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单词 repast
释义  Related topics: Foodre·past /rɪˈpɑːst $ rɪˈpæst/ noun [countable]  formalDF a meal 餐;饭菜5The chefs had prepared a delicious repast for the mayor and his guests.厨师们已为市长及其宾客备下佳肴。Examples from the Corpusrepast• They subsisted, from all appearances, on roots and insects; a live gecko made a fine repast.• In their newly decorated dining room, alive with rich, warm reds, the grand repast consisted of three meager chops.• Professor Slocombe picked delicately at his morning repast and listened to it all with the greatest interest.• That simple repast was fit for a king.• After a sumptuous repast he asked the Mayor whether the gallows was prepared.• We all agreed it was the best Venison we ever tasted, and none failed to do ample justice to the repast.• The repast being ended, all advanced to the farm called Mill Beck.• Cabbage has earned a secure place in the winter repast for its unpretentious, wholesome goodness and its versatility.Origin repast (1300-1400) Old French repaistre “to feed”re·past nounChineseSyllable   meal a Corpus




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