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单词 Soaring
1. A bird is soaring into the sky.
2. The cost of living is soaring.
3. The plane was soaring.
4. Soaring medical costs keep kiting up insurance premiums.
5. She watched the gliders soaring effortlessly above her.
6. Adam's smile sent her spirits soaring .
7. The prices seemed soaring up without limit.
8. The fuel shortage sent prices soaring.
9. She was admitted to hospital with a soaring temperature.
10. Republicans went on the offensive over soaring gasoline prices.
11. The soaring purity of her voice conjured up the frozen bleakness of the Far North.
12. Soaring room rates have put tourists off visiting the city.
13. Prices are soaring again.
14. The two sheets of flame clashed,[Sentencedict] soaring hundreds of feet high.
15. These hawks are magnificent in flight, soaring and circling for long periods.
16. But Humphreys cut the deficit with a soaring penalty.
17. Fears Meanwhile the bosses' wage bill is soaring.
18. Both sides have been soaring up their respective divisions.
19. There(), events abroad caused major problems: costs were soaring.
20. Incidents of medical malpractice are soaring.
21. And what will send me soaring and plunging?
22. The stock market is soaring to new heights.
23. Soaring inflation means lean pickings for the majority.
24. Usually seen soaring at a considerable height.
25. London was a boom town and the stock market was soaring.
26. His mellow guitar technique is the ideal foil for her soaring voice.
27. All across Europe, wherever you look, marriage is in decline and divorce rates are soaring.
28. Des O'Connor is expecting to have the last laugh on his critics by soaring to the top of the Christmas hit parade.
29. The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.
30. Most of the students have already felt the pressure of soaring inflation.
1. A bird is soaring into the sky.
2. The cost of living is soaring.
3. The plane was soaring.
4. The prices seemed soaring up without limit.
5. The high tax policy is certainly unpopular, although it's unlikely to meet the soaring armament expenditures.
31. Sales of gold coins are soaring.
32. They were protesting soaring prices.
33. It is a hall church, with soaring, ribbed nave piers.
34. It has a shortage of office space, soaring property prices, huge traffic problems and relatively high unemployment.
35. Soaring unemployment would be pegged with a £3.1 billion recovery programme for firms of all sizes and job training for school leavers.
36. During a recent humid week, business people poured from soaring office towers.
37. Twittering song uttered in soaring display flight, followed by butterfly-like descent with wings raised and a final plumb drop.
38. Well, maybe not soaring, but up far enough to look respectable for a while.
39. He paced the dusty road somewhat nervously, yet hardly able to contain the soaring enthusiasm in his heart.
40. The strike had initially sent copper prices soaring on international metal markets.
41. It should have sent her spirits soaring, but it didn't, because wasn't need just another aspect of lust?
42. Net interest payments were 69% higher than in 1988, and unit labour costs are soaring.
43. But it was not just the short-lived weather which sent spirits soaring.
44. The substantial decline in student defaults comes at a time when the use of loans to pay tuition is soaring.
45. Under the impact of soaring oil prices living standards collapsed in a welter of rationing and corruption.
46. Its soaring walls and towers are challenged for supremacy only by the purple mass of distant Snowdonia.
47. Way past the blasted ship,[http:///soaring.html] I turned a corner and saw this amazing soaring gorge above me.
48. In the other direction craggy peaks loomed like soaring granite castles, with crystalline blue glaciers spilling and tumbling down their flanks.
49. But a succession of bad harvests has sent the price of this most popular bubbly soaring.
50. But that aside, the budget released Thursday signifies an extraordinary moment in the two-decade battle over the soaring federal debt.
51. He finds what he is after on the mauve horizon, an eagle soaring quietly there.
52. Inside the Odeon, on both sides of the screen, up the soaring walls, ran a frieze of cartoon characters.
53. She gripped his clothing to hold her up, and plunged fathoms deep, mindless, soaring.
54. The announcement sent shares of Loral soaring to $ 44. 50, up $ 8. 25, on Monday.
55. Neither parliament nor the law was open, though these provided both soaring fame and a practical anchor for similarly gifted men.
56. And neither did the cacophony of exasperated hoots which was soaring to a crescendo.
57. Countless species of plants and animals flourish amid soaring trees where once there were only stumps and weeds.
58. Last year, soaring demand for computer products helped the majority of computer, software and chip companies post stellar earnings.
59. As he smelled the smouldering frankincense, he would imagine his own body inflamed and his soul soaring from it like smoke.
60. But they have been reawakened by a pummeled currency and stock market, business collapses, soaring unemployment and rising consumer prices.
61. They moved on, down the cathedral-like space, soaring columns that dwarfed them disappearing into the swirling mist.
62. But against that, unemployment is soaring, industry running out of patience and he is about to authorise massive cuts in public spending.
63. Soaring inflation meanwhile reduced the real cost of servicing a mortgage.
64. Much of the profit bonanza came from soaring underwriting fees.
65. Corporate profits are soaring to new heights, but so is income inequality.
66. Soaring Inexperienced pilots get into difficulties when they are soaring.
67. They were intellectual liberators, triple-threat men gifted with soaring imaginations, glowing charisma, and literary genius.
68. And that was the marvel that sent my spirits soaring!
69. As earthbound concrete replaced shimmering glass, so crude functionalism was to supplant soaring aspiration.
70. He strongly denied accusations that Conservative policies had failed, leading to soaring crime figures.
71. The nation's teenage pregnancy rate is soaring into the stratosphere.
72. The sight of Gustave Eiffel's soaring pyramid makes the visitor's heart quicken.
73. Like a see-saw, her drop had sent him soaring into religiosity.
74. One can imagine the cloud-capped towers of Inigo Jones's elegant Baroque soaring above the Fens.
75. The economic position remain appalling with the value of money plummeting and prices soaring.
76. He circled slowly and methodically up, holding his wings in a stiff, lacquered bow, never flapping[ ], always soaring.
77. But the soaring incomes of top executives are not the major issue in the great productivity slowdown.
78. Interest rates are low, inflation seems whipped, job growth is strong, corporate profits are soaring.
79. His kiss was pure joy, winging happiness, as if her spirit was soaring into a clear sky.
80. The lasting weakness of the euro, combined with soaring oil prices, had begun to fuel inflation.
81. He swept towards me, like the wind raising a storm as soaring eagles raise dust.
82. Despite these soaring levels of homelessness, hardly any affordable housing is being built even though the construction industry is calling for jobs.
83. The blue-chip Dow Jones industrial average is already up 4. 9 percent this year, after soaring 26 percent in 1996.
84. Just beyond the church is a track which leads back out of the bay and on towards the soaring cliffs of Fair Head.
85. Read in studio Dozens of gliders have been soaring over the region competing in one of the country's largest gliding championships.
86. Meredith glanced up uncertainly at the four-storey buildings soaring up forbiddingly on either side of the alley where they were walking.
87. She began to see small craft darting like dragonflies between the soaring galleries.
88. There were hundreds of the Hunters, darting and soaring through the air.
89. The soaring excitement grew until they were both unaware of any world at all.
90. Suppose a sky-high gas, electricity or telephone bill sends your blood pressure soaring.
91. They warned, however, that relief operations were being seriously reduced by soaring fuel costs.
92. Tight supplies and soaring prices led many countries to book purchases well in advance.
93. The number of cases of foot and mouth disease in Britain is soaring.
94. Today, at last, the economy looks as if it may win the race against soaring population figures.
95. Even if more money were available, a massive payout would send inflation soaring, economists warn.
96. Four soaring steeples are honeycombed with cavities, revealing them to be the bony skeleton of support they are.
97. Lights were on on the Kingston road bridge soaring over the murky river.
98. As a result Government borrowing is soaring - to £37 billion this year, and £44 billion next year.
99. Another sharp turn sent them soaring out of a tunnel mouth in the side of a vast cavern.
100. Keep a look out too for buzzards soaring over the crags which surround you, and also for the odd kestrel.
101. Deep tax cuts enacted in 1981, as the supply siders had demanded, only produced soaring federal deficits.
102. Meanwhile, prostitution increases in rural areas, where unemployment has tripled and school drop-out rates for girls are soaring.
103. It sealed a comfortable victory and sent Rovers soaring into third place in the table.
104. With the soaring costs of producing meat and feedstuffs for cattle, the animal-plant hybrids may well have a promising future.
105. There would thus have to be drastic cuts in public expenditure, particularly in the soaring cost of unemployment benefits.
106. With prices soaring, work is what Kabulis seek above all else.
107. Sculptures of angels dance among the soaring arches that form the ceiling of the mission.
108. They were singing and yelling, doing rolls while diving, again soaring up, gradually drifting north.
109. He missed, above all, the split-second thrill of soaring over Liverpool's matchless fences.
110. More often seen perched or flying low than soaring, when wings are held slightly crooked and rather short tail is noticeable.
111. Managed care was born of the need to contain soaring medical costs.
112. Illegitimacy rates are soaring.
113. Sunday lunch is £5.95, half for children, and by all accounts the Eagle's really soaring by one o'clock.
114. This would save up to £3 billion at a time when the jobless total is soaring.
115. Calmly the Gloucester full-back lined up his kick and dropped a soaring goal from 40 yards.
116. In the moonlight the plane looked like a huge eagle soaring across the sky.
117. There are no such restraints on capital, and profits are soaring.
118. But the $ 86 billion F-22 program has been plagued with mismanagement, design flaws and soaring costs.
119. At the same time, crime is soaring, fuelled by the influx of drugs from Florida and the Gulf coast.
120. She was used to draughty spaces, soaring walls, a nightly ritual of wraps and hot bricks in winter.
121. There has been a collapse in confidence, soaring repossessions and a reluctance by households to borrow more and trade up.
122. South Georgia's king penguin populations too are soaring.
123. The glider was soaring above the valley.
124. Unification has brought soaring unemployment and social malaise.
125. His soaring voice cuts straight to the heart.
126. The little prince to the earth, when he understood her ridiculous trick behind Embrace in tenderness, when he's sad, such as sinking, soaring on the planet monkey bread tree.
127. Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling.
128. Snacking on silkworm moth larvae or adding blitzed bees to sauces could offer a much-needed solution to soaring costs of red meat.
129. The house prices in the city seemed soaring up without limit.
130. The Special Session in May was called to deal with the negative impact of soaring food prices on the world's poor.
131. But the good economic news came in the Carter administration’s early years, while its final year was marked by rising unemployment and soaring inflation, largely caused by a surge in oil prices.
132. Despite soaring profitability, they paid an average dividend rate of less than 6 percent last year.
133. The estimated 1.2 billion poor people in Asia and Pacific who spend on average 60% of their income on food have been hit hard by soaring food grain prices in recent months.
134. Waving the wings, rising a few feet every day, it may one day happen to find itself soaring high above,[http://] facing the blare of the sun and made its own voice pierce into the peaceful sky.
135. One day he and his prairie chicken friend saw a beautiful bird soaring on the currents of air, high above the mountains.
136. Mommy, look! " cried my daughter, Darla, pointing to a chicken hawk soaring through the air."
137. A crackdown on private enterprise last year sent rice prices soaring.
138. They were amazed at the soaring drive of our oil workers.
139. Brazil has felt vulnerable to soaring oil prices and to supply disruptions.
140. An International Air Transport Association spokesman said recently that soaring oil prices are affecting airline companies.
141. Second, China already has a problem with soaring commodity costs. It does not need to accumulate more copper, aluminum, iron etc. Indeed China's infrastructure is massively overbuilt already.
142. Indeed, soaring budget costs in the mid - 1980's provide the main impetus for agricultural reform.
143. And food prices are soaring because of tight supplies and rising demand.
144. But many companies did well even when the euro was soaring, because they compete on more than just price.
145. The huge bird seemed to hang in the air, borne by the wind currents, soaring with scarcely a beat of its huge, powerful wings.
146. One day he and his prairie chicken friends saw a beautiful bird soaring on the currents of air, high above the mountains.
147. At the Hoover a soaring new bridge, ten years in the making, now spans the Colorado, giving the lie to the notion that America can no longer perform wonders of engineering when it wants to.
148. the soaring price of gold points to fears of runaway inflation.
149. Soaring above the dramatic Scablands of the United States, Brian discovers how the same landscape has been found on Mars.
150. The number of the foreigners working in China is increasing, and the mixed marriage has been soaring year by year.
151. Forever may fly by oneself biplane wing soaring bird high.
152. Price is soaring. If it goes on favor this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling.
153. Today, inflation and unemployment are soaring, debt is mounting and the banking sector that provided jobs and fueled a consumption boom has vanished.
154. Maybe you like the soaring euphoric cerebral qualities that will leave you in a hazed fluster?
155. His plane continued soaring at 5000 metres above sea level.
156. The titi is to the gamin what the moth is to the larva; the same being endowed with wings and soaring.
157. Other economists reckon that with productivity high and wages muted, a pernicious wage-price spiral of the kind that lay behind soaring inflation in the 1970s is unlikely.
158. Mr. Kan has previously said Japan's rising social welfare expenses and its soaring national debt make a sales tax increase inevitable.
159. A landing slope is for ski jumping or ski soaring.
160. One might argue that money is laughing gas for most of us in its ability to dissipate anxiety and send our spirits soaring.
161. They have made great efforts in technical innovation and every one of them has shown his own art and skill just like the eight immortals soaring over the ocean.
162. Noctuid winging over, its shadow reflected on the wall just like a fish soaring in the water.
163. When carrying out airflow on slope soaring momentum, the pilot near hillside has a priority. The lower pilot also has a priority on right-of-way.
164. Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment,[http:///soaring.html] large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.
165. But there had been little incentive for the global chemical industry to gasify coal until prices began soaring for natural gas and oil.
166. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a flying mobula ray soaring high off the Mexican shore.
167. The first picture shows a basketball soaring through the air toward the hoop.
168. They were also featured in 'Ode to the Expo' by Guang Zhao, a lush, soaring neo-Romantic crowd pleaser that made the composer seem a Chinese Andrew Lloyd Webber.
169. The mayor of the Mexican capital is expanding a "backyard agriculture programme" as a solution to soaring food costs, the Financial Times reported on Saturday.
170. Soaring borrowing costs would be a sure way to snuff out a recovery.
171. Recently, Zhengzhou sugar futures prices soaring, the trend of strong, active.
172. According to the traditional experience, the soaring inflation of currency.
173. Soaring above the boundless snowfield, a male eagle was for only one aim: the food.
174. Price is soaring, if it goes on favor this, we shall not be skillful to keep the pot boiling.
175. Icarus disobeyed his father's instructions and began soaring towards the sun.
176. There's still no let-up in the price of the highly sought-after commodity, which again is soaring to record highs on concern about tight supplies.
177. Deng Yuanqin, who sells eggs in a Shanghai market, said her family's rent has risen 50 percent over a year earlier while her income is being squeezed by the soaring wholesale cost of eggs.
178. As for exit, 2010 continued its soaring tendency in the end of year, as the first 11 months closed 138 exits, including 61 exits in October and November, and IPO remained the major exit option.
179. Another drawback was the soaring interior walkways, which terrified vertigo sufferers.
180. Positive growth under thirst like a duck to water and started soaring.
181. Housing starts, which were still soaring as recently as 2005, are now at a 20 - year low.
182. In 2008, raw material costs rose, followed by tinplate, energy and others. Soaring prices pushed end product prices up.
183. Price is soaring, if it goes on like this, we shall not keep the pot boiling.
184. The money fund turmoil rippled across other markets and sent short-term borrowing costs and risk premiums soaring.




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