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单词 Fuels
1. The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.
2. Fossil fuels have caused irreversible damage to the environment.
3. Gas and coal are fuels.
4. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and rapidly running out.
5. 93% of our energy comes from fossil fuels.
6. The fossil fuels are finite resources.
7. Coal is one of the cheapest fuels.
8. Manufacturers are working with new fuels to find one that burns more cleanly than petrol.
9. Environmentalists would like to see fossil fuels replaced by renewable energy sources.
10. An unchecked increase in the use of fossil fuels could have catastrophic results for the planet.
11. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas will service our needs for some considerable time to come.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. Estimates of the availability of non-renewable fuels vary.
13. Not that home heating fuels were a better option.
14. They are fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas, nuclear fuels: uranium ores.
15. The shakeout fuels the consolidation, as groups of lawyers from failed firms attach themselves to larger firms.
16. Now, remaining supplies of fossil fuels should be saved, not squandered.
17. This need to eliminate the use of nonrenewable fuels follows for two reasons.
18. The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels.
19. On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.
20. Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels?
21. The law would encourage companies to switch from coal to cleaner fuels.
22. The carbon tax might well lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.
23. Carbon dioxide is produced in huge amounts when fossil fuels are burned.
24. If you live in a smokeless zone you have to use smokeless fuels instead of coal.
25. This staining on marble is the result of dry deposition from sulphur dioxide gases produced by the burning of fossil fuels.
26. It would be based on the carbon content of fuels and would have the biggest effect on the coal industry.
27. Each of these domestic vulnerabilities translates into a fragile, retrospective foreign policy that, in turn, fuels local frailties.
28. The proposed measures could mean reworking calculations on which earlier assumptions about demand for the various fuels were made.
29. The coal and petroleum are the great reserves of fossil fuels that we have relied on to power our industrial societies.
30. Reducing oil consumption in the heating and electricity generation sectors is straight forward in that other fuels may be substituted.
1. The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.
2. Fossil fuels have caused irreversible damage to the environment.
3. Gas and coal are fuels.
4. Fossil fuels are non-renewable and rapidly running out.
5. The arithmetic of nuclear running costs has been skewed by the fall in the cost of other fuels.
6. On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels.
7. Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels?
31. This ensures that production costs of electricity generated by these methods are no greater than for fossil fuels.
32. The speed with which this will occur depends primarily upon the speed at which the prices of conventional fuels rise.
33. Nor do they contribute to environmental pollution by burning fossil fuels.
34. Then there's even more pollution caused by burning the fuels needed to generate the energy to make new products.
35. Thus the company is uniquely placed to sum up current interest in alternative fuels for diesel and petrol engines.
36. Secondly, new fuels for the internal combustion engine which do not involve the depletion of vital and limited energy resources.
37. Suprex has introduced the Aromatic Analyser which determines the aromatic content of petroleum fuels.
38. After all, your editorial on fossil fuels, fearlessly and correctly reported global warming data in degrees Celsius.
39. Independent tests have proved that Shell Advanced petrol will keep your engine three hundred percent cleaner than ordinary fuels.
40. As for replacement fuels, many people do not like to contemplate the nuclear option.
41. Close-up of brief case reveals a Nuclear Fuels logo on it.
42. Their wastes include solvents, fuels, mine tailings, radioactive wastes, and unexploded bombs and shells.
43. The problem with fossil fuels is that they are not renewable.
44. They have also shown that 60 percent of the energy released from fossil fuels is wasted.
45. Mr Livingstone has offered exemptions for business deliveries and if vehicles use green fuels.
46. Yet the real energy gain in fuels does not come from burning the carbon component of hydrocarbons, but the hydrogen portion.
47. By providing reliable information on military activity, satellite surveillance could cut out the uncertainty which fuels arms spending.
48. Currently an estimated 1,600 vessels carrying fuels and other hazardous materials pass through the strait annually.
49. Another large reservoir of fossil fuels, solid gas hydrates, has recently come to public recognition.
50. And they produce oxygen which animals need to breathe, and which helps to replace that lost by burning fossil fuels.
51. The government on June 3 liberalized the prices of liquid fuels, producing price increases of between 70 and 113 percent.
52. On Earth, nitrogen is an important ingredient of both storable rocket fuels and oxidizers.
53. Eventually, however, the star will run out of its hydrogen and other nuclear fuels.
54. Gas usage will increase particularly in the home-heating sectors and in industries requiring clean fuels.
55. Hasn't he any conception of the devastation caused to this planet by burning fossil fuels?
56. The key to manufacture of storable fuels on Mars lies in the use of water-bearing surface materials, not atmospheric water vapor.
57. The estimated global emissions of carbon from fossil fuels alone have tripled since 1950.
58. As it loses the heat that fuels its steady churning, the plate motions on the surface are slowly winding down.
59. That theory fuels the $ 75 million to $ 100 million in annual sales of beta carotene supplements.
60. Liberalization and the introduction of competition intensify the split between winners and losers among electricity technologies and fuels according to environmental criteria.
61. Propane-rich fuels come mainly from oil extraction and refining, and can be burnt either in spark-ignition motors or dual-fuel units.
62. Revenues, from reprocessing domestic and imported nuclear fuels, are not expected to exceed £5.2 billion.
63. Typically, the fuels are isotopes of the three lightest elements, hydrogen, helium, and lithium.
64. These will all reduce emissions from fossil fuels and so help combat global warming and acid deposition.
65. Geothermal energy does not involve the burning of fossil fuels and therefore makes a negligible contribution to global warming.
66. Moreover, countries should price fuels to reflect their full costs, including environmental costs.
67. But all fossil fuels, especially the cleanest anthracite, burn to produce abundant carbon dioxide.
68. Alternative Energy Sources One of the major problems of fossil fuels and particularly coal is pollution.
69. The company is a major supplier of marine fuels in the port of Aberdeen.
70. The main global-warming gas, after all, is carbon dioxide, given off mainly by burning fossil fuels.
71. While this step awaits technical advances, cleaner fuels for cars and lorries, such as methanol, are urged for immediate use.
72. The plant will initially reprocess irradiated fuels from the country's five existing nuclear power plants.
73. Gerald Foley and Geoffrey Barnard argue that the only proven fuels are wood and charcoal for the current gasifier technology.
74. They are also increasing their rate of consumption of non-renewable resources in the form of fossil fuels.
75. It also acted as the catalyst to form fossil fuels from tiny animals millions of years ago.
76. If these products replace those derived from fossil fuels, it will make a significant contribution to reducing the greenhouse effect.
77. Bottom right: melting snow from the peaks fuels the rapids.
78. And it provides a useful explanation for the power house that fuels certain cosmic sources.
79. Measured on the carbon dioxide scale, it emitted 2.109 metric tons percapita in 1986 from fossil fuels and cement production.
80. Background A tax on carbon-producing fuels such as coal, gas and oil has been proposed to help counter the greenhouse effect.
81. The first is to increase production through new discoveries - the second is to encourage alternative fuels.
82. From graffiti to fanzines to indie-pop, that is the glue which fuels most real youth enterprise.
83. How important is land use compared with deposition of strong acids derived from the combustion of fossil fuels?
84. This latter involves the production of food energy and fuel energy which can supplement animal feedstocks and fossil fuels respectively.
85. Failure to correct them only fuels the right-wing demands that obliterate the very protections that liberals cherish.
86. The carbon tax could lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.
87. However, it has not yet been established that global warming is due to excessive combustion of fossil fuels.
88. The industrial use of oil, 3. 4in, constitutes an even more tempting alternative fuels target.
89. Guilt is just as powerful, but its influence is positive, while shame's is destructive. Shame erodes our courage and fuels disengagement. Brene Brown 
90. For instance aluminium costs 95% less in energy when recycles which cuts down the use of fossil fuels and reduces pollution.
91. Wind power should also be relatively cheaper in the long term, as the pollution costs of fossil fuels rise.
92. The renewed interest in alternative fuels and feedstocks has revived coal gasification and the old technology is rapidly being brought up to date.
93. Carbon monoxide, a colourless, odourless and poisonous gas, is produced by incomplete combustion of carbon in fuels.
94. Charcoal, wood chips, coconut shells and maize cobs are the only practical fuels at the moment.
95. We are hastening this process with the burning of fossil fuels.
96. The findings of 47 per-cent who preferred nuclear compares with 50 per-cent for fossil fuels.
97. No work on fuels other than charcoal appears to be in progress.
98. The logical impenetrability of the administration's calculations at Camp David inevitably fuels speculation about the motivation for convening it.
99. Natural gas prices also tumbled amid concern warmer weather would dampen demand for heating fuels.
100. Large cuts in state spending and big increases in charges for fuels and utilities resulted.
101. Do we carry on burning fossil fuels at rapid rates?
102. Over the next three years we shall continue to upgrade the technology at our refineries to increase the production of motor fuels.
103. While the direct use of fuels for purposes other than electricity generation has gone down,(http:///fuels.html) the output of electricity has gone up.
104. The washing liquid in Shell fuels cleans inside your engine just as a washing machine cleans your clothes.
105. Mystery fuels the fire of a one-night stand.
106. Higher ratios can be used with more exotic fuels.
107. Chemists are constantly searching for new fuels and oxidizers.
108. Persistently high unemployment fuels protectionist tendencies.
109. There are chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless.
110. If we squander our fossil fuels, we threaten civilization.
111. These fuels include methane, propane and gasohol .
112. The fossil fuels (coal and oil) are finite resources.
113. Biofuels can be mixed with conventional fuels.
114. Fruit orchardists have used various solid fuels.
115. Coal, oil, wood and gas are fuels.
116. In recent years, corn ethanol has been one of the few sources of supply growth in transport fuels.
117. Maybe then the metaphor "I am a thousand candles lighting the way" helps keep the juiciness of the purpose alive and resonant as it fuels their work.
118. This tactic is especially good if the fuels are locally produced.
119. Cleaning up the wreckage left by our 250-year industrial bacchanal will require fundamental changes in a society hooked on its fossil fuels.
120. Aim to the problem of gas resource scarcity in future development plan at Bao Steel, outside fuels which were introduced to steel works became necessity, and COREX gas in the highest flight.
121. Atmospheric brown clouds are made up mostly of soot — suspended carbon particles — produced by people burning biomass and fossil fuels.
122. Determines the Pump Octane Number (AKI), Research Octane Number (RON), and Motor Octane Number (MON) of unleaded gasolines, and optional Cetane Index and Cetane Number for diesel fuels.
123. Technique, expertise and knowledge are just tools; the key is to abandon oneself to the energy that fuels the birth of all things.
124. China is fully aware that the illicit trade of small arms and light weapon (SALW) causes regional instability, fuels humanitarian crisis.
125. HDA is the main means to decreasing aromatic content in the fuels.
126. The focus is what will happen to leading banks if Hungary defaults or if the fall in the forint fuels a rise in loan delinquency among Hungarians who have borrowed heavily in euros and Swiss francs.
127. The ravenous appetite for fossil fuels traces partly to an economic stimulus program in 1997.
128. In many cities, the average annual levels of PM10(the main source of which is the burning of fossil fuels) exceed 70 micrograms per cubic metre.
129. Oil and fossil fuels have high energy densities, easy storability and are very useful.
130. The direct cost for additional fossil fuels alone would be 3.5 trillion yen, or roughly $50 billion.
131. Intergovernmental panel on climate change puts most of the blame on the burning of fossil fuels.
132. And uridine fuels chemical reactions in mitochondria and may boost the cellular communications that control mood and other mental processes.
133. Stannum (Tin) — The Refinement of Torment fuels a Promethean 's quest for vengeance by showing him how to embrace his misery.
134. In the designed thermoelectric device, high caloric value liquid fuel and high energy store PCM fuels were used as heat source while low phase transition temperature PCM as heat sink.
135. Examples of such fuels are monomethyl - hydrazine and diborane.
136. Based on the performance of diesel fuels in diesel engine, the cetane number was predicted by the determination of autoignition temperature.
137. He said: "The industrial revolution was a revolution in the use of energy. It offloaded from human and animal power into using fossil fuels."
138. Carbon Sciences says its test facility is successfully melding CO2 with methane (the primary constituent of natural gas) to produce a syngas that can be converted into ordinary fuels.
139. Do not use the phone at a refueling point ( service station ) or near fuels or chemicals.
140. This review summarizes applications of ILS in extractions of metal ions, organic compounds, bio-molecules, desulfurization or denitrogenation from fuels and gases and so on.
141. Advanced bio - fuels and the electrification of personal vehicles make us less dependent on foreign oil.
142. "We're not reliant on carbon- or nuclear-based fuels to grow this packaging, " says Oliver Campbell, Dell's director of procurement packaging. "It's self-energizing."
143. Trim down on the red meat. Since it takes more fossil fuels to produce red meat than fish, eggs and poultry, switching to these foods will slim your CO2 emissions by 950 pounds.
144. High - temperature air blown gasification can treat low - caloric - value fuels and produce a little higher caloric value gas.
145. Applications of cryogenics include the storage and transport of liquefied gases, food preservation, cryosurgery, rocket fuels, and superconducting electromagnets.
146. The machine uses the Sun's rays and a metal oxide called ceria to break down carbon dioxide or water into fuels which can be stored and transported.
147. Dynamic Fuels has been making jet fuel for testing by the Air Force Research Laboratory.
148. Fuels for diesel engines may be considered under two broad headings.
149. Until then, the natural forces will offset the expected warming caused by human activities , such as the burning of fossil fuels, which releases the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.
150. Synthetic fuels have the advantage of being purer and more environmentally compatible than petroleum - based products.
151. The olefin oligomerization is an effective approach to produce motor fuels, detergent feedstock, lubricants, plasticizers and other chemicals.
152. To save energy and prevent the pollution caused by the exhaust gas of automobile engines, natural gas and liquified petroleum gas are used as altemative fuels for Vehicles.
153. Meanwhile the early and later irradiation experiences of metallic fuels were summarized, including the limits of burnup which had been demonstrated.
154. The RF induced voltage of the metallic object is harmful to persons and fuels.
155. Lowest operating cost - White oil - fired water heaters provide water more economically than heaters powered with other fuels.
156. Most of these substances directly result from the industrial, urban and vehicular combustion of fossil fuels.
157. Actinides are not only the main fuels of nuclear energy but also the main ingredients of the nuclear wastes.
158. In 2000, Sterling released the Viridian Manifesto, which he has described as an attempt to use design "to end our substance-abuse problem with fossil fuels.
159. To provide greater accuracy in comparing fuels, energy content is measured in terms of "British Thermal Units (BTU's)."
160. Briefly speaking, the other major raw materials for blast furnace smelting include fuels, fluxes and air.
161. The bio -based economy is a term which encapsulates our vision of a future society no longer wholly dependent on fossil fuels for energy and industrial raw materials.
162. The various methods currently being used in burnup determination of nuclear fuels are studyed and reviewed, The mass spectrometry method of destructive testing is discussed emphatically.
163. It may be concluded that principal reactions between the hydrazine fuels and clay are physical absorption and chemical degradation.
164. A eukaryotic cell can use glucose (C6H12O6) and hexanoic acid (C6H14O2) as fuels for cellular respiration.
165. Kennedy says that initial estimates suggest that fuel produced from salicornia could be competitive with petroleum-based fuels, but warns that detailed studies still need to be done.
166. They use biomass fuels like wood, crop waste, animal waste or coal.
167. The single factor analysis showed that smoking, use of biomass fuels and lower level of living condition might be risk factors for COPD.
168. Some analysts worry that emissions standards would encourage companies to keep inventories low and to import more refined fuels, contributing to idle capacity in U.S. refineries.
169. The U.S. can continue as the consumption engine that fuels all the world economies even though it's a debtor nation that borrows this money to consume.
170. A colorless, fuming, corrosive hygroscopic liquid, H 2 NNH 2, used in jet and rocket fuels.
171. The analysis results showed that the rapid and accurate determination of alkene content in jet fuels can be achieved by using near infrared spectrum analysis.
172. Most automotive fuel cells either use pure hydrogen or strip hydrogen from fuels like methanol.
173. Because the rate of accumulation is so slow, millions of times than we dig up this organic matters and burn it for energy, we must consider this fossil fuels as un-renewable sources.
174. With present fuels, scientists agree that a single rocket can not attain escape velocity.
175. Radiation release from burning fossil fuels is unaccounted for, and the fossil industry dumps its wastes into the atmosphere.
176. The invention relates to a metering device (1) for liquid fuels, in particular for introduction into a chemical reformer for producing hydrogen or into an after-burning apparatus for generating heat.
177. To qualify under the RFS, ethanol and other fuels would have to reduce life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent compared with gasoline.
178. 'For the first time, non-fossil fuels will be major sources of supply growth, ' said Ruehl.
179. Coal and rock oil, or petroleum, are of great value as fuels.
180. The British still subsidise fossil fuels by charging a bargain rate of tax on domestic fuel.
181. Before fossil fuels all development was based on human labor (often slaves) and animal power with dung or forests being used for fuel (forests tend to disappear quickly).
182. Other sorts of alternative fuels are also subsidized including ethanol and rapeseed oil.
183. By 1800, science and the market economy were creating incentives and opportunities for western entrepreneurs to mechanise production and tap the huge power of fossil fuels.
184. This method and systems are also used for other volatile - rich fuels as brown coal and coal.
185. For such fuels, sulphur is claimed to aggravate problems of wear and deposits.
186. It is shown that the copyrolysis improves the quality of the oil obtained and gives possibility to transform the wastes into liquid fuels.
187. Who told you that phasing out fossil fuels meant no light or heat?
188. Professor Wu Ran last month published research on thermal breeder reactor energy yields from a variety of fuels.
189. Corbett says it is also getting dirtier over time as distillate fuels become cleaner, as the sulfur driven out of distillates ends up in the residuals used by ships.
190. The multifunctional combustion bomb is used in the simulation of the combustion process of the various engines with different fuels and different combustion mode.
191. The bleary-eyed walk between bedroom and home office requires no fossil fuels at all.
192. Today, fuel from oil sands produces 5 per cent to 15 per cent more carbon dioxide than fuels from conventional oil when measured from "well to wheel."
193. Additionally,() a Department of Defense project at SDSU is working to produce jet fuels from biomass such as prairie cordgrass.
194. Based on the thermochemistry and chemical kinetics, the combustion mechanism and flowing direction of combustion heat for the three main species of solid fuels was studied.
195. He cofounded Gevo in 2005 to commercialize the technology and produce isobutanol that would be cost-competitive with petroleum-based fuels.




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