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单词 botulism
释义  Related topics: Illness & disabilitybot·u·lis·m /ˈbɒtʃəlɪzəm $ ˈbɑː-/ noun [uncountable]  MIserious food poisoning caused by bacteria in preserved meat and vegetables 肉毒(杆菌)中毒,腊肠毒菌病Examples from the Corpusbotulism• The girl's landlady had made a packed lunch from pork which is at the centre of a botulism alert.• The vet diagnosed botulism so undoubtedly the goose was infected.• Clostridium botulinum occurs in the soil and it is the cause of botulism.• Should the vichyssoise contain a touch of botulism, however, there would be small need for alarm.• It's believed warm weather has led to a build up of botulism bacteria in the canal.Origin botulism (1800-1900) German botulismus, from Latin botulus “sausage”; because the bacteria were first found in sausages and other cooked meatsbot·u·lis·m nounChineseSyllable  poisoning and vegetables bacteria food serious Corpus caused by meat in preserved




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