 50p for my bus fare?a bus ticket 公共汽车票nShe lost her bus ticket.a bus pass (=a ticket giving cheap or free bus travel) 公共汽车乘车证nMost of the students have a termly bus pass.a bus station (=a place where buses start and finish their journeys) 公共汽车总站nDad met me at the bus station.a bus lane (=a part of the road where only buses are allowed to drive) 公共汽车专用车道nYou can be fined for driving in a bus lane.a bus driver 公共汽车司机nShe asked the bus driver where to get off for the Botanical bus timetableThe bus timetable changes on January bus queue British English (=a line of people waiting for a bus)We were chatting while we stood in the bus queue.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + busa school bus 校车nHurry up or you’ll miss the school bus!a shuttle bus (=one that makes regular short journeys between two places) 通勤车,穿梭巴士nThere’s a shuttle bus between the hotel and the beach.a double-decker bus (=one with two levels for passengers) 双层公共汽车nLondon used to be famous for its double-decker open-topped bus (=one without a roof, used for showing tourists a town etc) 敞篷观光巴士nWe took a tour on an open-topped regular bus (=one that goes at regular times)Regular buses run to the airport.n THESAURUSbus a large vehicle that people pay to travel onThere were a lot of people on the British English a bus with comfortable seats used for long journeysTaking the coach is cheaper than the train.minibus a small bus with seats for six to twelve peopleThe school uses a minibus to take teams to matches.double-decker a bus with two levelsthe red double-deckers in Londonarticulated bus (also bendy bus British English) a very long bus that has a joint in the middle that allows it to go around cornersArticulated buses have been used in Europe for many years.tram British English, streetcar American English, trolley/trolley car American English a vehicle for passengers, which travels along metal tracks in the street, and usually gets power from electric lines over the vehicleWe waited at the stop for the tram.San Diego has a well-used trolley system.tram American English a vehicle with many different parts for people to sit in, and which usually has open sides. A tram runs on wheels and is used to take tourists from place to place within a particular areaThe tram takes visitors around the backlot of Universal Studios, where many famous movies were once made.Examples from the Corpusbus• Which of them is nearest to a bus route?• Rich Brooks looked like a guy who missed the last bus to work.• Or you can nominate friends, acquaintances, bartenders or bus drivers.• New security measures, including video surveillance cameras, come into force on the city's bus fleet this week.• We are sitting in the bus only.• I didn't know him when he got on the bus.• the bus to the airportby bus• Traveling by bus is easy in the city.Related topics: Motor vehicles, Leisure, Foodbus2 verb (bused or bussed, busing or bussing) [transitive]  1  TTCto take a person or a group of people somewhere in a bus 用公共汽车运送bus somebody to/in/into something Casey was bussed to the school. 凯西乘公共汽车上学。n Grammar Bus is often passive in this meaning.2  American EnglishDLDF to take away dirty dishes from the tables in a restaurant 收拾〔餐馆饭桌上的脏碗碟〕 Shelley had a job bussing tables. 谢利在餐馆干一份收盘子的工作。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbus• Mitchell probed the leftover debris on the plates Adrian had bussed.• In 1989 the town had voted down a petition to close the school and bus the seventeen Granville students to Rochester Elementary.Origin bus1 (1800-1900) omnibus bus2 1. (1900-2000) → BUS12. (1900-2000) busboybus1 noun →n GRAMMAR1 →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1bus2 verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChinese  vehicle people pay a travel to that large Corpus on




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