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单词 obey
释义 Word family  noun obedience ≠ disobedience adjective obedient ≠ disobedient verb obey ≠ disobey adverb obediently ≠ disobediently  o·bey /əʊˈbeɪ, ə- $ oʊ-, ə-/ ●●● W3 verb [intransitive, transitive]  OBEYto do what someone in authority tells you to do, or what a law or rule says you must do 服从;遵守 OPP disobey The little boy made no effort to obey. 这小男孩不肯服从。 ‘Sit!’ he said, and the dog obeyed him instantly. “坐下!”他说道,那只狗马上就服从了。obey an order/command Soldiers are expected to obey orders without questioning them. 军人必须毫无异议地服从命令。obey the law/rules Failure to obey the law can lead to a large fine. 违反该法律会被课以巨额罚款。 ► Don’t say ‘obey to someone/something’. Say obey someone/something: He refused to obey their orders (NOT obey to their orders).不要说 ‘obey to someone/something’. 而要说 obey someone/something: He refused to obey their orders (不说 obey to their orders). 他拒绝服从他们的命令。n RegisterObey is used especially when talking about doing what laws or people in authority tell you to do. In everyday situations, people usually say do what somebody says:My husband never does what I say. 我丈夫从来不照我说的去做。n COLLOCATIONSnounsobey the law/rulesShe’s the sort of person who always obeys the rules.obey an order/command/instructionThe first duty of a soldier is to obey obligation to obey (=to have a duty to do something)Citizens have an obligation to obey the law.verbsmust obey/have to obeyShe felt she had to obey her father, even though she thought he was wrong.refuse to obeyMany people felt the law was unfair, and refused to obey it.adverbsblindly obey (=to obey without asking any questions)He looked terrified, but blindly obeyed.obey instantly/immediatelyHe expected his orders to be obeyed instantly. THESAURUSobey to do what someone in authority tells you to do, or what a law or rule says you must do 服从〔权威〕;遵守〔法律或规定〕You must obey a senior officer at all times. 你必须随时服从上级。If everyone obeys the rules of the road, safety is much improved. 如果人人遵守交通法规,安全方面就会大有改观。do what somebody says especially spoken to do what someone has advised or ordered you to do. In informal and everyday situations, people usually say do what somebody says rather than obey 照某人说的做〔在非正式语境及日常情景中一般用此语,而不用obey〕I did what you said but the car still hasn’t started. 我照你说的做了,可汽车还是发动不了。My husband never does what I say. 我丈夫从来不照我说的去做。do what you are told/do as you are told to do what your parent or teacher says you must do – used especially about children 叫你坐下就坐下。 照着〔父母或老师〕告诉你的做〔尤用于孩子〕At school, we expect the pupils to do what they are told. 在学校里,我们要求学生听老师的话。Do as you’re told and sit down. 叫你坐下就坐下。follow somebody’s orders/instructions/advice to do what someone says you should do, or advises you to do 听从某人的命令/指示/建议You must follow your doctor’s orders. 你必须遵照医嘱。I followed the manufacturer’s instructions. 我按照生产商的说明做了。nI hope she’ll follow my advice.abide by something formal to accept and obey a rule, law, agreement etc 遵守〔规定、法律、协议等〕Players have to abide by the rules of the game. 选手必须遵守比赛规则。respect formal to obey the law or customs of a place, even when you do not agree with them, because this is a necessary part of living in a society 尊重,遵守〔法律或习俗〕 Smokers should respect the law, and only smoke in the privacy of their own homes. 吸烟人士应尊守法律,只在自己家中吸烟。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusobey• Look how well their dog obeys.• The mere recognition of a duty to obey achieves for the government what an overwhelming application of violence would not satisfactorily achieve.• He fought to make his fingers remain closed on the dagger, but they would not obey him.• I knew that if I didn't obey, I would be shot.• You've got to obey instructions - to the letter.• I expect my students to obey me.• War criminals tried to justify their actions by saying that they were only obeying orders.• You can teach most dogs to obey simple commands.• Drivers obey speed laws only when they think the police are near.• None of them actually obey the formal theory which suggests that altruism towards kin in human societies is directly in proportion to shared genes.• All citizens must obey the law and be loyal to the Constitution.• But an obligation to obey the law as it is understood in political writings today is a mere primafacie obligation.• She was one of those people who obeyed the rules and was never irresponsible.• The basic limitation on the obligation to obey the state arose from the fundamental purpose of the state.• Soldiers must always obey their commanding officer.• Girls of her day were taught to obey their in-laws and husbands.obey the law/rules• Coverdell must, that elected officials ought to obey the law.• Our citizens want to obey the law.• The first is to create a new bureaucracy to make sure that insurers obey the rules.• They will always obey the law.• But an obligation to obey the law as it is understood in political writings today is a mere primafacie obligation.• Of course consent to obey the law is not a necessary condition of such an attitude.• The question of whether this administration is willing to obey the law is too simplistic, we are told.• I will postpone consideration of the obligation to obey the law until the last section of this chapter.Origin obey (1200-1300) Old French obeir, from Latin oboedire, from audire “to hear”o·bey verb →n REGISTER1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus tells to someone do what authority in




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