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单词 knit
释义  Related topics: Clothes & fashionknit /nɪt/ ●●○ verb (present participle knitting) [intransitive, transitive]  1  DC (past tense and past participle knitted) to make clothing out of wool, using two knitting needles 编织;针织 → crochet My grandmother taught me how to knit. 我祖母教过我编织。 She’s knitting a sweater. 她在织毛衣。knit somebody something Emily knitted him some socks. 埃米莉给他织了几双短袜。2  (past tense and past participle knitted)DC to use a plain (=basic) knitting stitch 织平针,用平针织 Knit one, purl one. 一针平针,一针反针。3  CONNECTED WITH (past tense and past participle knit) to join people, things, or ideas more closely together, or to be joined closely together (使)紧密结合knit together In a good report, individual sentences knit together in a clear way that readers can follow. 一份好的报告中,各个句子之间衔接紧密、思路清晰,读者很容易读懂。closely/tightly etc knit (=with all the members having close relationships) 紧密团结的,紧密结合的 a closely knit community 紧密团结的社区 Harold is part of a tightly knit team. 哈罗德是一个紧密团结的小组中的一员。4  CURE (past tense and past participle knit) a bone that knits after being broken grows into one piece again 〔折骨〕愈合knit together The pin holds the bones in place while they knit together. 钢钉固定着骨头促使其愈合。5. knit your brows WORRIEDto show you are worried, thinking hard etc by moving your eyebrows together 紧锁眉头〔表示忧虑、思索等〕 —knitter noun [countable] → close-knit, tight-knit→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusknit somebody something• Mom knit me a pair of socks.closely/tightly etc knit• There can be no question that the family of J.M. Barrie was closely knit.• It became even more individualistic and displayed few signs of the closely knit and hierarchically organized structure of the previous era.• He had become a key player in the New York real-estate game community, which is both tightly knit and secretive.• However, it is not in reality a homogeneous, tightly knit electronic world community.• Her husband, she says, comes from a very closely knit family and so she continues to feel uneasy.• She had married a large, closely knit family.• In the closely knit ranks of the Sussex gentry such a royal action could only further enhance growing doubts of Stuart intentions.knit together• Not at all unlike the Gaian idea of global interdependence, environment and organisms knit together as one.• Within each paragraph consider the various sentences and whether they each knit together logically.Origin knit Old English cnyttanknit verbChinese  wool, clothing of Corpus out to make




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