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单词 broach
释义  Related topics: Drinkbroach /brəʊtʃ $ broʊtʃ/ verb [transitive]  1  broach the subject/question/matter etc MENTIONto mention a subject that may be embarrassing or unpleasant or cause an argument 提及〔可能令人尴尬、不快或引起争论的〕话题/问题/事情等 I broached the subject of his past. 我提起了他的过去。► see thesaurus at mention2. DFDto open a bottle or barrel containing wine, beer etc 开启〔装葡萄酒、啤酒等的瓶或桶〕→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbroach• You could see De Gaulle fervently hoped it wouldn't be broached again.• Recently, Milosevic broached one possibility.• But we have not yet broached the explanation of these changes.• I think Susan is being bullied at school, but every time I try to broach the matter with her she refuses to talk about it.• He decided not to broach the subject of divorce until his wife had recovered from her illness.• It was half a year, he thought, since she had last broached the subject of his bachelor status.• But what was still troubling her was the fact that she had still not broached the subject of Janice.• When, two months later, Father van Exem broached the subject, the Archbishop was actually quite upset about the idea.• Moreover Pound's anti-Semitism, later so notorious, certainly casts a sinister light on his readiness to broach these issues.Origin broach (1400-1500) broach “to make a hole in, stab” ((14-17 centuries)), from broach “tool for making holes” ((14-17 centuries)), from French broche; → BROOCHbroach verbChinese  to a be subject Corpus mention that may or embarrassing unpleasant




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