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单词 bullish
释义  Related topics: Stocks & sharesbul·lish /ˈbʊlɪʃ/ adjective  1  [not before noun]CONFIDENT feeling confident about the future 〔对未来〕有信心的;乐观的 He’s very bullish about the company’s prospects. 他对公司的前景充满信心。2. BFS technical in a business market that is bullish, the prices of shares are rising or seem likely to rise 股票行情看涨的,牛市的 → bearish —bullishly adverb —bullishness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusbullish• Excellent progress was made in disposing of properties in Arizona when the market was considerably more bullish.• Most take place at high points in the stockmarket cycle, when investors are at their most bullish.• For more bullish clients he might suggest a maximum of 25 p.c. of the monthly saving could go into a Pep.• The rosy outlook for equity prices over the near-term meshes with my bullish forecast for 30-year Treasury bonds.• That was the bullish message from the party as it launched its manifesto in Chelmsford yesterday.• Analysts said the euro's resilience was a bullish signal for the currency.• Mr Gross is less bullish than Mr Demler, even in the short term.• The most bullish thing a market can do is go up.From Longman Business Dictionarybullishbul‧lish /ˈbʊlɪʃ/ adjective FINANCE expecting prices on a financial market to rise or economic activity to increaseWe’re not bullish in terms of an art market recovery this year.Good results from Schering encouraged a bullish mood in pharmaceuticals.bullish onIt’s hard to find analysts who aren’t bullish on banks. → compare bearishbul·lish adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus the about feeling confident Business future




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