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单词 broad
释义  broad1 /brɔːd $ brɒːd/ ●●● S2 W2 adjective  1  WIDEWIDEwide 宽的 a road, river, or part of someone’s body etc that is broad is wide 宽的,阔的 OPP narrow → breadth We went along a broad passage. 我们走在一条宽阔的走廊上。 He was six feet tall, with broad shoulders. 他身高六英尺,肩膀宽阔。six feet/three metres etc broad The room is three metres long and two metres broad. 这个房间长三米,宽两米。 RegisterIn everyday English, wide is more common than broad: 在日常英语中,人们一般说wide,而不说 broada wide river/street/corridor 宽阔的河流/街道/走廊They sell a wide range of bikes. 他们销售各式各样的自行车。Broad is often used when describing someone's shoulders. 但形容某人的肩膀或背部时,总是用broad。2  INCLUDING A LOTincluding a lot 包括很多LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT including many different kinds of things or people 广博的;丰富的;广泛的 OPP narrow → breadth The show aims to reach the broadest possible audience. 这个节目力图覆盖尽可能广泛的观众群。broad range/spectrum Students here study a broad range of subjects. 这里的学生所学的科目范围很广。broad category/field/area etc Private pension schemes fall into two broad categories. 个人养老金计划分两大类。 a party which lacks a broad base of political support 缺乏广泛政治基础的党派 The play is a comedy, in the broadest sense of the word. 这部剧从广义上说是喜剧。3  GENERALMAINgeneral 大体的 concerning the main ideas or parts of something rather than all the details 粗略的,概括的,一般的 The client should understand, in broad terms, the likely cost of the case. 当事人对这一诉讼可能需要的费用应该有个大致了解。broad consensus/agreement etc The members were in broad agreement. 成员的意见大致相同。broad outline/framework I’ll give you a broad outline of the plan. 我来给你讲讲大体的计划。4  LARGE AREABIGlarge area 大面积 covering a large area 辽阔的,广大的,广袤的 a broad expanse of water 一片辽阔的水域5  WAY OF SPEAKINGVERYway of speaking 说话方式 a broad accent clearly shows where you come from 口音重的 SYN strong a broad Scottish accent 浓重的苏格兰口音6  broad smile/grin a big smile 满面的笑容 Abby came in with a broad smile on her face. 阿比满面笑容地走了进来。7  in broad daylight LIGHTif something, especially a crime, happens in broad daylight, it happens in the daytime and in public 在大白天;在光天化日之下 The attack happened in broad daylight, in one of the busiest parts of town. 袭击事件就发生在光天化日之下,还在镇上最繁华的地段之一。8  broad hint CLEAR/EASY TO UNDERSTANDa hint (=suggestion) that is very clear and easy to understand 明确的暗示 In June he gave a broad hint that he might retire. 六月份他曾明确暗示过他可能会退休。9  a broad church VARIOUS/OF DIFFERENT KINDS British English an organization that contains a wide range of opinions 容纳多种观点的组织,广纳众议的机构 The Labour Party has to be a broad church. 工党必须是一个广纳众议的政党。10. humour 幽默 broad humour is rather rude or concerned with sex 〔幽默〕粗俗的,下流的11. broad in the beam informalFAT having large or fat hips 屁股肥大的n COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 2: including many different kinds of things or peoplebroad + NOUNa broad rangeSport is a part of a broad range of activities that we call leisure.a broad spectrum (=range)Among the public there is a broad spectrum of opinion.a broad categoryOur range of programmes fall into three broad categories.a broad area/field (=including a lot of different things)Psychobiology is a broad area covering many different topics.a broad cross-section (=a varied group that is typical of a larger varied group)We offer entertainment to appeal to a broad cross-section of people.a broad baseThe course is designed to provide a broad base for students looking to work in IT.a broad alliance/coalitionThe government was a broad alliance of eight political parties.a broad curriculum (=one that includes a range of subjects)Students are encouraged to follow a broad curriculum in the first year.have broad appeal (=be attractive to many different types of people)Their music has a very broad appeal.Examples from the Corpusbroad• There was broad agreement on the issue of equal pay for women.• The program is now attracting broader audiences.• Successful business strategies fall into three broad categories.• He had created a broad consensus among different groups of Americans.• It is more interesting to classify strategies according to certain categories, and examine the success of these broader divisions.• The decline partly reflects a broader downturn in global stock markets.• To say that people are healthier than they used to be is a broad generalization -- the reality is a little more complex.• President Clinton called attention to the broader issues with his veto of the balanced budget act.• Can you give me a broad outline of what the speech was about.• the broad plains of lower Mesopotamia• But habeas corpus is in fact a federal civil proceeding, where much broader rules apply.• a tall, broad-shouldered man• He was six feet tall with broad shoulders and strong arms.• Military officials gave a few broad statements about the bombing raid.• Houston's broad streets• This is a larger block set between the arch and the capital to provide a broader supporting top for the arcade above.• The broader tradition is a typically nationalist one, seeing national liberation through war as honourable and singularly justified.• We drove down the broad tree-lined avenue.• It's only a short course, but it's enough to give you a broad understanding of the subject.• The teacher may come to comprehend a broader vision of the world.• Michigan once provided the broadest welfare benefits in the the broadest sense of the word• We encourage experimentation in the broadest sense of the word.broad outline/framework• That period now covers the year ahead and two succeeding years in broader outline.• These trends have to be placed within the broader framework of changes in the total labour force.• The whole business therefore needs to be seen in the broader framework of how you envisage your future.broad2 noun [countable] American English spoken not polite  WOMANan offensive word for a woman 婆娘,娘儿们〔对成年女子的蔑称〕Origin broad1 Old English bradbroad1 adjective →REGISTER1 →n COLLOCATIONS1broad2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  someone’s part a road, river, of or Corpus




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