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单词 bomb
释义  Related topics: Weapons, Bombs & terrorismbomb1 /bɒm $ bɑːm/ ●●● S3 W3 noun [countable]  1  weapon 武器PMW a weapon made of material that will explode 炸弹 The bomb went off at 9.30 in the morning. 炸弹在早上9点半爆炸。 Enemy planes dropped over 200 bombs during the raid. 袭击中敌机投下了两百多枚炸弹。 He was killed in a bomb explosion. 他在一次炸弹爆炸中身亡。 → smoke bomb, stink bomb2  bad performance/event 不好的表演/事件 American English informal a play, film, event etc that is not successful 失败的电影[戏剧];失败的事件 This is just another one of Hollywood’s bland and boring bombs. 这不过是好莱坞的又一部枯燥乏味的烂片。3  be the bomb informal to be very good or exciting 非常好,很轰动 That new P Diddy CD is the bomb. “吹牛老爹”那张激光唱片非常轰动。4  the bomb PMWused to describe nuclear weapons, and especially the hydrogen bomb 核弹,核武器〔尤指氢弹〕 Voices of dissent began to rise against the bomb. 反对核武器的声音开始响起来了。5. cost a bomb EXPENSIVE British English informal to cost a lot of money 花费很多钱;值很多钱6. make a bomb EARN British English informal to get a lot of money by doing something 挣大钱n7. drop the c-bomb/f-bomb  informal to say a very rude word beginning with C or F COLLOCATIONSverbsa bomb explodes/goes off 炸弹爆炸Forty people were injured when the bomb exploded. 炸弹爆炸,造成40人受伤。nA 200 pound bomb went off in the car park.set off a bomb (also detonate a bomb formal) (=make a bomb explode) 引爆炸弹The area was cleared and the police safely detonated the bomb. 警方疏散了这一地区的人,将这枚炸弹安全引爆。drop a bomb (=from a plane) 〔从飞机上〕扔炸弹Government forces began dropping bombs on rebel positions. 政府军开始向叛军据点投炸弹。a bomb falls on something 炸弹掉在某物上A bomb fell on the cathedral during the war. 战争期间有一枚炸弹落在大教堂上。plant a bomb (=put a bomb somewhere) 放置炸弹nIt is thought that right-wing extremists planted the bomb.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + bomba nuclear/hydrogen bomb 核弹/氢弹5The country was developing a nuclear bomb.该国在研发核弹。nThe North Koreans were developing a nuclear atom/atomic bomb 原子弹Oppenheimer was the father of the atomic bomb. 奥本海默是原子弹之父。a neutron bomb (=that kills people but does not damage buildings much) 中子弹a car bomb (=that makes a car explode) 汽车炸弹nThe car bomb killed 21 shoppers.a letter bomb (also a parcel bomb British English) (=sent in a letter or parcel) 邮件炸弹nA second letter bomb was found among the unopened mail.a time bomb (=that is set to explode at a particular time) 定时炸弹nThe terrorists’ time bomb was planned to cause the maximum carnage.a petrol bomb British English (=containing petrol) 【英】汽油弹nA petrol bomb was hurled at police as they chased the car.a nail bomb (=containing nails) 钉子炸弹a cluster bomb (=that sends out smaller bombs when it explodes) 子母弹,集束炸弹a dirty bomb (=that spreads radioactive material) 〔散布放射性物质的〕脏弹a smart bomb (=that is guided to the right place) 智能炸弹a terrorist bomb 恐怖分子的炸弹nThe aircraft was blown apart by a terrorist bomb.a suicide bomb (=the person carrying the bomb dies when it explodes) 自杀性炸弹nEach time there is a suicide bomb it is a new blow to peace.a homemade bomb 土制炸弹nOfficers discovered several homemade bombs in the trunk of his unexploded bomb 未爆炸弹nThe workmen found an unexploded bomb.bomb + NOUNa bomb blast/explosion 炸弹爆炸The restaurant was destroyed in a massive bomb blast. 这家餐馆毁于一次威力巨大的炸弹爆炸。a bomb attack 炸弹袭击No one has yet claimed responsibility for the bomb attack. 尚未有人声称对此次炸弹袭击事件负责。a bomb threat (=when someone leaves a message saying there is a bomb somewhere) 炸弹威胁nHe delayed his flight home because of a bomb threat.a bomb scare (=when people think there might be a bomb somewhere) 炸弹恐吓nThe building was evacuated after a bomb scare.nbomb disposal (=the job of dealing with bombs that have not exploded)a bomb disposal expertnbomb-making equipmentPolice found guns and bomb-making equipment in the house.n THESAURUSbomb a weapon that explodesThe bomb exploded on a bus in Jerusalem during the city’s morning rush hour.Fifty-five people were injured in a car bomb attack in Baghdad.Morrow was convicted in 1998 of sending four letter bombs (=a small bomb hidden in a package and sent to someone in order to hurt or kill them) to government officials.People were worried that terrorists would try to detonate a dirty bomb (=a bomb that contains nuclear materials )in the city centre.explosives bombs or substances that can cause explosionsThey used explosives to blow the door off the front of the building.The car was packed with 1,000 lbs of high explosives (=powerful explosives).device a bomb – used especially in news reportsPolice found the device hidden in a suitcase.A bomb threat was received and the building was evacuated, but no device was found. IED a bomb that has been made using whatever materials are available, especially one used to blow up soldiers travelling through a place. IED is short for ‘improvised explosive device’Several soldiers were killed when an IED exploded as their convoy drove by.mine a type of bomb that is hidden just below the ground or under water, and that explodes when it is touchedThe fields are still full of landmines.The ship struck a mine and sank.grenade (also hand grenade) a small bomb that can be thrown by hand or fired from a special gunHe pulled the pin and threw a grenade toward the enemy’s position.Examples from the Corpusbomb• The brunette gift wrapped a bomb and handed it to grateful squaddies on point duty in Northern Ireland.• A bomb exploded near the country's busiest airport before dawn today.• Another bomb blast was reported on a railway line outside Cape Town.• Peggy ScottAdams's provocative ballad is hitting radio audiences like an emotional bomb.• a flea bomb• Morrow was convicted in 1998 of sending four letter bombs to government officials.• I heard new vocabulary: nuclear bomb, radioactive fallout, bomb shelter.• Conservative Central Office has ordered special security screening measures to prevent firearms or bombs being smuggled into the £3m pavilion.• The protesters were armed with rocks and petrol bombs.• Her shocked and sobbing face epitomised the terror that the bombs had brought to thousands of innocent city centre workers and shoppers.• They must have had their faces upturned when the bomb went off; perhaps they were anti-aircraft personnel.• The bomb exploded on a bus in Jerusalem during the city's morning rush hour.• Their bomb load was so great and dangerous that the slightest error would have been suicidal.• Billy Joe Tolliver threw a 44-yard bomb into the end zone.Related topics: Militarybomb2 ●●● W3 verb  1  [transitive]PM to attack a place by leaving a bomb there, or by dropping bombs on it from a plane 轰炸,向…投炸弹,炸毁 The town was heavily bombed in World War II. 这座城镇在第二次世界大战中遭到猛烈轰炸。 Government aircraft have been bombing civilian areas. 政府军飞机一直在轰炸平民区。 → carpet-bomb, dive-bomb2  [intransitive always + adverb/preposition]TTCMOVE/CHANGE POSITION British English informal to move or drive very quickly 疾行,飞驶,快速前进 Suddenly a police car came bombing down the high street. 突然一辆警车在大街上疾驶而过。3  [intransitive, transitive]FAIL American English informal to fail a test very badly 〔考试〕不及格,考砸 I bombed my midterm. 我期中考试考砸了。4  [intransitive] American EnglishFAIL if a play, film, event etc bombs, it is not successful 〔戏剧、电影等〕演砸;〔事情〕不成功 His latest play bombed on Broadway. 他的新剧作在百老汇演砸了。5 be bombed out phrasal verb PMDESTROYif a building or the people in it are bombed out, the building is completely destroyed 被炸毁,被炸平 My family were bombed out in 1941. 1941年我家被炸毁。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusbomb• In 1986 they made "Shanghai Surprise, " which bombed.• NATO warplanes bombed a dozen towns Thursday.• Lawrence Evert, shot down 33 years ago as he tried to bomb a nearby railroad bridge.• Her laundry had been bombed, and the hospital was full of casualties, as well as the maternity block.• Although the show was a hit in London it bombed on Broadway.• I bombed on the quiz he gave us.• "How'd it go?" "I bombed on the written section, but I think I did okay on the multiple choice part."• She has had few offers of work since her last movie bombed so spectacularly.• I bombed the English test yesterday.• I just bombed the written section of the test.• They had made two attempts to bomb United States military trains in Lower Saxony in 1987 and 1988.From Longman Business Dictionarybombbomb1 /bɒmbɑːm/ noun1cost a bomb British English informal to cost a lot of moneya new office development that must have cost a bomb2make a bomb British English informal to make a lot of moneyShe made a bomb coaching movie stars in Palm Springs.bombbomb2 verb [intransitive] American English informal if a product or an activity bombs, it fails badlyHis original computer design bombed because it lacked power and software applications. → see also carpet bomb→ See Verb tableOrigin bomb1 (1600-1700) French bombe, from Italian bomba, probably from Latin bombus “deep sound”, from Greek bombos, from the soundbomb1 noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1bomb2 verbLDOCE OnlineChinese  a made that of material Corpus Business explode will weapon




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