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单词 witty
释义  wit·ty /ˈwɪti/ ●○○ adjective  FUNNYusing words in a clever and amusing way 说话风趣的;妙趣横生的 witty remarks 妙语 Laura’s very witty. 劳拉谈吐很风趣。► see thesaurus at funny —wittily adverb —wittiness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpuswitty• Sam is intelligent, witty, and great fun to be with.• His collection was warm and witty and, to my layman's eye, wonderful.• Raymond was witty and unusual and from time to time he was invited to drink coffee at the artists' cafés.• Both depictions, as laconic and witty as Degas can be, show Cassatt engaged in passive and typically feminine pastimes.• He was charming and witty, but, although Caroline was polite, she offered no encouragement.• Seibel has exclusive rights to play the late, witty illustrator, and comes to Tucson as part of a national tour.• He is outspoken, witty, occasionally vulgar, and when he smiles his whole face lights up.• I enjoyed the play - it had a clever plot and a very witty script.• a witty speaker• Almodovar's dialogue is witty, the plot effortlessly intricate, and the boys wonderfully wicked.• Sammler, especially when greatly irritated or provoked when he felt galled, said witty things.wit·ty adjectiveChineseSyllable  using Corpus way clever and words amusing a in




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