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单词 building
释义 Word family  noun build builder building adjective built verb build rebuild  Related topics: Building, Buildingsbuild·ing /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  BUILD[countable] a structure such as a house, church, or factory, that has a roof and walls 建筑(物);楼房,房子,楼宇 The offices are on the top two floors of the building. 办公室在大楼最高的两层。 a farmhouse and other farm buildings 农舍以及其他的农场建筑2  [uncountable]BUILD the process or business of building things 建筑,建造;建筑业 → construction There is a limited supply of land for building. 建筑用地供应有限。 stone, timber, and other building materials 石料、木材及其他建筑材料building of The enquiry recommended the building of a tunnel. 调查结果建议修建一条隧道。 COLLOCATIONSverbsput up a building (also erect a building formal) 建造楼房They keep pulling down the old buildings and putting up new ones. 他们不停地拆旧楼建新楼。pull down/knock down/tear down a building 拆除建筑物All the medieval buildings were torn down. 所有中世纪的建筑都被拆除了。demolish/destroy a building (=pull it down) 拆毁[拆除]建筑物Permission is needed to demolish listed buildings. 拆除列入文物保护范围的建筑要得到许可。ADJECTIVES/NOUN + buildinga tall building 高大的建筑物The park was surrounded by tall buildings. 公园四周高楼林立。a high-rise building (=very tall with many floors) 高层建筑na New York high-rise buildinga low building 低矮的建筑物That low building is a stable block. 那处低矮的建筑是马廐。an office/school/hospital etc building 办公楼/校舍/医院大楼等Our office building is just ten minutes’ walk from where I live. 我们的办公楼离我的住处步行十分钟即到。a public building 公共建筑The town has a number of interesting public buildings, including the old town hall. 镇上有一些很有趣的公共建筑,包括旧市政厅。a beautiful building (also a fine/handsome building British English) 漂亮的建筑nThe old station was a fine building, but has sadly been impressive/imposing building 令人赞叹的建筑nthe impressive buildings around the town’s central squarea brick/stone/wooden building 砖/石/木结构建筑nThe farmhouse is a long stone building about a century old.a two-storey/three-storey etc building (=with two, three etc floors) 两层/三层等建筑nOur villa was a delightful two-storey building.a single-storey/one-storey building (=with only one floor) 单层建筑a historic building (=an old building of historical interest) 历史建筑nMost of the historic buildings are from the 18th century.a listed building British English (=a historic building that is protected by a government order) 被列入文物保护范围的建筑物The school is actually a listed building. 这所学校其实是一处文物保护建筑。a derelict building (=empty and in very bad condition) 废弃的建筑nNear the canal there are a number of derelict buildings.a dilapidated building (=in bad condition) 破败的建筑nHe rented an apartment at the top of a dilapidated building in Paris.a ramshackle building (also a tumbledown building British English) (=old and almost falling down) 摇摇欲坠的(老)建筑The farm was surrounded by tumbledown buildings. 这个农场周围都是摇摇欲坠的老建筑。n THESAURUSbuilding a structure such as a house, church, or factory, that has a roof and wallsThe college needs money to pay for new formal a building or piece of land, or both together – used especially when talking about buying and selling buildings or landThe next property they looked at was too small.The company received permission to build six residential properties on the land.premises formal the buildings and land that a shop, restaurant, company etc usesYou are not allowed to drink alcohol on the premises.The bread is baked on the premises.complex a group of buildings, or a large building with many parts, used for a particular purposeThe town has one of the best leisure complexes in the country.a luxury apartment complexdevelopment a group of new buildings that have all been planned and built together on the same piece of landa new housing development a huge industrial developmentblock especially British English a large tall building that contains apartments or offices, or is part of a school, university, or hospitalan office blocka block of flatsa tower block (=a very tall building - often used disapprovingly)My next lecture is in the science block.facility especially American English a place or building used for a particular activity or industrya research facility on campusedifice formal a large building, especially one that is tall and impressive – a very formal useTheir head office was an imposing edifice.structure formal something that has been made to stand upright – used especially when talking about buildingsThe stone arch is one of the town’s oldest existing immense barn-like structureMogul calls this building, designed by Donald and John Parkinson in 1928, ‘the most important structure in Los Angeles of the 20th century.’Examples from the Corpusbuilding• Under the clear astrodome she walked to the admin building, the sensors at Kandinskaya's door showing red.• an apartment building• Brewer Hall is a red-brick building with white trim.• There's a plan to convert the farm buildings into private apartments.• There has been an increase in new-home building in recent months.• Chemicals may be released from materials in buildings or furnishings.• The new law will increase building costs.• More than 600 people were injured and 300 surrounding buildings were damaged by the force of the explosion.• The Sears Tower is one of the tallest buildings in the world.• Thousands of workers in the building industry will lose their jobs as a result of cutbacks.• They made a documentary on the building of the State Capitol.• Her goal proved to be a tall, thin building, leaning like an amiable drunk, supported by its neighbours.• It was the invention of pre-stressed concrete that really transformed building techniques.• The whole building shook when a train went past.From Longman Business Dictionarybuildingbuild‧ing /ˈbɪldɪŋ/ noun [uncountable]PROPERTY the business of building houses, offices, factories etcThe building industry is still in·ing noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   a structure Business as Corpus house, such a




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