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单词 Unseen
1 Many a flower is born to blush unseen
2 I managed to slip out the room unseen.
3 Love is a fire which burns unseen.
4 I had the strong sense of an unseen presence in the room.
5 We bought the table sight unseen and were pleased to find it was perfect for our kitchen.
6 We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.
7 Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heartthe music of the ripples.
8 Unseen birds sang in the trees above us.
9 Raj crept out of the house unseen.
10 He is doing an unseen.
11 I never buy anything sight unseen.
12 You should never buy a car sight unseen.
13 The exam consists of an essay and an unseen translation.
14 A computer virus may lurk unseen in a computer's memory, calling up and infecting each of the machine's data files in turn.
15 There were unseen dangers from every side of the travelers.
16 If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.
17 There were unseen dangers from every side for the travellers.
18 Models were attracting crowds unseen for years.
19 Sleep came to him like an unseen assailant.
20 His eyes were fixed always on that unseen horror.
21 Or did unseen forces shape them?
22 Once again, it was the insidious, unseen nature of the threat which made it even more unpleasant.
23 Our life is a movement, a tendency, a steady, ceaseless progress towards an unseen goal.
24 She found the side-door open and slipped into the house unseen.
25 He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.
26 For me, a performance is in front of a microphone, over the radio, to an unseen audience.
27 Now and again the hunter can hear a long - draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote.
28 I can't believe you would rent a place sight unseen.
29 I would be leery of committing my company to employ hundreds of Indian workers, sight and skill unseen.
30 There was barely time for the two boys to escape unseen.
1 I managed to slip out the room unseen.
2 I had the strong sense of an unseen presence in the room.
3 She found the side-door open and slipped into the house unseen.
4 We bought the table sight unseen and were pleased to find it was perfect for our kitchen.
5 We print a selection of previously unseen photos from the Spanish rider's early years.
6 He was killed by a single shot from an unseen soldier.
7 He is doing an unseen.
8 Now and again the hunter can hear a long - draw dolorous whine of some unseen coyote.
9 I would be leery of committing my company to employ hundreds of Indian workers, sight and skill unseen.
10 There were unseen dangers from every side of the travelers.
11 If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.
12 There were unseen dangers from every side for the travellers.
31 Unseen in all this great medley of hidden activity the verderers were riding.
32 When only seeing is believing the unseen reproductive anatomy of the female can not be an article of faith.
33 After a while we are aware of a deviation, the gravitational pull of an unseen planet.
34 Her jagged monologue is spoken to an unseen visitor, and it tells the story of her courtship.
35 Again he felt that sense of an unseen force, an intense will.
36 Named after Schwarzenegger for his terminating exploits, the big, strong tabby fell to an unseen swift car bumper blow.
37 However he remains unseen because Sauron can not pierce the shadows he made for his own defence.
38 The Giffens were the actors, and they were moving quite happily about the stage in obedience to some unseen stage-manager.
39 Unseen thorns begin to snatch at your clothes and rip your skin.
40 Cleaners are the most essential, the most unseen, apparently the least powerful of modern capitalism's new working class.
41 Millions of spiritual creatures walk the earth Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep. John Milton 
42 Behind her, the sound of footsteps climbing an unseen stairway.
43 Then a stranger, who had been sitting unseen round the corner, came up to them.
44 What puzzles me about the robbery, is how they managed to enter the building unseen.
45 In other words, he was supposed to slip through the back door into the country, unseen(), unheard and unsung.
46 Sometimes an unseen hand rocked the chair so violently that he lost consciousness.
47 Bottomless shadows lurk in every corner of this artfully arranged, black-and-white nightmare, hinting at horrors left unseen.
48 Slithering unseen and unheard through the branches, a green mamba is itself planning to make a kill.
49 Unseen himself he saw him in the hands of the troopers.
50 From the observed orbit of the visible star, one can determine the lowest possible mass of the unseen object.
51 But tall bushes in the front garden will allow him to work unseen.
52 The doors to the deck were shut against the weather so she thought she could get ashore unseen.
53 Davis agreed to go up to 200 guineas, and in the event secured the unseen yearling for a mere 160 guineas.
54 I could see the bell clearly beneath the water: nothing could approach unseen.
55 But nothing's worse than driving into an auto repair shop, sight unseen, and being fleeced.
56 I desire to live in peace and to continue the life I have begun under the motto 'to live well you must live unseen. Rene Descartes 
57 The principal said he offered me the Position sight unseen based on my letter of application and my resume.
58 It involves a huge staff of unseen hands working together to give four guys a trouble-free two hours on stage every night.
59 Today, hundreds of thousands of regulators, unseen, may work in a modern plant at once.
60 This unseen woman was almost as fascinating to Cleo as Jeopardy himself.
61 Taking a risk, I ordered five each of six Victorian species, sight unseen.
62 If I didn't take the car, the other guy was willing to buy it sight unseen.
63 People have gained confidence in sending substantial sums off to unseen institutions and working with them long-distance.
63 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
64 I wished to get through life along the lanes and side roads, unseen.
65 Another quarter of the omissions arose from previously unseen proper nouns.
66 He felt unseen hands help him into one of the partitioned stalls and there he stretched out and closed his stinging eyes.
67 Behind the sound board, completely unseen by the audience, were rows of tents that appeared not unlike a military camp.
68 But the confusion can be avoided if we treat unseen high-order rules for what they are, namely, as explanatory devices.
69 I took the bus to the neighbouring parish and told an unseen, unknown priest all that had happened.
70 He turned into the main road that ran parallel with the unseen river.
71 I came to realize that the twilight world actually existed unseen, but in parallel, with everyone else's world.
72 A noiseless sound, an odourless smell, an unseen sight, an indefinable Something.
73 Camille, who had sneaked in unseen to borrow the garlic-crusher, overheard this exchange and smiled.
74 He fell again, the wind shoving him with giant, unseen hands, knocking him to the floor.
75 And all the while he had been creeping up on them, unseen.
76 The media buy into the scam because such scare stories about unseen threats make good headlines.
77 He is the unsung and unseen dynamic in the infancy narratives.
78 Inner journeys also provide one way of accessing our higher consciousness, and our unseen friends.
79 It was rubbing up and down as if he were titillating an unseen erogenous zone.
80 The surface was constantly moving, as if some unseen force were continually hurling large rocks into the water at the quayside.
81 The pictures of the hippo and the little boy resonate against all the other unseen pictures of harem girls.
82 Astrometry can also detect small wobbles in the motions of stars that may reveal unseen companion stars or large planets.
83 Foxes fiddled in the thickets. Rare orchids bloomed unseen and the wind came always from the east.
84 The grizzly bear is a species unseen in our state since 1906.
85 Is it the same unseen aliens who run Beale's Market and the paper shop?
86 They have to address an unseen audience through the camera and they can prepare a script for their talk.
87 But the feeling of an unseen presence never left him.
88 Once again he was conscious of an unseen presence near him.
89 The severed blade was raised from the sawdust by an unseen hand and re-connected to its spindle.
90 Another regiment of twigs was fighting something unseen in the sky.
91 Its most immediate effect was upon unseen chemical happenings inside cells.
92 Here, milling around the caviare, dwells all the menace and the glamour of the Unseen World.
93 Sheer terror in a nightmare can be the result of an unseen, hidden menace - for instance behind a closed door.
93 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
94 However, like the newly decorated glasshouse toad, the mealy bugs, being white, found it difficult to remain unseen.
95 At that time the excitement of our explorations into this unseen world had set my mind aflame with pleasure.
96 I watch the shadow of the blade Slide underneath the surface, slicing through Creamy intricate unseen connections.
97 They also observe systems in which there is only one visible star that is orbiting around some unseen companion.
98 In the spray perpetual rainbows are fixed in position as though their unseen feet were nailed to the base of the cleft.
99 They hugged the shore, Clayt pulling hard on the wheel at unseen shoals, flying over low water.
100 A belief in unseen forces, perhaps, which in Auerbach's paintings are evidenced by angular vectors in the sky.
101 Swings also moved gently back and forth in the breeze, as if rocked by some unseen hand.
102 Unseen in the wild night, the occasional wisp of smoke drifted among the trunks.
103 He bought his house sight unseen, sold on the location.
104 Instead, unseen operatives may soon be directing sophisticated agricultural implements by remote control from their firesides.
105 But what really makes the experience universal is a crucial yet unseen element: music programming.
106 Love is afire whelloch burns unseen.
107 So catch sight of those unseen.
108 I refuse to buy anything sight unseen.
109 Many goods are bought online sight unseen.
110 Sone unseen fingers, like an idle breeze.
111 I slipped from the room unseen, ie unnoticed.
112 Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen unsaleable in the world.
113 Another of the previously unseen pieces, recently acquired by the museum, is the Titian painting 'Amor Vincit Omnia' – or 'Love Conquers All' – not seen in public since 1960.
114 Interest rate spreads for secondary market sovereign debt a key indicator of access to the capital markets rose to levels unseen since the height of the Mexican peso crisis in 1995.
115 I'm the only spark of conscious life in the house, passing soundless and unseen among unheeding sleepers.
116 Although people sometimes buy property sight unseen, it'sa remarkably bad idea.
117 A set of unseen Michael Jackson pictures is reportedly set to be sold at auction later this year, and miraculously, Joe Jackson doesn't even have a hand in it!
118 All kinds of unseen bottlenecks and undiscovered geniuses may be lurking within your business.
119 How long had not you written a letter? long - unseen of handwritten letter us, whether to still hold to a such behavior that look a little moss-grown be reluctant to leave?
120 The forest was dark and silent, haunted by shadows and unseen presences.
121 The Higgs boson, predicted but still unseen, is the most wanted subatomic particle.
122 In addition to collecting particles for analysis in an ion and neutral mass spectrometer, and a cosmic dust analyzer, Cassini will photograph yet unseen parts near the moon's south pole.
123 They found several animal viruses previously unseen in humans, including new varieties of viruses that already affect millions of people worldwide and contribute to cancer and neurological disease.
124 The quail were walking around like pullets, seeming all dainty and unseen.
125 When a person does a certain thing again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, then a habit is formed.
126 About his body there was a peculiar springiness, or resiliency, almost catlike , and a quick alertness as of one who lived in perpetual fear of things seen and unseen.
127 The winds from this unseen star are also responsible for producing the spectacular filamentary appearance of the globule itself, which resembles that of a flying dragon.
128 Perhaps a massive unseen object is responsible for Sedna's mystifying orbit, its gravitational influence keeping Sedna fixed in that far-distant portion of space.
129 The bonus issue brought Democrats and Republicans together in a way unseen all year. Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Barney Frank suggested the executives should be fired.
130 The reign of Pluto, which spreads beneath our burning fields , seems rent with unseen commotion.
131 Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.
132 The opening scene of SEIKAI NO MONSHOU is a chaotic space battle involving humanoid combatants in a huge capital ship against an unseen enemy.
133 Nobody can conceive of imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world.
134 A positive finding will presumptively conclude that the patient has the new, previously unseen strain of H1N1 swine flu.
135 It lurks unseen and then, a flash of spiny front legs snags its unsuspecting insect prey.
136 To this something still unseen they gave the name radium.
137 Her soul undefined and glimmering with the unseen. And his soul was dark and gloomy.
138 In spirit level, leisure sport with its culture appearance permeate worth a system in people, influence with change people the unseen.
139 The Dorneans sent two ships, both of their previously unseen Braha'tok-class, to avoid the suspicion of Imperial Intelligence (the ships were officially on shakedown cruises).
140 There is, venerable sir, a clansman from Avanti named Isidatta, an unseen friend of mine, who has gone forth. Have you ever seen him?
141 Never ignore a subterranean gate, lest you allow an enemy to approach unseen.
142 A Screen session is running (albeit unseen), and window A is active, running the top system monitor, which refreshes system performance information every few seconds.
143 He slipped on a dark cloak and went after her, unseen.
144 Become a stealth assassin ninja. Sneak, kill , and crucially: remain unseen .
145 Go to him, ask what luck, and you will learn that he too is a worshiper of the unseen.
146 To lay oneself open to believing that a person is undergoing the experience of being invaded mentally and physically by an unseen manipulator requires very great efforts in the self to manage dread.
147 Time and time again we see Jesus moving the focus from the seen to the unseen.
148 My son was always playing with an unseen figure. Peek-a-boo over the back of the recliner one time when he was one-year-old.
149 Frustrated by the white wall of silence, Skeeter starts to talk to the town's unseen army of black maids.
150 The galaxy's distorted shape is most likely the result of a close encounter with a smaller, unseen galaxy.
151 The FZD red sandalwood series are coming up from the mystery, for bringing the pleasant surprise unseen for ages to consumers with the only clock of the deep pornography.
152 A new, unseen voice was booming through the PA system.
153 Storytelling,(http://) repetition and unseen characters the three dramatic techniques that frequently appear in Edward Albee's dramas.
154 American carriers travel with an unseen companion: at least one nuclear-powered attack submarine.
155 An ill-mannered Pekingese may be welcome, while the most placid of Mastiffs is turned away unseen.
156 In Phnom Penh's overcast and breezeless humidity, the smell wraps itself round the visitor like an unseen—and certainly unwanted—shroud.
157 The clear winner so far is the unseen songstress of the opening ceremonies, Yang Peiyi, with 68% of the roughly 15,000 votes cast as of this writing.
158 We are here there and everywhere, silently and largely unseen as we monitor what is happening on Earth.
159 You labeled the idea and determined whether it would be sellable, or good, or bad, or worth the time, and the unseen cords you were pulling slipped through your grasp.
160 Mr. Langhorn was standing with two other men, and the look he was giving Melly, unseen by her, would have scalded milk.
161 Out in the open, the hunter is a sitting duck for unseen wild animals.
162 Fortnight under review arrival steady market oversupply price improvement unseen.




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