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单词 builder
释义 Word family  noun build builder building adjective built verb build rebuild  Related topics: Occupations, Constructionbuild·er /ˈbɪldə $ -ər/ ●●○ S3 noun [countable]  especially British EnglishBOTBCBUILD a person or a company that builds or repairs buildings 建筑工人;建筑商;建造者Examples from the Corpusbuilder• A man of practical rather than financial intelligence, Garth failed as a builder and thus reduced his family to frugality.• This represents a very substantial penalty and will undoubtedly make other owners and builders much more cautious over alterations.• Many councillors, moreover, are builders, businessmen, transport workers, accountants and so forth who may have appropriate specialist knowledge.• Now the giant builder is reporting a record increase in contracts and is hiring again.• Hanley said many builders have transformed what would have been attached town-house developments a few years ago into detached condo projects.• But the private sector had the pivotal role as the provider of jobs and the builder of the new urban resource base.• As ever the builder was one jump ahead, or rather ahead of any one who'd jump.• The builders marshalled their machinery, but it was l970 before the Upper School was genuinely open.From Longman Business Dictionarybuilderbuild‧er /ˈbɪldə-ər/ noun [countable]1PROPERTYJOBa person or company that builds or repairs buildingsHe called in a local firm of builders. → cowboy builder → custom builder → speculative builder2ship/car/bridge/railway etc builder a company that makes ships, cars, bridges etcOrders for 10 tankers were placed with NE ship·er nounChineseSyllable   Business company Corpus builds repairs or or that a person a




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