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单词 Primping
(1) She primped her hair.
(2) She's always primping in front of the mirror.
(3) She spends hours primping in front of the mirror.
(4) Too much time is spent in primping, too little at work.
(5) He primps for callers.
(6) So tease it, grow it, shave it, primp it, curl it, color it.
(7) As soon as they thought he was asleep, they began to dress in their finery and primp before mirrors.
(8) Are you through primping? I need to use the bathroom.
(9) I got some photos of them primping him.
(10) They spend more time primping than we do.
(11) The primping alone took more than an hour.
(12) She was busy primping in the bedroom.
(13) Primping the room for Christmas was like using wrapping paper for a tourniquet or sewing up a wound with tinsel.
(14) Young narcissists do, however, have different motivations for primping their online profiles.
(15) As a result, they spend more time primping themselves in front of the mirror.
(16) The 20-something-looking woman after primping is actually 48 years old, a mother of a son and a daughter.
(17) The boss didn't want them to waste time primping .
(18) Primping today, nails and skin and styling, for an interview I'm doing tomorrow in a Britney documentary! Fun!
(19) Primping today andand styling, for an interview I'm doing tomorrow in a Britney documentary! Fun!
(20) It's a little secret, but sometimes women want to get off just as much as men do without having to plan an all-day primping session.
(21) He estimates that the beauty premium generated by such primping is worth only 15% of the money expended. Of course, beauty pays off in spheres of life other than the workplace.
(22) If you're talking to a woman, then step away to the bathroom or to the bar, check to see if she did any secret primping while you were away.




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