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单词 Run time
1, The programme's running time is 94 minutes.
2, The new service will cut 14 minutes off the running time of the journey.
3, He turns a daunting running time to advantage, crafting each episode into a romantic cliffhanger.
4, It has had loads of trouble finding a distributor in the United States, no doubt due to its three-hour running time.
5, It commits the industry to shut down its 19 reactors after an average running time of 32 years.
6, Use lined paper for this, and reckon each line as one second of running time.
7, The development, administration and interoperability modules do not include run- time versions of Unix.
8, Strings computed concatenation at run time are newly created and therefore distinct.
9, These run time policy decisions are made through the class.
10, Usually, pressing TAB successively at run time selects each control in the tab order.
11, The font name is re - evaluated at run time each time the Grid control is refreshed.
12, Windows uses the _beginthread API from the C run time library function.
13, The Task Scheduler schedules and coordinates tasks at run time.
14, The user has also to construct a path through the relations thus setting up the linkages required at run time.
15, Then,[http:///run time.html] you can use the XML To SQL wizard to unit test the XML document for validity before writing your code that will use the XMLToSQL run time library.
16, This tight coupling can impact the scalability of the administrative runtime if the run time components are not located together in close proximity.
17, There are no MSIL instructions that can be used to access the Constant table at run time.
18, High dimension of the spectral space in spectral color management results in long run time and large memory requirement in color processing of multi spectral images.
19, Hook methods in Ruby execute at interpretation time (not run time), and this particular hook method fires every time you add a new method to a class.
20, A job stream represents a container for related jobs and organizes them in terms of run time, sequencing, concurrency limitations, and repetitions.
21, Any attempt to perform a string comparison on an employee ID will then fail with a type error at query run time.
22, The data in the table is the ratio of run time of the synchronized version to the unsynchronized version; it shows the performance penalty of synchronization.
23, If the parent process does not provide a Compensation Sphere in this case, a run time fault is thrown to indicate that the child process cannot run without one.
24, How to pass parameter information to a recordset object at run time.
25, This method instructs Grails to metaprogram the validation methods onto the specified domain class as it would normally during run time.
26, After a provider JAR file is packaged, it includes all necessary information (both binaries and metadata file) and is ready to be used by both the tools and the run time system.
27, The qnameScope property affects how the custom binder interacts with the run time system because of differences between the named types and the anonymous types.
28, The system has an integrated database to store system definition information and corresponding data during the run time of the system.
29, For example, the method called proprietaryEvaluate(), which we saw earlier, is a run time support method.
30, The concept of the custom binding provider is introduced here to define a declarative model that can be used to plug in a set of custom binders to either emitter tools or a run time system.
31, This will generate the .cxx file format of the template which will be used at run time.
32, This request is then processed by the common metadata-driven run time, which determines how to map the Web service message to a database request.
33, This option will require the maximum amount of run time, but can potentially provide the most insight into an infeasibility problem.
34, A title bar a control is rendered at run time as an HTML table cell.
35, All books must use the file system to save data to prepare for the next run time system.
36, For these routines , the linkage editor places special import references in the executable file, and the run time loader fixes up these references to point to the actual system code.
37, The Java object is passed from the run time system and its type is expected to match what is returned from the getJavaName method.
38, The browser or server encounters a syntax or run time error in your script.
39, Finally, overlaying this run time structure is an extensive monitoring and management environment embodying BPM.
40, Normally, this error is caught by the compiler; this error can only occur at run time if the definition of a class has incompatibly changed.
41, Whether the organization has any business process modeling tool which automatically generates BPEL run time code for deployment?
42, Create a Spring run time JAR file called "SpringSharedLibAsset.jar" that contains Spring and Feature Pack for SCA run time files.
43, Because run time may is as long as, make many hours,[http:///run time.html] static sequential analysis has become a lot of IC to design the bottleneck of the group.
44, Similarly, when a Java object is serialized, the run time system locates the appropriate binder, which then converts the Java object to a SOAPElement.
45, Each transformation depends on a rule that's evaluated at run time, allowing a new document to be generated from the marked-up one that is tailored for a specific user or context.
46, This value will be resolved at run time after the parent node is expanded (shown later in this article).
47, Both packs feature a hard case and great run time with low resistance.
48, The service discovery mechanism in Registry automatically discovers run time services from enterprise application environments and publishes the service descriptions to Registry.
49, A run time engine enabling production systems to access and execute decision logic.
50, In the JavaScript language, a constructor function initializes the underlying Object provided by the run time system, and this Object is returned to the caller of the constructor.
51, The line on the secondary axis represents the overall performance improvement for each of the run time modes.
52, The data binding is configured with the appropriate map names, which are invoked at run time to convert the native data to the data object format, and vice versa.
53, After the custom binder is plugged into the run time system, this binder interacts with the runtime through the use of SOAPElement in the following way.
54, With Dynamic Assembler, the binding between requester and the actual service provider can be deferred until run time and be dependent upon specific parameters.
55, Some programs need to directly interrogate the dynamic type of an object at run time.
56, Also, this exercise uses the Cocoa framework, which consists of a set of APIs, libraries, and run time code that forms the development layer for the iPhone SDK.
57, This should all be self-evident, but we could benefit from some active help from our development tools and run time infrastructure to support such a modular design approach.
58, The run time system guarantees the correctness of the SOAPElement QName.
59, One possibility is to invoke the DataStage using dsjob and pass the synchpoint value as a run time parameter within.
60, Process control block can contain the following information: process name, priority number, need to run time, CPU time is used, the process state and so on.
61, On this run , work on lengthening your run time between walk intervals.
62, A service's secret key is typically kept in a key table file from where it is retrieved at run time.
63, Files on the run time system can be accessed by the Java Compute node using the standard classes that can also be used to configure the node.
64, A run time step, in which the JPA database calls are redirected to the pureQuery Runtime and to the appropriate DB2 package that contains the preprocessed SQL statements.
65, A good way to create a valid XML document is to first use the SQLToXML run time library to generate one, then modify it to supply new values for update.
66, Regex are acquired directly from the operating system bypassing the C run time library.
67, A parameterized recordset lets you pass parameter information at run time.
68, Replaceability: OSGi permits a module to be shutdown and replaced at run time.
69, In each case, I ran a simple program that measured the run time of a loop calling a method 10,000,000 times, calling both a synchronized and an unsynchronized version, and compared the results.
70, In the studied case the event-discrete simulation can thus be used to simulate all statical combination of strategies at the junctions in a finite run time.
71, By default, it runs until native memory is exhausted; to make it finish, pass a run time in seconds as a command-line argument.
72, For example, the trace group "ChannelFrameworkService" traces both the channel framework component code,[] as well as the run time code that interacts with the channel framework.
73, Process control block may contain the following information : process, and priority number, the need to run time, has taken the CPU time, the process of the state and so on.
74, A total of 28 suitable biochemical markers were screened out as regular genetic monitoring for Meriones Unguiculataus, and appropriate tissue, run time and voltage of electrophoresis were determined.
75, Have instrumentation on the messaging network to capture run time traffic statistics and reconcile the actual numbers back to the estimates the development team provided prior to implementation.
76, If the team's delivery schedule is restricted to J2EE 1.2 deliverables, they could feasibly use WebSphere Studio V4.0 long after the run time environment has been upgraded.
77, With the Java language, you can load a class at run time, find a method through reflection, identify the correct parameter set for the method, and then execute that method.
78, But with a string expression, there's no strong typing and that query expression doesn't get resolved until run time, which means that you won't discover problems until then.
79, The library requires no browser-side run time plug-ins and runs natively on all major browsers.
80, You do not have to do anything else to get your application to connect to the database at run time(), which is often a complex and error-prone task.
81, The logic is primarily based on filtering rules that may be applied on the message content, message header, service requester, and so on to decide the best service provider at run time.
82, Specifies if a Form window is minimized or maximized at run time.
83, Instead of manually changing the property weight in each object map or recapturing the object, you can change the object-property weight during run time.
84, We like standards because they make developing service requesters and providers a lot simpler and faster, given the tooling and run time support that exist for the standards.
85, Figure 1 shows the Enterprise Service Bus as a run time pattern, which is included in the IBM Patterns for e-business.
86, This structure is known as a fixed hierarchical topology, and the sequence in which the hierarchy is traversed is often determined at run time by either the application or the user.
87, Packaging the shared variable pool for dynamic library, achieved dynamically loaded at run time, design of the reusable and extensible shared memory pool.
88, The relationship between the sampling interval and the performance of control charts was analyzed using the average run time as a comparison standard.
89, The values of entity key properties must uniquely identify an entity type instance within an entity set at run time.
90, This dynamic run time provisioning model helps improve startup time as well as memory consumption of the application server.
91, Unlike conventional deserializers, the custom binders do not rely on the low-level parsing events such as Simple API for XML (SAX) events from the run time system to build the Java object.
92, Formatter sinks use sink configuration properties to configure the channel at run time.
93, The interface of choice is the C run time routines, as opposed to WIN32 APIs, and routines conforming to Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) threads for simplicity and clarity.
93, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
94, Thus, a single development integration run time environment needs to support a large number of cells or there needs to be multiple environments.
95, In this case, the selection of the destination and the routing both occur per-message at run time.
96, There are other Win32 APIs that you can use to create a thread but, moving forward, you are dealing only with C run time library functions.
97, We can easily customize the core logic of these applications during configuration time, or even dynamically modify it during run time.
98, Superclass methods -- no additional instance needed at run time.
99, Almost all JMS providers employ different wild-card characters, making it tough to uniformly define the topic names at run time.
100, Instead, the run time system first renders the incoming SOAP message into an appropriate SOAPElement and then passes it to the custom binder for further rendering.
101, Recall from the last article that def scaffold tells Grails to create the basic list(), save(), and edit() methods dynamically at run time.




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