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单词 zodiac
释义  zo·di·ac /ˈzəʊdiæk $ ˈzoʊ-/ noun  the zodiac ROAan imaginary area through which the Sun, Moon, and planets appear to travel, which some people believe influences our lives 黄道带〔指太阳、月亮及行星所行经区域构成的假想带〕 → astrologysign of the zodiac (=one of the 12 parts that this area is divided into) 黄道十二宫[星座]之一 ‘Which sign of the zodiac were you born under?’ ‘Leo.’ “你属于哪个星座?”“狮子座。” → horoscopeExamples from the Corpuszodiac• Firstly, look at a few maps of zodiacs already published to get a feeling for them.• Since Maltwood's discoveries were publicized, other zodiacs have been claimed.• His fees were petty and he didn't bleed his patients with leeches or use strange zodiac charts and stupid incantations.• He showed me the zodiac panelling, and Lucia's secret hiding-place.• She found that local legends and place names corresponded accurately with the particular sector of the zodiac where they were found.• The goldfish is the rarely used thirteenth sign of the zodiac.• These are the characteristics of the International Stock Exchange's own Taurus programme rather than one of the signs of the zodiac.• The zodiac sign would give him a long life and happiness.Origin zodiac (1300-1400) French zodiaque, from Greek zoidiakos “animal figures”zo·di·ac nounChineseSyllable  Sun, through and which imaginary Moon, an planets the Corpus appear area




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