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单词 Obstacle
1. The greatest obstacle to progress is prejudice. 
2. Fear of change is an obstacle to progress.
3. Her father's opposition remained only their obstacle.
4. The attitude of the unions is a serious obstacle.
5. Her father's opposition was their only obstacle.
6. The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
7. could be an obstacle to an arms agreement.
8. Lack of money has proved an almost insurmountable obstacle.
9. He took a leap over an obstacle.
10. Overcrowding remains a large obstacle to improving conditions.
11. The release of prisoners remains an obstacle in the path of a peace agreement.
12. She felt that her family was an obstacle to her work.
13. A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job.
14. The MP claims that there is now no obstacle to him standing at the next general election.
15. The huge distances involved have proved an obstacle to communication between villages.
16. The agreement removes the last serious obstacle to the signing of the arms treaty.
17. Lack of childcare provision can be a major obstacle for women wishing to work.
18. Mispronunciation can be a serious obstacle to making yourself understood in a foreign language.
19. If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.
20. The Church of England put a serious obstacle in the path of women who want to become priests.
21. This decision has removed the last obstacle to the hostages' release.
22. Another obstacle to keeping these efforts alive is money./obstacle.html
23. However, qualifications remained a major obstacle.
24. This obstacle is personified by Sen.
25. Most competition cars will only roll over if they hit an obstacle.
26. The difference in regional house prices acts as an obstacle to mobility of labour.
27. We assume that competent doctors emerge at the end of an obstacle course of traditional examinations based on facts.
28. Not being able to pass his mathematics exam proved an obstacle to his career.
29. In the full flush of success, nothing was an obstacle.
30. He is in the full flush of success ; nothing was an obstacle .
1. Fear of change is an obstacle to progress.
2. The attitude of the unions is a serious obstacle.
3. Her father's opposition was their only obstacle.
4. Most competition cars will only roll over if they hit an obstacle.
5. The biggest obstacle in our way was a tree trunk in the road.
6. Lack of money has proved an almost insurmountable obstacle.
7. He took a leap over an obstacle.
8. The difference in regional house prices acts as an obstacle to mobility of labour.
9. She felt that her family was an obstacle to her work.
10. He is in the full flush of success ; nothing was an obstacle .
11. If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.
31. This ambitious project faces a major legal obstacle.
32. The main obstacle now is the United Nations.
33. My biggest obstacle, though, was Syngman Rhee.
34. As we overcame obstacle after obstacle, our pride grew.
35. In this illustration your notepad is an obstacle.
36. Acheson replied that the obstacle was one of security.
37. Safety has been the main obstacle.
38. He hauled the crimson obstacle from her womb.
39. Too often, past social stratification forms an obstacle.
40. Cooling the water is the biggest obstacle.
41. A greater obstacle may be Clinton himself.
42. She is no ordinary political obstacle.
43. That condition remains the key obstacle.
44. It was like an obstacle race.
45. Although the company hopes for approval this month, Mr Rozells pointed out that the government shutdown presents an obstacle.
46. But the man was a romantic and probably saw Steve as an obstacle he might have to overcome.
47. The greatest obstacle to the progress of the Unity Campaign was the opposition of the Labour Party.
48. There are mazes, obstacle courses, visual recognition games, trial-and-error experiments, arcade-style shooting games.
49. The main obstacle was a battle-tested Houston team that never blinked, even after nearly blowing a 22-point lead.
50. The greatest obstacle to economic progress has been mass unemployment.
51. With fatigued muscles, we endured ruck marches, long runs and obstacle courses.
52. The difference in regional house prices acts as a major obstacle to mobility of labour.
53. However[/obstacle.html], circling before the horse is presented at the obstacle is not penalised - unlike showjumping.
54. Agreeing operational requirements is the first and most tiresome obstacle.
55. The directive was simply another obstacle which had to be taken into account by the broadcasting authorities.
56. Here, some five hundred years ago, the river encountered an obstacle that caused it to split into two channels.
57. The next obstacle is just as tough: the $ 24 billion annual tax savings for charitable contributions.
58. Increasingly, Mr Kabila's duplicity and intransigence were seen by all as the chief obstacle to any such agreement.
59. The real obstacle to these programs is that the resources they require are limited by our political system.
60. Another major obstacle is the fair circuit and its impact on the higher quality stables.
61. The simplest involves racing down a mountain, while the most complicated requires you to perform tricks on an obstacle course.
62. While the implacable opposition of Gen Aoun is the main obstacle in his path, there are plenty of other difficulties.
63. The lack of sharp focus in this field is a serious obstacle to comparison of analyses and to proper explanation.
64. He demonstrated, for example, how to navigate your way over an obstacle like a gate, without disturbing the bird.
65. For Fleet, which has recently made big acquisitions, the move clears an obstacle in integrating its multi-state operations.
66. But they add that Washington knows the Senate will be a difficult obstacle to overcome.
67. It builds character. As we overcame obstacle after obstacle, our pride grew.
68. The only major obstacle remaining, mutual recognition, has clinched the deal.
69. The final fence is usually an inviting, straight forward obstacle but it can still cause problems.
70. The technical obstacle relates to ring-fencing of local government money.
71. The nuclear programme, because of its sudden appearance and because of the passions it arouses, has encountered its greatest obstacle in people.
72. The lack of a Leninist party constitutes the greatest single obstacle to the victory of the world revolution.
73. Now she placed the obstacle of her nose between Anwar and Changez so that neither could get at the other.
74. Sales v Credit Sales people often view the credit department as an obstacle to overcome in getting a sale.
75. He has cleared the first obstacle cleanly but knows others will present greater problems.
76. Further down the scale the monarchic principle constitutes an obstacle to precisely that sense of responsibility about which we hear so much.
77. As the last obstacle between you and safety, no short measures should be taken in protecting the passage.
78. The main obstacle to the widespread use of abatement techniques is the significant and variable national costs which are incurred.
79. But as folklore will tell you, the Net treats censorship like an obstacle to go around.
80. The lack of money could also be a major obstacle.
81. When parents encounter this obstacle, they finally get off the dime and have their kids vaccinated.
82. Getting people to care-enough to bother doing some-thing-seems to be the real obstacle.
82. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
83. The first obstacle is, of course, to show that the defect caused the accident.
84. Stark gave Izzard the warmest of welcomes and seems to have put no obstacle in the way of a biography.
85. Long-time leader Mweenish would almost certainly have held on had he cleared the final obstacle without error.
86. Perhaps his biggest obstacle has been his instrument -- the flute, never taken seriously as a jazz instrument.
87. From the 1970s onwards, the cold war increasingly became an obstacle to economic and political stability.
88. Modern censures on Herodotos for failing to mention this obstacle have, here as often, been proved unjustified.
89. This is likely to provide a further obstacle to clear and stable objectives for rail transport.
90. I re-emphasise that the policy of settlements in the occupied territories is a serious obstacle to a peace settlement.
91. Labor-Management Cooperation Many public managers believe that unions are the greatest obstacle standing in the way of entrepreneurial government.
92. While Haile Selassie was backed by the United States this proved no obstacle.
93. Lack of childcare provision was cited as a major obstacle for women who wish to participate in training and employment initiatives.
94. But the commune continued to act as a major obstacle to the emergence of any substantial stratum of better-off peasants.
95. With man effort not often matched in the animal kingdom, he overcame that considerable obstacle.
96. But the appointment of a receiver at Birmingham has removed any obstacle.
97. He became an embarrassment, and, perhaps more important, an obstacle to trade.
98. Mowbray hurried along the parapet. In the dark he would not see the obstacle.
99. The largest obstacle facing reservation crime-fighters is a lack of funding for more officers, basic equipment and detention facilities.
100. But perhaps the most intractable obstacle to mass college attendance was the elite character of the college itself.
101. Both made their error at the treble which was by far the most troublesome obstacle.
102. Our picture shows John in full training before surveying the camp obstacle course.
103. The ultimate obstacle is not one of technique but of political and ethical constraint.
104. Advertisements for Harvard dealers pointed out demurely that remuneration was no obstacle for the right person.
105. But the major obstacle to wider use of computers for textual processing is the time taken to input data.
106. But there are strings attached, and a fresh bureaucratic and political obstacle course lies ahead.
107. Another obstacle to congressional effectiveness is the communication gap between the executive and legislative branches.
108. A fail-safe system triggered a red signal, giving the driver of the train time to stop and remove the obstacle.
109. Another obstacle to headmen serving as representatives of the principles behind the legal administration was their own participation in crime.
110. Insuring the bonus, now expected to be $ 1. 8 million, has become an obstacle.
111. I've always told my kids to treat every obstacle as an opportunity in disguise.
112. While we agree with this, we would add another major obstacle, namely problems of definition of the object of study.
112. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
113. The Velcro obstacle course will be 40 feet of trouble for those trying to get through it.
114. Centralization of authority within the parties was seen as the major obstacle to the implementation of their demands.
115. The principal remaining obstacle in this enterprise is the unknown relation between genes and culture.
116. Guidance delayed by legal hitch Restraint guidance for children in care, long delayed by the government, has hit another obstacle.
117. There's no reason why the fact of being a parent should be an obstacle to women's career progression.
118. Yet the biggest obstacle is locating a suitable venue for this gargantuan Christmas dinner.
119. Visits, though immensely enjoyable, had elements of both the obstacle race and the assault course.
120. The main obstacle was the steep Crooksbury Hill after 19 miles, with the Punchbowl being a descent.
121. In the province of Vercelli the shortage of labour therefore remained a serious obstacle to agricultural development.
122. Put simply, intellectual property is not an obstacle to access.
123. As eggplant spread west, though, bitterness proved an obstacle to acceptance.
124. The final obstacle was a disagreement between Shas and Mafdal over the distribution of funds to their client religious institutions.
125. I think they will find that most authorities will agree that it has proved a major obstacle but by no means the only one.
126. It was widely thought that discussions over his release had been the main obstacle in the talks between Meyer and Ramaphosa.
127. Often, the main obstacle between them is the prospect of dealing with forbidding galleries charging forbidding commission fees.
128. Gao Yang twisted himself around the tree just in time to see Gao Ma stymied by the obstacle.
129. The parents will enjoy watching their children having fun completing the obstacle course particularly if there are a number of novelty items.
130. The rules to make it through the obstacle course of a day's commute to school are carefully laid out.
131. When it came to assembling facts and details, the system was a formidable obstacle.
132. Is the federal government a constructive force in directing industrial technology or an obstacle?
133. There is increasing evidence that shortcomings in the industrial building stock are an obstacle to better national economic performance.
134. Thus, the obstacle facing the world in the Olympic baseball competition is a formidable one.
135. The obstacle to optical fibre communication is lift loss due to impurities in the glass.
136. It discovered that social problems-issues of motivation, attitude, and expectations-were a greater obstacle than lack of programs.
137. The stairs were a formidable obstacle to son Michael, also, since we lived in a bungalow.
138. She started to regret her impulsiveness in joining a wild-goose obstacle chase.
139. Checking the factual accuracy of the new social security information items proved to be a greater obstacle than usual.
140. An oesophageal tube was placed just above the obstacle under fluoroscopic guidance to drain the saliva.
141. Hardie has one big obstacle: The five big record labels haven't agreed to let him to sell their music.
142. While Genghis learns to climb over an obstacle, the foundational walking routine is never fiddled with.
142. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
143. No one will admit to any obstacle in this celebration of national pride.
144. It is often suggested that the issue of the ordination of women is a major obstacle to progress.
145. The lack of money is a serious obstacle that could prevent the project from succeeding.
146. However the major obstacle to general acceptance was one of incompatibility between different manufacturers' machines.
147. Rather than finance, the greatest obstacle he faces is his attitude.
148. A major obstacle to understanding is the use of technical jargon which is unintelligible to the buyer.
149. Although in fairness their biggest obstacle wasn't acting live but making the most of flawed storylines.
150. His father for his part would not then put any obstacle in his son's way.
151. Is there not, furthermore, a major obstacle in the question of language?
152. Above, the cleft was barred by vertical walls forming a difficult obstacle, demanding care and attention.
153. However, bow shocks become wrapped around blunt obstacles and become much weaker the further away they are from the obstacle head.
154. Such abuse of power is not just a problem for women, it is potentially an obstacle to accomplishing the mission.
155. Another way of approaching the attack on the ball is to put a small obstacle in the way of the downswing.
156. Nuclear weapons are a major obstacle on the road to peace.
157. However, this also meant that a very small obstacle could deflect the bullet in flight.
158. George says softly to me as I finally inch my way past the last obstacle.
159. But most entrepreneurial managers tell us that unions have not been their primary obstacle.
160. The only serious potential obstacle to the plan foreseen at the time was litigation by employer and union groups.
161. The main obstacle is not partisanship, but individualism.
162. Couldn't you see Kickball-Math, or Obstacle Course-Scavenger Hunts?
163. On the foundation of recognizant obstacle, companion hair behavior is mixed mussily campaign of spirit of not harmonious sex is heated.
164. Tax division system is a long-term and reasonable system arrangement but the cost mechanism has actually become the obstacle for central government and local government to realize ideal benefit goals.
165. First, direct path interference suppression, the obstacle of technique for target detection by extra illuminator, is analyzed.
166. The mental poverty in the under-developed area has become main reason and obstacle in getting rid of poverty.
167. A theatrical scene requires an obstacle unless it is a pure connective or expository situation.
168. The test problem is the initial stage of a two-dimensional diffraction and reflection of a plane shock wave, impinging on a rectangular obstacle.
169. However, long time delay and unadaptive to environment is a general obstacle in traditional teleloperation, which directly affects performance of space telerobotics system.
170. Heavy metals combine with protein and enzyme inside organism after being absorbed, which results in irreversible denaturalization and obstacle of physiological and metabolizable.
171. Photism is otherer implement obstacle of qualitative sex spirit is more intense, more special and have a relapse easily, the head that sees flaming scenery, gnat, body, friend.
172. Secondary employment must not be an obstacle for taking a suitable full-time job and it can not be extended during the unemployment.
173. Some patients behave obstacle of spirit of appearance of the disease that it is hysteria, the happy to dance when fit, cry laugh fugacious , catch hair beat a bosom,[http:///obstacle.html] call out is clamorous.
174. That is a disadvantage in finding out the relationship between the different auditory-visual experiences deprivation, or auditory-visual modality obstacle and the temporal perception.
175. An obstacle detecting system based on multi - sensor data fusion is proposed.
176. Hereinto, the differentiating obstacle system is necessary composing part of the digital agriculture research vehicle and would ensure the vehicle safely running in the course of its working.
177. The curse of vampirism is but an obstacle, a hurdle before achieving true power.
178. The clinical features of BD was gradual decline of brainpower, orientation obstacle, characteristic changes, pseudobulbar palsy, manifestation of pyramidal and extrapyramidal motor system damages.
179. The other main obstacle to the economic advancement of the Africans is the industrial colour bar by which all the better jobs of industry are reserved for whites only.
180. In addition, heat build-up limits the number of channels a single DDI chip can cover, creating an obstacle to reducing the total number of DDI per panel.
181. But it also presents a major clinical obstacle, leading to rejection of genetically mismatched organ transplants.
182. Hello, please dail 110 for police, 119 for fire, 120 for ambulance, 122 for traffic accident, and dail area code before 112 for fixed phone obstacle.
183. Because obstacle of this ill spirit, mood is more outstanding, ever named before for " the catatonia before classics " , " insecurity of classics early days is asked for integratedly " .
184. Include to weigh obstacle of arrearage of development of sexual mental disease, neurosis, spirit and character.
185. But the first - past - the - post voting system for MPs is a huge obstacle for any small party.
186. And there are four aspects in the part of medicine and nursing: the prevention and curing of bedsore, the disease of urology, the obstacle of relieving nature and the hyperkinesia of muscle.
187. To avoid ( an obstacle ) by using an alternative channel , passage, or route.
188. The main reasons for dominant aspiration were consciousness obstacle of patients with stroke, swallow and cough obstacle and laryngopharyngeal sense recession.
189. By visualizing my way, I gave chase, and the trees and branches that had con-fused me before now seemed no obstacle.
190. Bigfoot truck in the Challenge you will be driving a Bigfoot trucks (big wheel truck) and the increasing difficulty to complete the obstacle race .
191. Anand Hotwani, an elegant white-haired, pencil-mustachioed judge presiding over Karachi's ATC 3, says lack of evidence is the biggest obstacle to convictions.
192. At present , many researches indicate that obstacle of calcium absorption in intestine in post-menopause is important in PMO .
193. One obstacle to the rally continuing is the tight market for credit(), which has made it difficult for Chinese businesses that use steel to borrow money.
194. The system mainly accomplishes the functional module of basic spatial calculation, extracting terrain feature, obstacle path analysis, spatial clustering analysis and so on.
195. It is an effective approach to overcome the system obstacle of cost accounting approach by replacing single structure supply cost by regional water supply cost.
196. "This larger-than-life thing is a dangerous state," she observes. "Your ego can become an obstacle to your work.
197. Susan C. Schwab, the United States trade representative, challenged assertions by some developing countries that the United States had been the chief obstacle to sewing up the deal.
198. Apart from policy and legal barriers to the operation of domestic enterprises, as well as non-standard non-transparent real estate market, but also the main obstacle.
199. When blood pressure quick heighten appearsHypertensiveWhen danger is resembled, constant expression is recognizant obstacle.
200. The subgoal determination strategy of rolling path planning is analyzed according to various convex obstacle environment. And the accessibility of the planning algorithm is also discussed.
201. Visualise how you will feel when you overcome this obstacle.
202. See at neurasthenic, also see at spending recognizant obstacle gently when.
202. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
203. This means that the model can predict the surmountable obstacle height of an off-road vehicle and its-key influencing parameters can be obtained.
204. Among them, 20 bats were used to test their obstacle ability by the pinna back on the animal's head.
205. Recognizant obstacle sleeps with be addicted to, hazy, muddy, delirium, unbalanced condition is more.
206. Cyst happens at glossal blind aperture below or when around ministry, glossal root ministry can produce deglutition , language and breathing function obstacle because of strut.
207. Coriaceous steroid also commonly used at treating obstacle of second birth of pure red blood cell, this kind of anaemia also has immune function constantly disorder.
208. Personally, I see nothing against this, especially as, in Freud, it is in this form that the real, namely, the obstacle to the pleasure principle, appears.
209. Replanting disease is a serious obstacle for sustainable development of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch) at present.
210. The control device for the obstacle - a voidance of the endoscope is a part of the automatic obstacle - a- voidance subsystem of endoscopy.
211. The biggest obstacle is that you may be talking too much, using up all the interaction time with what you have to say.
212. The incompleteness of information about objects may be the greatest obstacle to performing inductive learning from examples.
213. They will accomplish this speed-up , because there is apparent scientific obstacle to prevent it .
214. According to our experiences of computer networks managing and maintaining, we give some methods of preclusion on computer networks obstacle.
215. This hardware can be applied to real-time computer vision systems, such as for obstacle detection, motion estimation, UAV/MAV's stability control and so on.
216. A profound approach about SCARA manipulators configuration space is made in this paper. The obstacle space of SCARA manipulator produced by convex polygon obstacle is proved to be a connected area.
217. And this optimization scheme is applicable for not only the reconstruction of the impenetrable obstacle but also that of the penetrable obstacle.
218. Formulaic expressions account for the stylization of legal language, and thus constitute an obstacle to students who major in Legal English or Business English.
219. Do not look the obstacle you are afraid to crash into ( This is called fixation ).
220. A method to solve the problem of goal non reachable with obstacle nearby ( GNRON ) is proposed.
221. Airport obstacle will influence the far field of Decimeter-Wave Instrument Landing System(DW-ILS) antenna.
222. Insulin metabolization also is mussilyDiabeticOne of main factors of hemal obstacle.
223. The function loses the plant nerve that this disease basically includes a body to change form of disease of obstacle, hypochondriasis, body harmonic the aching obstacle of formal body form.
224. The news sources said long-range bombers constitute the biggest technical obstacle China will face in building a strategic air force.
225. The effective ways to break through this obstacle are developing the cooperative economy and co. operative finance owned by the fanner themselves.
226. Affection erupts, recognizant obstacle, convulsive fit, general at short-term inside can disappear, but often have reappearance tendency.
227. We must pay attention to meet six obstacle factors and solve six problems to enforce the mod-el of resources securitization in western regio...
228. MOTIVATION: Protein insolubility is a major obstacle for many experimental studies.
229. Chatter has been the main obstacle for variable structure control system to be applied.
230. The as each country government relaxation on international is control, open of celestial policy carry out, also the obstacle of intromit aviation industry is abate.
231. Sensitive and introvert, suspicious person causes obstacle of hypochondriasis sex spirit more easily and happen impotent.
232. The 'non-market economy' status, exerting a negative impact on Chinese product exporting severely, is the obstacle against Chinese enterprises tending towards the world.
232. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
233. The patient of the schizophrenia does not have recognizant obstacle commonly, covet, psychedelic care about the discovery below the case with clear sign commonly with other thought obstacle.
234. One big obstacle chemotherapy patients face is stem cell loss after treatments.
235. But in writing and painting them're maximumly internal; the obstacle is your own obtuseness .
236. Childhood autism is a kind of serious upgrowth obstacle Disease.
237. If we overcome the technique obstacle, the developmental problem will convert into self-determine problem of the spirit level.
238. Obstacle distance measurement is one of the key techniques for the deicing robot on high voltage transmission line.
239. The schizoid devours the eyewinker may be caused by thinking obstacle, also may be the method that a kind of impulsive act perhaps considers to serve as the suicide with this.
240. Study mainly on the obstacle and risk in the knowledge sharing process of VEs.
241. At the same time, the bond market may not be an obstacle. Snow heard caution but little naysaying when he made a pilgrimage to Wall Street last week.
242. The faultiness of system environment is the main obstacle of developing cooperative management system.
243. Authorize the others is a half the battle, an all matters whether important or trivial, can't authorize work the other people's person, destine will meet tremendous obstacle.
244. He would dive under one obstacle, round another, and lightly step over a third.
245. Return function of gate rod when meeting obstacle (with vehicle detector or infrared).
246. One potential obstacle to Milito's move could be the sanctions imposed by the Italian Federal Court who are hearing allegations of match-fixing concerning the Serie B match between Genoa and Venezia.
247. We believe that the advisory opinion is no obstacle to a proper settlement to the issue through negotiation between the parties concerned on the basis of relevant Security Council resolutions.
248. Intelligent obstacle happens before neurosis shape, clinical go up to be behaved only for gawkish , beard and other implement gawkish photograph differentiates qualitative sex.
249. While the earnings outlook has improved this week, concern about the health of the U.S. consumer is still running high and could pose an obstacle to the market's recovery.
250. AGV usually uses different kinds of sensors to sense its environment in order to have abilities of track following and obstacle avoidance.
251. Legal conceptualism has been regarded as an obstacle to the judical adaption of the law to social change.
252. Long period of financial straitness exerts great spiritual pressure and psychological obstacle on the exceptionally poor college students, which was unfavourable to their growing up healthy and sound.
253. The chronic spirit that after epilepsy breaks out for years repeatedly, appears is changed, behave cognitive function obstacle and intelligent obstacle or gawkish condition.
254. The recovery of unpaid fiscal debt interest has been an obstacle to the development of Agricultural Development Bank in underdeveloped areas over the years.
255. The problem of financing guarantee about SMEs will seriously restrict security capital accumulation of business, obstacle enterprise development, and have a significant impact on Chinese economy.
256. The particle valve model, obstacle cell valve model as well as the body fitted valve model representing the valve motion were established.
257. I admit that I was disappointed to read the UEFA motivations after they decided to readmit us to the tournament, but I don't believe that we will encounter any additional obstacle for this reason.
258. Companion delivers the treatment of obstacle of second birth of pure red blood cell of thymus tumour acquired character, often need give aid and support, will improve exsanguine condition.
259. However, the problems on participator of Chinese state-owned enterprise bond market remains a serious obstacle to the development of enterprise bond market.
260. Additional, because oleaginous bigger cosmetic, can make cutaneous metabolism gets serious obstacle, and cause the facial disease such as acne to suffer from.
261. The patient behaves recognizant faintness, understand and unresponsive, memory ebbs , active attention drops, self-awareness exists, all round recognizant obstacle, directional force mistake.
262. CBIR is a core technique of image database system. The main obstacle facing content-based image database is that the retrieval effectiveness is not satisfiable.
263. AGV can effectively carry on the independent movement until accurately knew its own position and the position of obstacle in the working space.
264. In this case, the obstacle is an island in the chain of the Aleutian Islands, which extend westward from Alaska.
265. An obstacle isolation method is used for T-type obstacle situation which can solve the local minimum problem of potential field and help the robot go through quickly.
266. Moreover, he warns, if the onboard computer fails, "we will lose all control, and the vehicle will just plow ahead until it hits an obstacle larger than a Humvee."
267. The major obstacle in development it's to make a structured design that allows the reuse of parts.
268. The open dynamic Internet has made traders' credit the significant obstacle to the development of E-commerce.
269. Anti - dumping have become China a rightness beautiful export of main obstacle.
270. To Americans the chief obstacle to a comprehensive understanding was the Anglo-Japanese Alliance.
271. For drug companies, the placebo effect can pose an obstacle to profits--if their medications fail to outperform placebos in clinical trials, they won't get approved by the FDA.
272. "The main obstacle that we tend to encounter in developing refugee camps is digging of latrines," said Nic Iomahaird.




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