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单词 bluntly
释义  blunt·ly /ˈblʌntli/ ●○○ adverb  HONESTspeaking in a direct honest way that sometimes upsets people 〔说话〕不客气地,直言不讳地 ‘You’re drunk, ’ she said bluntly. “你喝醉了。”她不客气地说。 To put it bluntly, she’s not up to the job. 恕我直言,她不适合这份工作。Examples from the Corpusbluntly• Food on some all-inclusive packages can, to put it bluntly, be mediocre.• To put it bluntly, nobody cares about strings of nucleic acids at all!• Several people bluntly questioned his ability to do the job.• A much more important factor is, to put it bluntly, racism.• The Crowland chronicler goes further and states bluntly that Bourgchier was compelled to play his part.• She says bluntly what she thinks about landowners, the Royal Family, social injustice and access to the hills.• Put bluntly, while achievement has improved, there is no cause for mass rejoicing.To put it bluntly• To put it bluntly , the situation has gotten much worse.blunt·ly adverbChineseSyllable  direct that way upsets in Corpus honest speaking sometimes a




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