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单词 X
释义  Related topics: Letters & punctuation, Numbers, Maths, Education, Voting, Mail, FilmX1, x /eks/ (plural X’s, x’s) noun  1. letter 字母 [countable, uncountable]SLA the 24th letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第二十四个字母2. HMNnumber 数字 [countable] the number 10 in the system of roman numerals 〔罗马数字〕103  mathematics 数学 [uncountable] technicalHM a letter used in mathematics to represent an unknown quantity or value 〔数学中的〕未知数[量] if 3x = 6, x = 2 若 3x=6,则 x=24. on school work 在作业里SEWRONG/INCORRECT [countable] a mark used on school work to show that a written answer is not correct 叉号 〔表示书面答案错误的符号〕5. when voting 投票时PPVCHOOSE [countable] a mark used to show that you have chosen something on an official piece of paper, for example when voting 叉号〔表示选中的符号,如用于投票时〕6  on a letter 在信中TCMKISS [countable] a mark used to show a kiss, especially at the end of a letter 〔表示亲吻的符号,尤用于信末〕 Love, Cindy XXX 爱你的辛迪,吻你7. film 电影 [singular, uncountable]AMF used in the past to describe a film that was officially approved as only suitable for people over 18 X 级〔过去使用的电影级别,表示未满18岁者不宜观看〕 SYN 18 → X-rated8  NAME OF A PERSONunknown/secret name 未知的/保密的姓名SECRET [uncountable] a letter used instead of someone’s or something’s real name because you want to keep it secret or you do not know it 〔用以代替不宜公开或不知其名的人或事物的名称〕 At the trial, Ms X said that she had known the defendant for three years. 在审判中,X 女士说她认识被告已有三年。9. when signing your name 签名时SIGN YOUR NAME [countable] a mark used instead of a signature by someone who cannot write 〔不会写字的人用以代替签名的〕X 记号,画押10. X number of people/things AMOUNTused to say that there are a number of people or things when the exact number is not important 若干个人/物〔用于说明有一些人或物,而准确的数字并不重要〕11. X marks the spot SHOW/LET somebody SEE somethingused on maps in adventure stories to show that something is buried in a particular place X 标示该地点〔用于探险故事的地图上,指某物埋在某地〕Examples from the CorpusX• Love, Cindy XXOXX• Suppose Mrs. X wants to make a donation. How can she be sure how her money will be used?• If 3x=6, then x=2.X2 verb  1.X something ↔ out phrasal verb American EnglishREMOVE to mark or remove a mistake in a piece of writing using an X 〔在文章中〕用X符号标出[删去]〔错误〕 SYN cross outX1 nounX2 verbChinese  letter of the English Corpus alphabet 24th the




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