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单词 bronchitis
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitybron·chi·tis /brɒŋˈkaɪtɪs $ brɑːŋ-/ noun [uncountable]  MIan illness that affects your bronchial tubes and makes you cough 支气管炎 —bronchitic /-ˈkɪtɪk/ adjectiveExamples from the Corpusbronchitis• Consultation rates for acute bronchitis have continued to increase but are still lower than the same time last year.• Asthma / bronchitis claims jump 75 %; sprains / strains are 34. 6 % higher.• This also cleared, only to develop into bronchitis, which slowed down my activities considerably.• If she carried on lying down all the time, she might develop congestion of the lungs, bronchitis, even pneumonia.• Tussive syncope, which usually occurs in the context of bronchitis, consists of loss of consciousness with vigorous coughing.• The anthelmintics available for the treatment of bovine parasitic bronchitis are the modern benzimidazoles, levamisole or ivermectin.• He was also frequently ill with bronchitis and colds, adding to the stress.bron·chi·tis nounChineseSyllable  makes that affects Corpus tubes illness and bronchial an your




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