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单词 blood group
释义  Related topics: Human, Hospitalˈblood group noun [countable]  especially British EnglishHBHMH one of the classes into which human blood can be separated, including A, B, AB, and O 血型〔分为A型、B型、AB型和O型〕 SYN American English blood typeExamples from the Corpusblood group• The first thing he saw was her blood group.• Is blood group an inherited characteristic?• Some of the antibodies we used were studied at the international workshop on blood group antibodies at Paris, 1987.• And three of them needed A-Negative, Faye's blood group.• One test will determine your blood group, and another will reveal your Rhesus factor.ˈblood group nounChineseSyllable  of human the into one classes which Corpus




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