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单词 boiling
释义 Word family  noun boil boiler adjective boiling verb boil  Related topics: Natureboil·ing /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ/ ●○○ adjective, adverb  DNHOT spoken very hot 很热的[地],滚热的[地] OPP freezing Can I open a window? It’s boiling in here. 我开扇窗好吗?这里热死人了。 It was a boiling hot morning. 那是一个奇热无比的早晨。Examples from the Corpusboiling• It was a horrible weekend over here too. It was boiling.• A second major problem is the loss of bitterness due to precipitation in boiling and in fermentation.• Withel stared at the boiling flames, unnerved.• The catapult breaks throwing boiling Hot Pot gloop everywhere.• Why should lemon juice be added to the cooking water when boiling potatoes? 3.• Cook pasta in plenty of boiling, salted water until just tender.• Add boiling water and beat to make a smooth frosting.• Rinse the can out twice with boiling water to remove all the extract and pour the rinse water into the pan.• Cook the lasagne in a large pan of salted, boiling water until just tender.boiling hot• I'd gone stone cold but felt boiling hot.• A boiling hot day it was, everybody red-faced and sweating.• His apartment is always boiling hot - I can't stand being in there.• He talked about Hell being a boiling hot lake full of venomous serpents.• The catapult breaks throwing boiling Hot Pot gloop everywhere.boil·ing adjective, adverbChineseSyllable  very hot Corpus




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