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单词 woodwork
释义  Related topics: Crafts, Housewood·work /ˈwʊdwɜːk $ -wɜːrk/ noun [uncountable]  1. woodwork British English, woodworking American English /ˈwʊdwɜːkɪŋ $ -ɜːr-/TIC the skill or activity of making wooden objects 木工手艺;木工活 → carpentry →4  See picture of 见图 HANDICRAFT2. DHHthe parts of a house or room that are made of wood 〔房屋或房间的〕木建部分3. crawl/come out of the woodwork APPEARif someone crawls out of the woodwork, they suddenly and unexpectedly appear in order to take advantage of a situation, express their opinion etc – used to show disapproval 〔为得到好处、发表意见等而〕突然冒出来,突然露面〔含贬义〕4. fade/blend into the woodwork to seem to disappear, or to behave in such a way that no one notices you 销声匿迹 —woodworker noun [countable]Examples from the Corpuswoodwork• Six years ago she had begun stripping the blackened and crazed varnish off the interior woodwork.• The interior woodwork had been stripped bare.• We did a lot of woodwork at the school because they didn't think we could deal with books.• Sooner or later he would emerge from the woodwork and proceed to make a bearable situation unbearable.• The guy does know how to blend into the woodwork.• Maybe the next Hootie, or preferably the next Alanis, will pop out of the woodwork as well.• Inside were the known rooms, the woodwork that loved fingers had worn and polished.• He'd given up woodwork, having driven a splinter through his thumbnail.wood·work nounChineseSyllable   skill wooden making activity Corpus or objects of the




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