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- 太史公》鉴赏
- 太史公》鉴赏
- 太史公》鉴赏
- 太史公》鉴赏
- 太史公学天官于唐都[1],受《易》于杨何[2],习道论于黄子[3].》鉴赏
- 太史公既掌天官,不治民.》鉴赏
- 太史公曰[1]:“先人有言》鉴赏
- 太史公曰[1]:》鉴赏
- 太史公曰[1]:》鉴赏
- 太史公曰[1]:吴王之王[2],由父省也[3].》鉴赏
- 太史公自序》简析
- 太史公自序》鉴赏
- 太史公自序》鉴赏
- 太史公自序》鉴赏
- 太后亚他利雅篡位》原文与赏析
- 太和中发出,金石可穿,何况民物,有不孚格者乎?
- 太和之气虽贯彻于四时,然炎徼以南常热,朔方以北常寒,姑无论。只以中土言之,纯然暄燠而无一毫寒凉之气者,惟是五月半后、八月半前九十日耳。中间亦有夜用夹绵时。至七月而暑已处,八月而白露零,九月寒露霜降,亥子丑寅其寒无俟言矣。二三月后犹未脱绵,谷雨以后始得断霜。四月已夏,犹谓清和,大都严肃之气岁常十八。而草木二月萌芽,十月犹有生意,乃生育长养不专在于暄燠,而严肃之中,正所以操纵冲和之机者也。圣人之为政也
- 太和在我,则天地在我,何动不臧,何往不得?
- 太和正音谱
- 太和正音谱》简介介绍
- 太在乎,就越容易失去
- 太在意别人,就会丧失自我
- 太在意外表,反而会成为负担
- 太多的顾虑,会让你无法专注幸福
- 太学寄梦龄昌龄弟
- Glucan
- Nuclear physicist
- Coronae
- Accident damage
- Bonding pad
- Bottom layer
- Enophthalmos
- Overvoltage
- Bottling plant
- Vacuolar
- Sumatran
- Off-and-on
- Proteinic
- Fine-toothed comb
- not be any the wiser
- not be a patch on
- not be a patch on sb
- not be a patch on somebody
- not be a patch on somebody/something
- not be a patch on something
- not be a patch on sth
- not be as black as you are painted
- not be averse to
- not be averse to something
- not be averse to sth
- not be beyond the wit of
- not be beyond the wit of sb
- not be beyond the wit of somebody
- not be carved/etched in stone