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单词 Lengthy
1. His lengthy speeches always bore me to death.
2. Agreement was finally reached after very lengthy discussions.
3. Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
4. He was wont to give lengthy speeches.
5. A lengthy period of training is required.
6. The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author.
7. We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.
8. We had to make a lengthy detour through the backstreets.
9. After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise .
10. After a lengthy and painful divorce, she vowed never to remarry.
11. His lengthy absence from work fuelled rumours that he might have been sacked.
12. The problem was solved only after several lengthy discussions.
13. Each day Parkin wades through lengthy court reports.
14. They both made full recoveries after lengthy injury layoffs.
15. An accident is causing some lengthy delays.
16. She was subjected to torture and lengthy interrogations.
17. A settlement was reached after lengthy negotiations.
18. A deal was struck after lengthy negotiations.
19. He launched into a lengthy account of his career.
20. This is not the place for a lengthy discussion.
21. The book ends on a lengthy description of Hawaii.
21. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
22. The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon.
23. After a lengthy debate, MPs/the House of Commons divided.
24. We listened to his lengthy rehearsal of the arguments.
25. There were lengthy internal disputes between the two wings of the party.
26. I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance.
27. I don't want to get involved in some lengthy argument about who is to blame.
28. He had boiled down a lengthy report to just a few paragraphs.
29. The athlete could face a lengthy period of suspension if found guilty.
30. She became seriously ill and had to be institutionalized for a lengthy period.
1. His lengthy speeches always bore me to death.
2. Agreement was finally reached after very lengthy discussions.
3. Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy.
4. A lengthy period of training is required.
5. The reviewer padded out his review with a lengthy biography of the author.
6. We devoted a lengthy and full discussion to this topic.
7. We had to make a lengthy detour through the backstreets.
8. After lengthy talks the two sides finally reached a compromise .
9. She became seriously ill and had to be institutionalized for a lengthy period.
10. After a lengthy and painful divorce, she vowed never to remarry.
11. His lengthy absence from work fuelled rumours that he might have been sacked.
12. The professor wrote a lengthy book on Napoleon.
13. The athlete could face a lengthy period of suspension if found guilty.
31. A lengthy police investigation failed to produce any evidence on which the suspect could be convicted.
32. Lengthy negotiations must take place before any agreement can be reached.
33. She made some lengthy cuts before handing over the finished novel.
34. After a lengthy discussion we reached a unanimous decision on the proposal.
35. The last stop in Mr Cook's lengthy tour was Paris.
36. After a series of lengthy delays, the case finally came to court.
37. Many airline passengers face lengthy delays because of the strike.
38. After a fairly lengthy delay, we were able to continue.
39. These tasks were repetitive, lengthy and lacking any intrinsic interest.
40. In a lengthy interview the minister defogged the issues in the demonstration.
41. After much discussion/several lengthy discussions they decided to accept our offer.
42. The company has consistently denied responsibility, but it agreed to the settlement to avoid the expense of lengthy litigation.
43. Graham Fletcher was unimpressed with the idea of filling in a lengthy questionnaire.
44. Luckily, we were stopped at a lengthy traffic light.
45. Managers tolerated the disturbance and entered lengthy negotiations.
46. He later completed a lengthy study of Figurative Art.
47. She died of natural causes after a lengthy illness.
48. Then began lengthy discussions on ways and means.
49. Berret sat down dejectedly to write his lengthy report.
50. Creating a new network system is a lengthy process.
51. Some displays may remain in place for lengthy periods.
52. The preparation of legislation is often a lengthy process.
53. It is a lengthy and wearing process.
54. Fannie Mae loses interest revenue in a lengthy foreclosure.
55. The friendly deal was struck after lengthy negotiations between lawyers and Official Solicitor David Venables,(http:///lengthy.html) the girl's court-appointed guardian.
56. He was indicted on drug charges after a lengthy investigation by the US Drug Enforcement Administration.
57. To satisfy the demands of wealthier parishioners for more comfort during the often lengthy sermons, pews with cushions began to proliferate.
58. It had undergone detailed and lengthy examination by a Select Committee of this House.
59. It can be marked by very low pitch, even on lexical items, loss of amplitude and a lengthy pause.
60. The project went through lengthy development and field testing before the project teachers' guide and teacher training manual were published.
61. The teacher can often save lengthy explanation by carefully constructing a diagram or chart which encapsulates the main points of a lesson.
62. Later, he tried to call the reporter near the holidays, and even wrote a lengthy poem.
63. That allows the recipient to visit the site by clicking on the icon instead of typing a lengthy address.
64. The second point, which requires a more lengthy discussion, concerns the changing social composition of the electorate.
65. Charity commissioners admit they have been in lengthy discussions with Jansen's solicitors about her position with the charitable foundation.
66. These were avoided, as the homeless mentally ill tend to have a low toleration for lengthy interviews.
67. It's likely she could face lengthy physiotherapy and recovery may be slow.
68. Herrema's release after a lengthy siege followed an agreement with his kidnappers, signed by Garvey but repudiated by the gardai.
69. This could mean the difference between minutes or even hours of work for lengthy reports and proposals.
70. It was impossible to treat all parliamentary candidates alike without being either wholly uninformative or inordinately lengthy.
71. Park officials defended their care of Yaka, insisting she died of natural causes after a lengthy illness.
72. The accused, Eddie Gilfoyle, 32, listened attentively to the lengthy discussions.
73. He's alleged to have stabbed him to death following a lengthy legal dispute over access to children.
74. There followed a lengthy discussion on how best to assist future volunteers.
75. Robinson begins the lengthy questionnaire, speaking in a sympathetic tone that is disarmingly neutral.
76. Lengthy research went on to find suitable precedents but the overriding consideration was the position of Lloyd George and the Liberals.
77. This restrictive covenant is often included in village or rural sites and can result in lengthy delays and extreme frustration.
78. Prosperity, too, had been the product of small enterprises and a lengthy consumer boom financed by credit.
79. Slower varieties maturing in two months or more need to be sown in July to ensure a lengthy October harvest.
80. Even the lengthy deliberations of the convention were cognizant of sound weather planning, namely, finishing before winter arrived.
81. Detectives arrested the suspect at his home in Toxteth after a lengthy cat-and-mouse game involving surveillance experts.
82. The developer, in turn, sued the city and Pilachowski, setting off a lengthy legal battle.
83. Seven new top-level domain names have been agreed on after lengthy deliberations.
84. The procedures for bringing a body back for burial are lengthy and complex.
85. It immobilized a lot of capital for a lengthy period, and was not without dangers.
86. Earlier this month, he sent a lengthy letter to Susan K.
87. In recent months, Milhoan has written lengthy rebuttals to senior Navy officials in hopes of overturning his dismissal.
88. Specifically, it often meant not permitting Louisa to escape from lengthy homework assignments that involved a lot of writing.
89. Moreover, the gold market's lengthy depression has made it particularly susceptible to a bull raid.
90. Parretti had a lengthy criminal record that included fraud and conspiracy to commit bodily harm.
91. Most lengthy studies show that people who lose weight over the years seem to die earlier than those whose weight remains stable.
92. After a lengthy civil war, the groups agreed to a national election in 1992 and foreign troops withdrew.
93. She uncovered her typewriter, flipped open her notebook and was soon immersed in a draft of the lengthy Ghent report.
94. Several recent studies have confirmed the efficacy of lengthy spacing.
95. The formal markers, low pitch close plus lengthy pause plus raised pitch introductory expression, are not present.
96. The President gave a lengthy address to the nation on CBS last night.
97. For some, the feeling that they were making progress was all that kept them going through the painful and lengthy process.
98. Currently eviction must follow lengthy proceedings in the civil courts.
99. The completeness in such lengthy expositions might provide useful checklists for managerial reviews.
100. The catalogue of offences regarded as serious enough to merit dismissal for a single occurrence is sometimes lengthy.
101. The technique of propagation by spores is lengthy and requires considerable knowledge.
102. Lengthy interviews were conducted with a large sample of citizens in each of five countries.
103. This is hardly surprising as establishing new artists is a costly and lengthy process.
104. I find this a lengthy process, even Nanette Newman's bubbles don't do the job first time.
105. While often meandering, the trip consistently yields epiphanies, as in the lengthy, two-part title track.
106. Alderman Keane nominated him and eighteen other committeemen made lengthy speeches seconding the nomination.
107. However, lengthy and complex consultative committees can hinder revision and make for a slowly changing scheme.
108. His lengthy memos to elected officials and bureaucrats contain scathing denunciations of both past and present government practices.
109. It also conducted lengthy interviews with survivors from Hitler's bunker and pieced together the dictator's final hours.
110. The purchase process for a new house, car, cooker or video recorder may have been a quite lengthy process.
111. During my lengthy spell abroad, I was seconded to a public relations unit, run by a delightful and eccentric colonel.
111. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
112. There is no time now to spend on the lengthy process of building flesh and bone.
113. So many antiques that Architectural Digest magazine devoted a lengthy article to the subject in its November issue.
114. Dean Acheson responded that the unhappy stalemate which had existed for a lengthy period could not be extended.
115. The second half opened with a lengthy spell of defending against the wind by Alton, before they gradually regained the initiative.
116. With a nuclear station decommissioning was a lengthy, expensive and potentially hazardous enterprise.
117. Cost barriers to entry are high and the time necessary to catch up with market leaders is lengthy.
118. There was lengthy discussion on which format the Tournament should take as there was no specific programme or rules to follow.
119. Michelle knows all too well how lengthy the legal process can be and she's relieved her case is at last being heard.
120. With shops filling nearly four square blocks, the walk will be invigorating but not lengthy.
121. One is that relatively lengthy questionnaires can be used to increase the quantity or detail of information obtained.
122. Inside was rather lengthy letter from a nudist who lives next to Bonaventure cemetery.
123. There were objects in glass cases, lengthy labels in tiny print, subdued lighting and great echoing halls.
124. There was a lengthy getting-to-know-you period between Sam and his often ridiculed broomhandle putting implement.
125. Early on Thursday, Cheney received a second lengthy briefing during the drive from his suburban Virginia home into Washington.
126. Limitations of space preclude a lengthy dissertation on what is a vast subject.
127. Until then, newspaper coverage of the Royal Family had been in a fairly lengthy decline.
128. The Observer newspaper published a lengthy investigation which claimed that there was substantial discrimination by elite regiments against potential black recruits.
129. Drivers faced lengthy delays on the sodden A4 between Newbury and Hungerford.
130. From animal experiments we know that activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors contributes to cell death in hippocampal pyramidal neurons during lengthy limbic seizures.
131. The most lengthy and energetic discussion occurred around financial goals because both groups had surprised themselves by setting very high growth targets.
132. Ideally, you will be due a lengthy period of notice if your employer wishes you to leave.
133. Specific and lengthy training - usually over a period of years so the non-committed will fall by the wayside. 3.
134. Do customers-to-be really care whether you precisely follow a lengthy code of practice?
135. Sampling the standards Standards proposed for California students are lengthy and detailed, containing dozens of yardsticks for each grade.
136. He went out of there alive and alone, after a fairly lengthy stay.
137. Now authorities are having to monitor landfill sites, a process which is expensive and lengthy.
138. Until then, police practice involved turning a blind eye to minor breaches of public decency rather than embarking on lengthy prosecutions.
139. Most of the speakers were women and many had prepared lengthy and detailed statements of their views.
140. The runways have reopened, but travelers have been warned to expect lengthy delays.
141. He did not leave Hampshire until 1936, during which lengthy spell he played 700 matches - a record - for them.
141. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
142. They were both told of the lengthy queues when they rang to take children there for aid.
143. Its position indicates that in the past houses were grouped around this area rather than in the lengthy one-street formation as now.
144. He listened to lengthy and completely spurious accounts by this modern-day alchemist of how his machine supposedly worked.
145. Users have to register, but aren't obliged to enter into a lengthy contractual agreement.
146. His reasoning is lengthy and perhaps not quite the same as that of the leading judgment.
147. Each day Parkin wades through tax directories and lengthy court reports.
148. Deployed often enough already, the objection to the economic element in Marx's thought needs no lengthy rehearsal.
149. An unusual feature is the very lengthy glossary running to 37 pages for 46 terms.
150. The events of 1909-11 have been given comparatively lengthy attention.
151. Its hearing was adjourned to let both sides study the lengthy judgment before making further submissions.
152. They sent her a demo tape and a lengthy letter.
153. Paul should expect a lengthy period of recovery from surgery.
154. She made them for her in the evenings, after the lengthy daily struggles of climbing the ladder together.
155. It is the United States that has suffered from millions of impoverished, illegal aliens coming across the lengthy border.
156. This last example of a conclusion is lengthy but notice how it confronts the question.
157. Most set aside a few days or, worse, a single day to write that lengthy report or proposal.
158. Jackey is the most colourful in a lengthy list of aristocratic thugs, and the Countess provides an element of sophisticated sexuality.
159. These tasks were repetitive, lengthy,() and lacking in any intrinsic interest.
160. We soon saw the lengthy pontoon bridge spanning the Angara River.
161. After lengthy legal proceedings the forged will was declared void in 1989 and the forgers duly punished.
162. One teacher recruited three parent helpers to help one fourth-grade student who could not engage in lengthy writing projects.
163. But Sisson, in addition to bringing his story up to date with a final chapter, interjects half way through a lengthy segment on his war.
164. The summarising or listing of information extracted from any of these manual systems can be a lengthy procedure.
165. During its lengthy pass through the atmosphere, the body loses 0. 8 kilometers per second of its velocity.
166. Before long, lengthy queues began to form before opening time.
167. In practice, firms took the opportunity to insert in those agreements lengthy provisions of a commercial nature for their own protection.
168. The monoplane wing comprised a lengthy parallel-chord centre section, with tapered outer panels incorporating Frise-type ailerons.
169. The prospect of lengthy pleadings, disclosure and witness statements must have been unappealing, to say the least.
170. Southend fans staged a lengthy demonstration against the chairman after the 2-1 defeat by Ipswich at Roots Hall on Saturday.
171. The acclimatization of emersed plants into an aquarium environment is sometimes very lengthy or unsuccessful.
171. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
172. This had led to a lengthy series of negotiations over the sort of contracts which should bind printers in his new plant.
173. Kikkoman Soy Sauce takes its pure and subtle flavour from the lengthy natural fermentation process.
174. Any firm conclusions would require much more lengthy analysis than is possible in this book.
175. The high point of his campaign came in three lengthy and unscripted television interviews with a sympathetic journalist.
176. The new system was developed after a lengthy review process, including consultation with industry leaders and other experts.
177. Hertz Lipmann carried on about something in a lengthy monologue.
178. The lengthy test programme involved laboratory testing and exposure to sea climate.
179. Timing From the original brief to air-date, making a commercial is a lengthy process.
180. Unlike their Soviet counterparts, few western texts indulged in lengthy discussion of a work's subject matter.
181. Knight has a lengthy criminal history and is currently being detained in a California prison.
182. By the twentieth edition synthesis had become a well-established mechanism for allowing detailed specification without resorting to exceedingly lengthy schedules.
183. Sunrise Medical said in a lengthy report on the probe, which began in late October.
184. At the beginning of 1985, Rice began a lengthy series of field trips to various regions controlled by the marketing department.
185. A lengthy public inquiry ensued in 1984 with expert witnesses on both sides.
186. After lengthy discussion, B telephones her cousin, who is an important politician in the local government.
187. Macari may find he has to sell before he can buy, so rebuilding could be a lengthy process.
188. There are stories of that event also, but it would make this too lengthy.
189. The third was a lengthy and dully-written biography of a late nineteenth-century general.
190. After a lengthy period of care at home, she was first admitted to hospital, then to a nursing home.
191. When hungry times set in, the scouts become less fastidious and give lengthy dances even for poor food.
192. The Profitboss doesn't squander precious time writing and reading lengthy job descriptions.
193. Select Folder from the lengthy list that appears and then click on Edit.
194. Party chairman Chris Patten, the tragic hero of the hour, arrived shortly after 11.00 for a lengthy post-mortem.
195. Transfers between databases invoke lengthy processes and have subsidiary backup and archiving implications.
196. You might not do that if you were in prison, as a lengthy quotation from Porridge reminds us.
197. Many argue that the biological effects of lengthy space travel are the biggest imponderable.
198. Lengthy lead time on procuring PreciPitators and bag-houses may extend the time frame for completion of some conversions past one year.
199. We might find that, after lengthy stays on the Moon, astronauts suffer debilitating degenerative disorders.
200. A NEW supermarket planned for Richmond was thrown out by district councillors last night after a lengthy debate and a close vote.
201. Some consolidators have been in business a lengthy period,(http:///lengthy.html) but many come and go.
202. Industry feared that even quite harmless products might have to be subjected to lengthy and costly hearings as a result.
203. Both geometric correction and image registration involve lengthy and time-consuming operations, taking several hours on a minicomputer.
204. I intend to have a thoroughly enjoyable and lengthy period without paid work.
205. After a lengthy conversation with the experienced caterer at the other end of the line you arrange to show him your establishment.
206. That means long lines and lengthy delays at skycap stations and ticket counters.
207. A lengthy course of the right medicine can cure the disease.
208. To obtain an eviction order through the courts could mean a lengthy legal process, possibly entailing adverse publicity.
209. He called for the discharge of rebels from the Army, and for courts martial and lengthy sentences for the mutineers.
210. This is quite different from the lengthy exposure to much lower levels which people receive from the nuclear industry.
211. Battle continues: A lengthy battle between a scrap car dealer and Sedgefield District Council remains unresolved.
212. The operation marked the end of a lengthy legal battle.
213. What people do in retirement is equally important, yet we know comparatively little about this potentially lengthy and possibly isolated experience.
214. One of the most bizarre things I saw was the lengthy and intricate preparation for the blessing of a new furniture store.
215. With that behind it, the project will continue a lengthy and complicated approval process.
216. Lengthy timescales often mean a changing external environment into which the innovation has to be introduced, and impact upon the benefits.
217. There's a big difference between the document's lengthy preamble and the actual content.
218. After lengthy debates in each national parliament, ratification took a further year to complete.
219. Eden and Hull are locked in lengthy discussions.
220. the lengthy process of obtaining a visa.
221. Exact computation of the burning surface area is lengthy.
222. Programmers at our installation write and debug lengthy code.
223. He wrote a lengthy epistle describing his college life.
224. That's one reason for this chapter's lengthy backtracking coverage.
225. During the lengthy and boring procedure I never thought that there is an opportunity available for me to apply for Independent Immigration to Canada and to work as a foreign exchange dealer in Canada.
226. The two-piece design of the Red Valve Hawse pipe valve allows the valve to be clamped into place without necessitating movement of the lengthy anchor line.
227. After an encouraging start, the negotiations deteriorate into a lengthy haggling session.
228. He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.
229. Received the letter this morning containing your forty-fifth move (your knight captures my queen?), and also your lengthy explanation regarding the mid-September ellipsis in our correspondence.
230. He looked at a lengthy video that Beghe had posted on the Internet, in which he denounces the church as destructive and a ripoff.
231. The speaker has violated the minimization principle by selecting a lengthy expression.
232. During multiplication and maturation,(/lengthy.html) the lengthy genomic DNA of dsDNA viruses is translocated with remarkable velocity into a limited space within the procapsid and packaged to crystalline density.
233. Protestors at the congress also raised the controversial Morning Star Flag, a symbol of West Papuan Independence, and an act that carries lengthy jail terms.
234. The proposal unveiled by Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns was the administration's opening move in what will be a lengthy tug of war with Congress over a new multi-year farm bill.
235. Plasmas have shown themselves to be very resourceful at avoiding lengthy confinement.
236. After graduating I worked as assistant editor in Middle East International, where my duties consisted chiefly of reading proof and rewriting, as well as composing lengthy articles and short item.
237. Liquid-fueled DF-5A missiles may not employ storable liquid fuel propellant, possibly requiring a lengthy fueling process before firing.
238. The film camera is associated with a lengthy effort of photographing, cutting, editing, and dubbing, which may involve months of work.
239. Pulling out of a recession is a lengthy and drawn-out process.
240. The lengthy life of Richard Strauss (1864-1949) has covered the period in which 19th century lieders prevailed, whose most songs embody romanticist style.
241. Lengthy bed rest also comes with its own set of complications.
242. The concerto is well suited throughout to showing off the qualities of a fine harpsichord and the virtuosity of its player, especially in the lengthy solo 'cadenza' to the first movement.
243. We then later in the afternoon yesterday had the first of a fairly lengthy two-part bilateral meeting, me and Mr. Xie and both of our teams.
244. The parliamentary chairman, Wu Bangguo, used the occasion to launch a lengthy tirade against Western - style democracy.
245. That what was said about sculpture also applies to painting needs no lengthy line of reasoning.
246. So long number to expressing empirical formula that appears not only lengthy but also less practicality.
247. We have a poor track record for on-time delivery due to lengthy code freezes and difficult code integrations.
248. Rectangles and lines enhance the readability of a lengthy form or report.
249. In October his troops landed on Leyte Island to begin the lengthy campaign.
250. There is a lengthy article on Spike Milligan in the Observer newspaper.
251. "Others have, " replied Letterman, referring to George Bush's fondness for lengthy brush-clearing trips at his Texas ranch.
252. The settlement resolves a lengthy government investigation into the company's financial dealings with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia or FARC designated as a terrorist organization under U.
253. Only once during the lengthy discourse had the detective interrupted.
254. They'll also get Chris Mihm back shortly from his lengthy bout with a balky ankle.
255. I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition by the tax inspector.
256. People who have spoken to Mr. Jackson say he has simply not felt up to the rigors of performing after his lengthy legal ordeal.
257. Tourist attractions in Portugal also include the historic center of Oporto which enjoys a lengthy 1,000 year old history.
258. Their lengthy nymphal stage is unparalleled within the animal kingdom and continues to draw the interest of scientists.
259. No mammals other than people may enter the country without lengthy quarantine.
260. Lots of systems suffer from the extremes: clumped, lengthy code with little abstractions, or an overly designed system with unnecessary complexity and unused code.
261. Establishing present-day ownership has led to lengthy complex court cases because the original owners of the British-registered ship have long since gone.
261. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
262. He has apologised for causing Wiley "personal embarrassment" by questioning his fitness and there have been calls for him to be handed a lengthy touchline ban.
263. The production process avoids the technique of viscose process which is lengthy, complex and seriously polluting.
264. And a new safety feature allow us to abort lengthy batch operations with a press of the B button.
265. That Russia remains in two minds partly explains its lengthy application process.
266. No one could map out the difficulty and the prospects of a lengthy stay in dry dock seemed likely.
267. The document began as a very lengthy piece work and got longer during the conference itself.
268. But he saved the full force of his venom for his lengthy and accusatory "Aschroft-Lyon Manuscript" to which he devoted much of1909.
269. We stood in somber silence as the Indian national anthem was played, followed by a lengthy series of prayers representing five faiths including Zoroastrianism, the original faith of Jamshedji Tata.
270. Henig's lengthy piece is impressive in its scope of developmental psychology and its sensitivity to the question of whether 20-somethings need more help than we thought.
271. The two leaders have been involved in lengthy diplomatic negotiations.
272. I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my bank balance.




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