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单词 jaded
释义  ja·ded /ˈdʒeɪdɪd/ adjective  FED UPsomeone who is jaded is no longer interested in or excited by something, usually because they have experienced too much of it 厌倦的,腻烦的 The concert should satisfy even the most jaded critic. 这场音乐会应该能让最不易打动的评论家都觉得满意。Examples from the Corpusjaded• After two years of the same routine I was feeling jaded.• Mick Jagger arrived at the airport looking jaded after almost a year of touring.• She felt jaded and in need of emotional uplift.• New York musicians are jaded and tough.• I felt like a jaded casting director as I banished him to the wastepaper bin.• Its vistas leave a warm and timeless imprint on even the most jaded memory.• In Sly's jaded mood she seemed to be a living embodiment of freshness and vitality.• His limpid style and flashes of wit overcame Labour heckling, tickled the press and brought a smile to jaded Tory backbenchers.• The beauty of St. Petersburg will impress even the most jaded tourist.Origin jaded (1600-1700) jade “to make (a horse) tired with too much work” ((17-19 centuries)), from jade “worn-out horse” ((14-21 centuries))ja·ded adjectiveChineseSyllable  interested Corpus is or is in longer no someone jaded who




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