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单词 blurt
释义  blurt /blɜːt $ blɜːrt/ verb  1 blurt something ↔ out phrasal verb SAYto say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because you are nervous or excited 〔通常因紧张或激动而〕不假思索地说出,脱口而出,说漏嘴 Peter blurted the news out before we could stop him. 我们还没来得及阻止,彼得就脱口说出了那个消息。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusblurt• Flyte knew he would not be able to withstand the agony of lying to them again; he would blurt everything out.• Somehow, Agnes couldn't bring herself to blurt out a warning.• Now he just wants to hear the coach blurt out his name occasionally.• He remembered Myles in hospital blurting out something about prison.• Jackie blurted out that she was pregnant.• No-one should think twice about blurting out the whole story.• Not what you happen to feel like blurting out.• Kids are known for blurting something important out at unusual times.• He appeared jumpy and ill at ease, ready to blurt something out at any moment.Origin blurt (1500-1600) Probably from the sound of sudden speechblurt verbChinese  because suddenly usually and something say Corpus to without thinking,




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