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单词 broody
释义  brood·y /ˈbruːdi/ adjective  1  British English informalWANT wishing that you had a baby 想要孩子的 I get broody when I see baby clothes. 我看到婴儿服装,就会产生想要孩子的念头。2  WORRIEDsilent because you are thinking or worrying about something 闷闷不乐的,抑郁的;沉思的 Damian’s been broody lately. 达米安近来一直闷闷不乐。3. HBPif a female bird is broody, it wants to lay eggs or to sit on them to make the young birds break out 〔雌鸟〕想孵蛋的,要抱窝的 —broodiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusbroody• Men, under these circumstances, would have no broody gene of their own.• Once he put a broody hen on a clutch of eggs and ten little chicks hatched out.• The broody hens were taken and the young pheasants ignored.• They're a broody looking fivesome, all dark clothes and darker expressions.• She tried to clear them from her mind, but was broody over breakfast.• I was left broody, solemn, sad.• After that she said nothing for a while, only sat watching me in a broody way.brood·y adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus had you a wishing baby that




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